Pizza With Tomatoes Recipe Pillow and scamorza

Pizza With Tomatoes Recipe Pillow and scamorza

Pizza With Tomatoes Recipe Pillow and scamorza. This week has been subscribed to our Professional training course in our school of Italian pizza Mr.. Jorge, who is from Chile. Despite the heat that makes it harder to work in front of the wood stove Jorge he is preparing lots of pizzas. Should definitely practice, since his return to open his own pizzeria.

All students who attend our practical courses They are receiving a very good preparation and are able easily to open his own pizzeria at the end of the course.

Pizza With Tomatoes Recipe Pillow and scamorza
Pizza With Tomatoes Recipe Pillow and scamorza

Pizza With Tomatoes Recipe Pillow and scamorza

The delicious pizza we have prepared today, It is a classic pizza and refreshing. It is a pizza with cherry tomatoes seasoned with bacon and slices of tasty scamorza cheese.

To prepare this pizza we used a mixture with behind 48 hours of maturation.

Pizza With Tomatoes Recipe Pillow and scamorza
Pizza With Tomatoes Recipe Pillow and scamorza

Pizza With Tomatoes Recipe Pillow and scamorza

It is a very simple pizza to prepare and if you should wish to prepare it at home we have included to help the video of the preparation.


Pizza With Tomatoes Recipe Pillow and scamorza

I remind all those who constantly follow my blog you can sign up for one of my Professional practical courses to become a pizza maker at any time of the year, since our school organizes courses every week.

You can find all the information about our courses at this link.

But here you will find the calendar of upcoming courses of pizza programming in the coming months.

Pizza With Tomatoes Recipe Pillow and scamorza

Now to our fantastic During pizza online. It is available here and you can follow it from the comfort of your home sofa.

Finally I remind you that it is available for download my latest book called: NOT ONLY PIZZA - What should be on the menu every pizzeria. Get it here.

See you again in a few days and if you have some spare minute visit my youtube channel contains more than 300 Video recipes of pizza prepared by the students of our school pizza.


See you soon

Silvio Cicchi


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