Pizza Dessert Philadelphia e Macedonia. With the climate really summer these days due to the African all'anticiclone called “Caronte”, many customers rather than give the usual pizza that besides being a fabulous single dish is also the basis of our healthy Mediterranean diet, many customers are constantly in search of restaurant menus and pizza for an alternative to just classic and hot steaming pizza baked.

As for the pasta, the arrival of the warm season turns many tasty dishes in dishes “cold” as in the case of rice salad or the classical cold pasta salads, Also our pizza undergoes transformations. In addition to the high demand Pizza “Caprese” made on the basis of a cake to which are added tomato and sliced mozzarella, seasoned with extra virgin olive oil, oregano, salt and a few leaves of fresh basil inevitable, There is another pizza by the exquisite taste that you can prepare to amaze your lucky guests who are coming to dinner at your house.
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Pizza Dessert Philadelphia e Macedonia
in our practical training as a pizza maker at our school pizza, Always prepare this summer pizza. E’ easy to implement and it will be easy to prepare at home following the video that was made by our students pizzaioli.
The ingredients to make this pizza can be found anywhere, in any small or large supermarket that is.
Fresh fruit salad strictly prepared with seasonal fruit and a box of philadelphia.
Pizza Dessert Philadelphia e Macedonia
Wash the fruit, sbucciatela and cut into cubes. Pour it into a container and let rest in the refrigerator. Personally I do not add to the fruit sugar or lemon juice as it will go to abbinarsi with philadelphia cheese.

Roll out the pizza dough to form of discs with a diameter of 28 cm. Practiced on the pizza pressure with your fingers in several places to prevent swelling during baking in the oven. Add a pinch of salt on the surface and bake in your oven preheated to a temperature of 300 degrees.
The cooking time can vary from oven to oven, but it will be about 3 minutes. When the surface of the pizza reaches a nice golden color, the oven and wait a few minutes for it to cool down.
Now spread a generous layer of soft cheese philadelphia.
Add the previously prepared fresh fruit salad, some red cherry to give the right touch of color to your pizza.

Cut into wedges and serve it to your guests.
Follow carefully the following video.
For all those who need help to prepare the pizza, We remind you that on our website we have prepared for the less experienced good guides extremely easy to follow:
Shopping Guide of the perfect meal to prepare pizza at home
The manual preparation of the pizza balls
The next recipe!!
People of pizza lovers to you the word!!
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