Pizza and pop culture when pizza becomes the protagonist in films and TV series

Pizza and pop culture: when pizza becomes the protagonist in films and TV series

Hello friends! Today I want to talk about a topic that combines two of my great passions: pizza and pop culture. There is nothing better than relaxing on the sofa, watching a good movie or TV series, with a slice of steaming pizza in his hands. But have you ever noticed how often pizza becomes a real protagonist on the screen? Well yes, pizza is not just a delicious dish, but also an undisputed star of many memorable scenes. Ready to take a journey through dough, pizzerias and iconic moments from cinema and television? So make yourself comfortable and let's go!

Pizza in movies

“Mamma, I've missed the flight” (Home Alone)

Who among you doesn't remember little Kevin McCallister, left alone at home for Christmas, who treats himself to an evening of junk food, with a giant pizza all to himself? The scene where Kevin orders a double cheese margherita pizza has become a classic. Not only does it showcase her independent spirit, but it makes our mouths water with that perfectly golden pizza. Cooking pizza in the neighborhood pizzeria is a fundamental element of the scene, which makes everything even more authentic and appetizing.

“Saturday night fever” (Saturday Night Fever)

John Travolta, as Tony Manero, walking the streets of Brooklyn with two slices of pizza folded on top of each other, it's another unforgettable scene. This image went around the world and made that pizzeria a true place of pilgrimage for fans of the film. The preparation of the dough and the cooking of the pizza in a wood oven are details that make us understand how pizza is an integral part of Italian culture, even overseas.

“Eats, pray, or” (Eat Pray Love)

Julia Roberts, on her journey to discover herself, he finds himself in Naples, where you can enjoy a traditional margherita pizza. This scene not only celebrates the goodness of Neapolitan pizza, but it takes us inside a typical Italian pizzeria, where the preparation of the dough is an art handed down for generations. Julia's joy while biting into pizza is contagious and makes us want to book a flight to Italy immediately.

Pizza in TV series


Who can forget the evenings of the six most famous friends in New York, often accompanied by a nice pizza? The pizza shop “Joey's” becomes a gathering place where Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Joey and Phoebe relax and discuss their lives. The pizza is always there, ready to unite the group in moments of joy and difficulty. The simplicity of preparing dough and cooking pizza is the backdrop to many of their adventures, making the pizzeria almost a seventh protagonist of the series.

“The Big Bang Theory”

Even nerds have a passion for pizza! Sheldon, Leonard, Howard and Raj are often seen eating pizza while discussing quantum physics and comics. Pizza becomes a comfort food for these eccentric scientists, who find the local pizzeria the ideal place to relax and recharge their batteries. The ritual of preparing the dough and the perfect cooking of the pizza are elements that add a touch of normality to their extraordinary lives.

“Breaking Bad”

In “Breaking Bad”, one of the most iconic scenes is when Walter White throws a whole pizza onto the roof of his house. This scene has become so famous that the house used for filming has become something of a tourist attraction, with fans trying to replicate the gesture. Also here, pizza becomes a powerful symbol, representing Walter's frustration and desperation at a crucial moment in his transformation.

The magic of pizza: between tradition and innovation

Pizza is not just a food, but a true cultural phenomenon that crosses the boundaries of time and space. Its preparation, from the choice of ingredients to the processing of the dough, until cooked in the wood oven, it is a ritual that is passed down from generation to generation. Pizzerias are places of meeting and conviviality, where people come together to share moments of joy and relaxation.

If you too are passionate about pizza and want to discover all the secrets of its preparation, I invite you to sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. Our courses are designed for everyone, from beginners to experts, and will allow you to learn the traditional techniques of preparing dough and cooking pizza, directly from the best pizza masters.

And don't forget to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you will find more of 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. Each video is a journey into the world of pizza, among fresh ingredients, fragrant doughs and steaming ovens. An experience that will make you fall in love even more with this extraordinary dish.

Thanks for reading this post! See you soon for more culinary adventures.

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi