Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza. And, It happened again, You will not believe, but there's still those who insist on wanting prepare pizza exclusively with the yeast, even making a mess on the name, calling “Sourdough”. I was invited to dinner with friends and friendly hostess has prepared his specialty: Pizza with his staff sourdough! Logically the yeast (natural) He does not respond with force in the same way of the yeast, that, for the uninitiated, Also it is natural, then, We had dinner with a pizza absolutely unleavened.

But what is this blessed yeast? We do a bit of clarity saying: The brewer's yeast is not some chemical thing prepared illegally in some clandestine laboratory in a makeshift garage somewhere drug dealer.
garage and nothing pushers nothing, I'm sorry for you, the yeast is formed by colonies of a microorganism named Saccharomyces cerevisiae which is obtained by fermentation and did multiply. Washed and dried and gives life to the dry yeast, sold fresh in cubes gives life to the classic yeast that we find at the supermarket.
All this opening speech to finally get to the dried sour dough.

Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza
The dried sourdough is a powder that is added in bakery products in small percentages to improve the sensory characteristics of the product.
The structure of the bacteria and yeast that are present in the sourdough are very resistant all'essiccatura, then in the preparation of sour dough there is a complete deactivation of the yeast, for this reason when dried completely it loses its power fermentative. So dear friends, not just the simple addition of dried sourdough, but we must always add the yeast so that our yeast dough.
Why do you use the dried sour dough?
As with the classic leavened with the yeast you are obtained a mainly alcoholic fermentation with the production of a few different metabolites that are responsible for the aroma and flavor, adding the acid dried pasta dough, we will obtain a lactic and acetic fermentation also. This makes it better preserve the product, its aroma and its flavor.

Sour Dried Pasta and Pizza
And the pizza dough?
The pizza is a product that should not be stored for a long, on the contrary, the opposite is true, It should be eaten still hot, the smells and the flavors are prevailing data from the ingredients on the pizza, therefore all the possible benefits of dried sourdough do not apply to our beloved pizza.
Maybe dough bread……perhaps… any technician in the field with a good “nose” It may feel some difference.
If it's pizza we want to talk, used strong flour, brewer's yeast, long rising in the refrigerator, few ingredients and good!! Just invite people to your home just to settle your “mother dough”, use it for bread, not for a good pizza! they are angry, I ate a pizza unleavened, It is absolutely not come to maturation, Rusk because cooked at very low temperatures and I had to get up twice during the night to drink water.
I asked the friendly hostess to subscribe to one of our professional pizzaiolo courses at our School Pizza. It also happens to you sometimes to make pizza for your guests so “disastrous”? Subscribe to our professional course of pizza ONLINE, you will learn everything there is to know about pizza and you will become an expert pizza maker in no time. For more information, click here.
The next time you decide to make pizza at home, starts in the right way, before buying the flour for the dough, carefully read our guide to the flour for pizza, click here to know which one to buy flour.
Add this site to your “Bookmarks”, It will be useful the next time you decide to make pizza for your guests at your house. More than 200 recipes of pizza at your disposal, how to make a perfect mix, the drafting of pizza, cooking and many videos at your disposal.