The pizza more and ham, Call now for all "Pizza Mimosa"Involves the use of three simple ingredients: The more, ham and put Cooking.

And a classical variant of the usual pizza and if you have not already done, you should definitely taste it. The recipe to make at home, is very simple, a bit 'like all the recipes that we propose.
Mimosa Recipe Of Pizza Pizza or Corn and Ham
For the preparation of three corn pizza or if you prefer "Mimosa" you'll need:
500 grams of flour type 0
5 grams of yeast
250 ml of warm water
50 grams extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon of salt
1 sugar
2 packages of cream
2 cans of corn

We prepare the dough:
Take a container and pour water, scioglieteci baking powder and add the flour,oil and sugar, started to mix, then add the salt. Knead the dough until it has taken on a compact, soft and elastic.
Divide the dough into 3 balls, cover them well and let rise for about an hour. When the volume of the dough has doubled, roll out the dough with your fingers or using the rolling pin to 3 thin discs of dough, diameter 28/30 cm.

The dressing:
Pour the cream on the disks of dough, with a spoon and place it evenly on the surface of the pizzas( in the same way of the tomato).
Add the ham cubes, or if you prefer to divide the slices into small pieces, add the corn and beans, taking care to drain well the water in the jar.
Bring your oven at a temperature of 200/250 degrees and when it is hot bake your pizzas.
After 10/15 minutes check the doneness of your pizzas, if the board is completely golden, you can crank out your pizza mimosa.
Add a few leaves of fresh basil and serve hot.

How to prepare your home pizza corn? Give your recipe in the comments on this page.
If you want to know more on corn have a look at wikipedia.