Gluten-free pizza recipe
For the realization of this recipe we must adhere to strict rules: Use ingredients strictly gluten. For all those who wish to learn more is available in the network AIC website(Italian Celiac Association) to better understand what foods are allowed and specific brands to use. In addition to all this, you will have to do a lot of attention so that the tools we're going to use, worktops, and all that surrounds us, is not contaminated with ingredients that contain gluten.

Gluten-free pizza recipe
We will prepare this recipe with rice flour and cornstarch, that are gluten-free products. We will obtain a product very similar to that prepared with wheat flour, crisp on the outside and soft on the inside, a bit 'rusk because the rice flour and corn starch in fact do not have the same properties of elasticity than the tender wheat, but it will be both tasty. No one should be deprived of this delicious product.
To prepare the dough for 4 pizzas you'll need:
Rice flour 700 grams
Di more starch 500 grams
Water 700 ml
Sale 20-30 gr
Brewer's yeast 15 gr
Olive oil 4 spoons
Honey 2 spoons
For the preparation, follow the method of 'classic dough and left fallow (rising) for about 2 hours or until doubled in volume.
Cut the dough leavened in 4 shares, spianatelo in 4 round containers for bakery, the obtained mixture may be sticky, then you can help in this anointing the fingertips of your hands. After the drafting of the balls, helping with a brush sprinkle with a little 'oil surfaces and let the dough rise for other 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, pizzas topped with ingredients to taste (allowed) and bake for 10 minutes or until the edge prove to be perfectly golden.
Serve hot and enjoy your meal.