Today's recipe is perfect for carnival, The pizza Nutella Strawberries and M&M with your fancy you can offer in the many opportunities, already, because they are not only children to like this type of pizza, but adults are crazy.

In the category of "dessert pizza" pizza with Nutella Strawberries and M&M is certainly the most request, are many customers of restaurants and pizzerias that after a meal choose this particular dessert, as are lots of moms, that at birthday parties at home often prepare for their children this beloved pizza.
The pizza nutella strawberries and m&m is quite easy to do at home. All the ingredients for its preparation are readily available at any supermarket, in any season.
Its preparation, provides a flatbread pizza which is spread thin on the nutella, are added strawberries cut into wedges and finally is "softened" with delicious chocolate buttons colored M&M.

The preparation of the focaccia:
To prepare at home 4 pizza Nutella strawberries and M&M will need:
Flour type "0" 625 grams
Water 375 grams
Sale 15 grams
Yeast 2 grams
Sugar 10 grams
Oil 2-3 spoons
Take a container in which to prepare the dough, pour the warm water (20 degrees around) and scioglieteci in yeast, then add the extra virgin olive oil and sugar. Add the flour and begin to knead. Add the salt (as you know, the salt should never be placed in direct contact with the yeast) and go to work the dough with your hands until a homogeneous product, elastic and soft that will come off completely from your hands.
Divide the dough into 4 balls and leave to rest well covered for leavening, for an hour or until its volume will not be doubled.
Completed the leavening, proceed with drafting of the balls. For this type of pizza is preferable to use a rolling pin, so as to obtain a thickness of the pizza uniform, on which there will be easier to spread the nutella. After the drafting of the disks of dough, helping with a fork practiced holes along the surface of the disks, this will prevent the bulges during cooking. A pinch of salt, extra virgin olive oil and rosemary that will be removed once cooked.
Preheat your oven to very good 200/250 degrees and bake your pizzas.
In 10/15 minutes your pizzas will be ready, but always check that the edge is perfectly golden before turning out.
Freshly baked your pizzas, remove the rosemary and helping with a spoon spread a generous layer of Nutella. Cut strawberries into quarters and place them along the edge, sprinkle with buttons of M&M color and a splash of cream that goes perfectly with Nutella. Now comes the hard part of the recipe: Try to resist a taste before the guests!!

I can only wish you: Happy Carnival, Birthday or anniversary that is good!!!
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