The term “pizzeria” It is used to indicate several different types of business where the pizza is prepared.
Pizzeria / restaurant, Pizzeria to the cut or takeaway, pizza delivery at home, big fast food chains.
There are other places where it can be consumed pizza: the Rosticcerie, bakeries,. the gastronomy, hypermarkets.
Pizzeria Commercial Activity Trend: The pizzeria / restaurant
The term pizzeria, It is indicated a particular type of restaurant, which serves mainly pizza, trousers, buns and various fried. In the pizzerias you can find other types of food as at any restaurant, guests are served at the table and choose from a menu.
In addition to these local chef is a pizza maker in charge of the oven and the baking of pizzas.
Pizzerias offer the pizza always round up to the plate, so you can decide how much, except in some local, where you can choose between different sizes (small-medium-large). Some pizzerias offer the service of take away, and special containers are used cardboard with which the customer carries the pizza at home.
Some traditional pizzerias, besides the pizza dish, They offer pizza booklet, a small pizza folded in wallet, wrapped with paper food, to be consumed in road.
Pizzeria Commercial Activity Trend: The pizza slices and takeaway
Much like a diner, this type of pizzeria has a counter suitable for sale, where the pizza maker exposes different kinds of pizza whole or in slices, consumable on site or takeaway. In these cases, the customer, It has the possibility to decide both the type of pizza to buy that quantity, the price can vary depending on the weight or size of the piece of pizza.
In these local, It is often associated with the sale of beverages and food packaged. Often you can find tables and benches where you can have products purchased, but always in self-service.

Pizzeria Commercial Activity Trend: Pizzerias home
Widespread in big cities, this type of exercise provides for the sale of pizzas delivered to residence. To advertise these activities spread flyers with their menu and prices in the surrounding areas. On account of the pizzas it is often added some € for the costs of delivery. Deliveries are made by the various portapizza circulating on mopeds which are installed special bins that keep the pizzas warm thermos.

Pizzeria Commercial Activity Trend: Large chains of Fast Food
There are large fast food chains that offer the chance to eat pizza with a lot of speed and ease, which is typical of these local. In Italy the fast food chain most famous pizza is called “Spizzico“, while the United States is one of the largest chains Pizza Hut.
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