Garlic Flavored Oil to On Pizza. How can we forget the oil flavored with garlic!! I'll never forget the first trouble I've done in a pizzeria in my long career as a pizza maker (40 age). My maestro “Gennaro” He had carefully prepared the oil flavored with garlic, secretly he added a teaspoon of all pizzas churning wisely. As soon as I set foot in a pizzeria, its first recommendation I suggested, It has been to keep always clean the workbench. I…I stupidly threw the garlic oil precious thinking that something had accidentally fallen into the oil jar!
He had a strange way to make myself understood when I did something wrong, He pulled the great “kick your ass”, and…that day… I have a lot of data. Since then I realized the importance of the oil flavored with garlic in a pizzeria.

Garlic Flavored Oil On Pizza
today after 40 age, yet I prepare my oil flavored with garlic, well in advance, to avoid the risk of running out, and, I put it out with all the new students that come in my School pizzaioli that that jar from valuable content, It must never be thrown!!!
The scent that gives the garlic oil to a freshly baked pizza is something unique and unparalleled.
With this simple recipe you can also prepare you at home or in your business.

Garlic Flavored Oil to On Pizza
Half a liter of extra virgin olive oil (what good)
6 cloves of garlic pinafores (deprived of the cuticle)
An herb spoon (rosemary, oregano, sage and chilli finely chopped)
Wash and dry carefully a glass jar with airtight lid.
Pour inside the six garlic cloves pinafores crushing them lightly with the palm of your hand.
Add the mix of herbs and cover with extra virgin olive oil.
tightly close the lid and let stand the jar in a dark place of your pantry for twenty days.
Avoid the oxidation of the product by exposing it to light.
After twenty days, adequate filtering the content and … soon.
Enjoy it on the dough, on bruschetta, on pizza and your buns.
In addition to enhance the flavor of your dishes and your pizzas, garlic oil possesses other important beneficial properties:
It helps the immune system
Useful in cancer prevention
Check your cholesterol and protects our heart
Very effective in combat and eliminate dandruff
A useful remedy for toothache
Useful remedy to treat ear infections
Useful to reduce acne

If you want to learn more about garlic you can consult wikipedia clicking this link.
By the way, what aspects to click on G + and then share it on your Facebook wall? 😉 (The so technical articles are of great help for those who make pizza at home or in their own business!)
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Silvio Cicchi Executive Chef Pizza