Tag Archives: sourdough

Pizza with Mozzarella and grilled potatoes

Pizza with Mozzarella and grilled potatoes

Pizza with Mozzarella and grilled potatoes.

Introduction: Pizza is one of the most loved dishes in the world, and its versatility allows for endless combinations of ingredients to suit every taste. One of the most delicious combinations is definitely pizza with mozzarella and grilled potatoes. In this article, we will comment on a video of a student of the pizza school preparing this tasty pizza and we invite you to discover our professional practical courses to learn pizza preparation techniques.

The points that will be covered are listed below:

  1. Introduction to pizza with mozzarella and grilled potatoes.
  2. Comment to the video of a student of the school of pizza making this pizza.
  3. The choice of ingredients and the quality of the mozzarella.
  4. Preparation of the pizza base.
  5. Cooking the grilled potatoes.
  6. The assembly of the ingredients on the pizza.
  7. Tips for getting a perfect pizza.
  8. The benefits of following professional practical courses of pizza maker.
  9. The contents of our professional practical courses for pizza chefs.
  10. I invite you to enroll in our professional practical courses.

Introduction to pizza with mozzarella and grilled potatoes: Pizza with mozzarella and grilled potatoes is a combination of classic and tasty flavors. The aroma and creamy texture of the mozzarella go perfectly with the smoky taste of the grilled potatoes, creating an explosion of flavors in your palate.

Comment to the video of a student of the school of pizza making this pizza: In the video, the student of the school of pizza chefs demonstrates great skill in the preparation of pizza with mozzarella and grilled potatoes. His skill in handling dough, spreading it with precision and uniformity, it is noteworthy. In addition to, his technique of adding ingredients in a balanced and decorative way highlights his attention to detail.


The choice of ingredients and the quality of the mozzarella: To obtain a high quality pizza with mozzarella and grilled potatoes, it is essential to choose fresh and top quality ingredients. Mozzarella should be fresh and of excellent quality, preferably of buffalo, to ensure a creamy texture and rich flavor.

Preparation of the pizza base: The pizza base is a crucial element in achieving a perfect crust. Pasta must be prepared with care, using high quality flour, water, yeast and salt. It is important to knead well to an elastic consistency and allow it to rise appropriately to ensure a light and fluffy base.

Cooking the grilled potatoes: The grilled potatoes give a smoky taste and crunchy texture to the pizza. For perfect grilled potatoes, it is advisable to cut them into thin slices and grill them on a hot plate or grill. This process gives them a unique flavor and crunchy texture on the outside, while they remain soft and creamy inside.

The assembly of the ingredients on the pizza: Once the pizza base is ready and the potatoes have been grilled, It's time to assemble the ingredients. The fresh mozzarella is spread evenly over the pizza base, followed by the grilled potatoes. You can also enrich the pizza with a touch of olive oil, sale, pepper and other spices to your taste.

Tips for getting a perfect pizza: To obtain a perfect pizza with mozzarella and grilled potatoes, here are some helpful tips. Make sure you preheat your oven correctly for even cooking and a crispy crust. Watch the cooking time carefully to prevent the pizza from burning or remaining raw. In addition to, you can experiment with adding other ingredients such as herbs, bacon or onions to further customize your dish.

The benefits of following practical professional pizzaiolo courses: If you are passionate about pizza and want to learn the professional techniques to prepare delicious pizzas, follow practical professional pizzaiolo courses can be extremely beneficial. These courses offer you the opportunity to learn from experts in the field, acquire practical skills and learn about the latest trends in the world of pizza.

The contents of our practical professional pizzaiolo courses: Our professional practical pizza maker courses are designed to provide a complete and detailed training. You will learn dough preparation techniques, yeast management, the art of rolling out pasta, the choice and combination of ingredients, the different cooking techniques and much more. In addition to, you will have the opportunity to put your knowledge into practice in a professional environment.

Invitation to enroll in our professional practical courses: If you are passionate about pizza and want to become an expert pizza maker, we invite you to enroll in our professional practical courses. You will have the opportunity to learn from master pizza makers, discover secrets and tricks of the trade and develop your cooking skills. Don't miss this opportunity to turn your passion for pizza into a rewarding career.

Conclusions: Pizza with mozzarella and grilled potatoes is a tasty combination that will satisfy the most demanding palates. Its preparation requires attention to detail and the use of high quality ingredients. In the commented video, the student of the school of pizza chefs has demonstrated skill and mastery in the creation of this delicious pizza.

If you want to learn the professional techniques to prepare pizza with mastery, we advise you to enroll in our professional practical pizza maker courses. Our courses offer a complete experience, providing detailed training on the various stages of pizza preparation, from the creation of the dough to the choice of ingredients, until cooked perfectly.

You will learn the secrets to get a soft and fluffy base, the correct combination of flavors between mozzarella and grilled potatoes and all the precautions for impeccable cooking. Our expert instructors will guide you step by step, sharing their knowledge and offering valuable practical advice.

our practical professional pizzaiolo courses they offer you the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills to work in a professional environment. You will be able to put your skills into practice during practical sessions, learning to face real challenges and constantly improving your skills.

In addition to, pizza is a food loved all over the world and working as a pizza chef can offer numerous career opportunities. With our professional practical course of pizza maker, you will be able to access different job opportunities, like restaurants, pizzerias, catering and even the possibility of opening your own establishment.

Don't let your passion for pizza remain just a hobby. Sign up for our professional practical pizza maker courses and turn your passion into a rewarding career. Discover the secret techniques of the master pizza makers and bring the joy of pizza to people all over the world.

Don't miss this unique opportunity. Sign up for our professional practical pizza maker courses and start your journey towards success in the world of pizza. Get ready to captivate people's palates with delicious pizza with mozzarella and grilled potatoes and create memorable dining experiences.


Silvio Cicchi

Visit and subscribe to my Youtube channel

Sourdough how to grow it and use it

Sourdough how to grow it and use it

Yeast: guide to cultivation and use. Mother yeast is a fundamental ingredient in bread-making, capable of giving the preparations a unique flavor and a soft and fragrant consistency. Growing your own sourdough is not difficult, but it requires attention and dedication. In this article we will explain how to grow it and use it to the fullest.

here are the 10 points we will cover:

What is mother yeast and what are its health benefits.

How to grow mother yeast at home.

What are the ingredients necessary for the cultivation of sourdough.

What are the phases of the cultivation of sourdough.

How to store sourdough.

How to use sourdough in baking.

The differences between sourdough and brewer's yeast.

The most common recipes that use sourdough.

How to solve the most common problems in the cultivation and use of sourdough.

Why enroll in our professional practical courses on baking.

What is mother yeast and what are its health benefits.

Mother yeast is a natural yeast obtained from the fermentation of water and flour. Thanks to the presence of lactic acid bacteria, mother yeast is able to give the preparations a unique flavor and a soft and fragrant texture. In addition to, sourdough is much more digestible than brewer's yeast and also contains probiotics beneficial to the intestine.

How to grow mother yeast at home.

Growing sourdough at home is quite simple. First of all, it is necessary to prepare a dough with water and flour. Subsequently, the dough should be left at room temperature for a few hours, so that fermentation begins. In this period, bubbles will form on the surface of the dough, a sign that the sourdough is forming. After about 24 hours, proceed to refresh the dough by adding water and fresh flour. This process should be repeated every day for about a week, until the mother yeast is ready to be used.

What are the ingredients necessary for the cultivation of sourdough.

Only two ingredients are needed for the cultivation of sourdough: water and flour. It is recommended to use non-chlorinated water and durum or wholemeal flour, which contain a higher quantity of lactic acid bacteria. You can also use flour from other cereals, such as rye or spelled, to obtain a sourdough with different organoleptic characteristics.

What are the phases of the cultivation of sourdough.

The cultivation of mother yeast takes place in several stages:

Preparation stage: a dough is prepared with water and flour and left at room temperature for a few hours to start fermentation.

Refreshment stage: water and fresh flour are added to the fermented dough and left again at room temperature for a few hours.

Repeat phase: the refresh process is repeated every day for about a week, until the mother yeast is ready to be used.

Conservation stage: the sourdough is stored in the refrigerator and fed with water and fresh flour every week or two.

How to store sourdough.

Mother yeast is kept in the refrigerator, in a glass or plastic container with a lid. Mother yeast should be fed with water and fresh flour every week or two, depending on the quantity of sourdough present in the container. If you do not use the sourdough starter for an extended period, it is advisable to refresh it before use.

How to use sourdough in baking.

Mother yeast can be used as the main ingredient or as an adjuvant in bread-making. Thanks to its ability to ferment slowly, the sourdough gives the preparations a unique flavor and a soft and fragrant texture. Sourdough can be used to make bread, pizza, cake, brioches and many other baked goods.

The differences between sourdough and brewer's yeast.

Sourdough and brewer's yeast are two different ingredients. Brewer's yeast is a selected yeast, which ferments quickly and gives preparations a neutral flavor. Yeast, instead, it is a natural leaven, which ferments slowly and gives the preparations a unique flavor and a soft and fragrant texture.

The most common recipes that use sourdough.

Mother yeast is used in many bread recipes. Among the most common we find:

Pane: sourdough bread is soft and fragrant. Bread can be prepared with wholemeal sourdough or other cereal flours.

Pizza: sourdough pizza has a unique flavor and a soft texture. You can prepare pizza with wholemeal sourdough or other cereal flours.

Cake: the focaccia with sourdough is soft and fragrant. The focaccia can be prepared with wholemeal sourdough or other cereal flours.

buns: the brioches with sourdough are soft and fragrant. You can prepare the buns with wholemeal sourdough or other cereal flours.

The health benefits of mother yeast.

Sourdough has numerous health benefits, among which:

Improved digestion: sourdough helps to better digest gluten and complex carbohydrates.

Improving the immune system: sourdough contains beneficial bacteria that can help boost your immune system.

Blood sugar control: sourdough can help control blood sugar levels, thanks to the presence of lactic acid.

Nutrient absorption: sourdough helps to improve the absorption of vitamins and minerals present in food.

The call to professional practical courses.

If you are interested in learning how to grow and use sourdough professionally, we recommend that you enroll in our professional practical courses. Our teachers are experienced baking professionals and will teach you everything you need to know to become an expert bread maker, pizza, cake, brioches and many other baked goods. Our courses are suitable for anyone, whether you are a beginner or a pro. In addition to, thanks to the online teaching method, you can follow the lessons from the comfort of your home, without having to move. Subscribe to Our professional practical courses and discover all the secrets of baking with sourdough!

In conclusion, sourdough is a versatile and healthy ingredient that can give a unique flavor and a soft and fragrant texture to many baked goods. Growing sourdough is easy and only takes a while’ of patience and perseverance. Using sourdough in baking can enrich the taste of our baked goods and bring many health benefits. If you are interested in becoming an expert in the preparation of baked goods with sourdough, subscribe to Our professional practical courses and discover all the secrets of baking!


Silvio Cicchi

Visit and subscribe to my Youtube channel