La Focaccia With Figs Recipe

La Focaccia With Figs Recipe

La Focaccia With Figs Recipe. There's nothing better than a good focaccia with "figs”. Unfortunately to get a meal of figs you have to be lucky and live in the country. Unfortunately despite technologies combined with goodwill, figs that are available in supermarkets in the plastic tubs are not that great, They are picked unripe and when we buy them often have an unpleasant taste. Let me tell, a good bellyful of figs it can be done only by climbing on a plant and .... come accade per l’erba del vicino che è sempre più verde, anche nel caso dei fichi…quelli dell’albero del vicino sono sempre più buoni 🙂

Crescono anche spontaneamente sui vecchi muri sono piante molto resistenti al freddo all’arrivo della primavera è già possibile trovare in commercio le prime varietà precoci e si possono acquistare al mercato fino ad autunno inoltrato.

La Focaccia With Figs Recipe
La Focaccia With Figs Recipe

La Focaccia With Figs Recipe

Questa settimana abbiamo ospite della nostra School pizzaioli James che si è iscritto al nostro professional training course. James comes from London and later this year will open its pizza takeaway. On the way of work every morning I run into a huge fig tree and often I stop to collect a handful of figs spreads above the first focaccia that we prepare in the morning during the Our practical courses.

For an Englishman is a different breakfast from the classic eggs bacon sausages and toast, but I noticed that it is much appreciated equally.

La Focaccia With Figs Recipe
La Focaccia With Figs Recipe

La Focaccia With Figs Recipe

To prepare a good focaccia with figs you need a few tips: It is important to give a little 'thick to our focaccia, Altina slightly better than thin and scorched. One supported in the past to one of our workshops is well aware of the process to get this type of focaccia, but for those at the beginning of the career pizzaiolo, we recommend the use of a strong flour, a long maturation in the cold and successful proving to follow. Only in this way it is possible to obtain a fragrant focaccia to its exterior and soft and well honeycombed inside.

Below you can watch the video of James during the preparation of the "focaccia with figs" in the laboratories of our School pizzaioli.


La Focaccia With Figs Recipe

Has it ever occurred to you to learn the art of making pizzas? just so, we are talking of an art, not a common work. Subscribe to one of our professional courses at our school pizza, become a professional pizza chef. There are lots of job applications-paying for those familiar with this type of use. If you want more information, click on this link.

On this page you will find the calendar of upcoming courses professional pizza maker in programming in our school. They are individual courses, no group. Select the week that you are available and reserve your course of Pizzaiolo.

La Focaccia With Figs Recipe

We also arrived today to the space reserved for greetings, I wanted to quickly remind some useful links that you can find on my website dedicated to pizza:

Here more than they are available 300 pizza recipes freely available. Add this site to your favorites, It will be useful the next time we will prepare the pizza to your door.

At this link you will find all the information regarding the professional courses at our school in pizza.

The calendar of upcoming courses scheduled

You do not always have the availability and the resources to participate in a training course at our school, This is why we have made available to all a fantastic During pizzaiolo ONLINE. Clear, simple and affordable for everyone. Perform download to your pc or mobile phone and access the course at any time of the day, at the bus stop, while traveling by train, or directly from your sofa at home, trovi tutte le informazioni sul of pizza online course here.

Da diversi anni ormai pubblichiamo tutte le video ricette di pizza preparate dagli allievi della nostra scuola pizzaioli sul nostro canale video di YouTube


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