Pizza Capricciosa With Wholemeal. From 2015 When I wrote my article on how to prepare a Integral perfect pizza to date, It has spent just over a year, but many things have changed in the world of pizzeria. We are slowly rediscovering stà, to my delight, the use of wholemeal flour in the dough for pizza. This type of flour absorbs more water, giving a lighter pizza, crunchy and digestible than pizzas prepared with the classic dough. Almost all of my colleagues in the dough for pizza pizza makers add daily a small percentage of whole wheat flour. The prepared pizza with whole wheat flour buy fragrances and flavors forgotten over time.
Pizza Capricciosa With Wholemeal
sure, that, prepare a mixture exclusively with whole wheat flour is not a simple thing, certainly very difficult to achieve for those who ventured to knead at home, having little experience. Whole wheat flour, in addition to absorbing many liquids, It is high in protein and has an index of strength (The) very high, therefore it requires many hours of leavening in a refrigerator, before reaching maturation becoming digestible. I do not recommend anyone to prepare the dough for pizza exclusively with whole wheat flour, and let rise only a few hours, and then spread it to season it and bake. The result would be achieved, It would be more similar to a brick that of a pizza. To those who prepare the pizza at home and knead the morning and then have breakfast the evening for dinner, I suggest to add only a small percentage of whole wheat flour, not more than 10%.
For Professionals kneading daily his own pizzeria or restaurant, and, normally work with leavening of 24 the 48 hours, I recommend the addition of this type of integral prepared in their own dough. Your customers will appreciate much taste, the Parfums, the lightness and the fragrance of your pizzas.
Pizza Capricciosa With Wholemeal
Whole wheat flour absorbs more water mixture with which commonly work, unless you are absolutely expert, I advise you to carefully read the Driving to the flour for pizza that we have prepared to facilitate your task in the purchase of flour and implementation of pizzas.
In the preparation of the dough, if you add whole wheat flour, do not follow the doses indicated in the recipe of flour and water, the, you'll find yourself a very hard dough and impossible to work. To avoid making mistakes, slowly add the integral flour in water until your mixture has reached the required softness and elasticity.
After preparing the dough with the flour mixture type “0” and whole wheat flour, suggested in our post dedicated to the integral, let rise for several hours, the ideal would be to mix the day before, prepare the pizza dough balls and place them in the refrigerator in a container with lid, and then use them to dinner the next day, I guarantee that you will get a good result. Pull out of the fridge the container with little dough prepared the previous day, at least 2 hours prior to the drafting of the balls. For beginners who still spread the pizza with a rolling pin, we recommend reading our post dedicated to drafting of pizza. It contains many videos that show you exactly how to roll out the pizza in a professional way. In a short time you will become the expert pizza makers.
Each pizza capricious self-respecting, It has among its ingredients: Cooked ham, button mushrooms, artichokes in oil and some olives, that, together with fresh basil leaves will give a touch of color to the look and professionalism of this pizza.
As usual, There will be someone who denies the ingredients that make this pizza. Fortunately we live in a democratic country (much), and, we are all free to prepare our capricious with what we want. I've eaten with sliced hard-boiled egg, with porcini mushrooms, with anchovies, with corn, with peppers, with spicy salami and even with eggplant, and, I never complained to the waiter who served me pizza, it's right, in my opinion, that each region has different specialties to offer to its customers.
Before closing I wanted to remind you that in our school pizzaioli, during the whole year, available courses to become professional pizza makers. If you want to know more, click here.
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Silvio Cicchi Executive Chef Pizza