Pizza by the slice or Round Pizza La Saporita Sfida

Pizza by the slice or Round Pizza La Saporita Sfida

Pizza by the slice or Round Pizza La Saporita Sfida. Hello to all my pizza-loving friends! Present Day, I will take you on a very special culinary journey to discover the two most loved varieties of Italian pizza: pizza by the slice and round pizza. Come on board as I share with you my personal experience and the delicious adventures I've had in the world of pizza.

Pizza by the slice or Round Pizza La Saporita Sfida

The story begins some time ago, when I was on holiday in Rome, the Italian capital famous for its delicious food and pizza in particular. After a long day of sightseeing, hunger started to make itself felt. My brother and I were undecided about where to go for dinner, but the inviting scent coming from a small pizzeria by the slice instinctively guided us towards it.

Entering the pizzeria, the atmosphere was welcoming and inviting. The tables were crowded with locals chatting happily among themselves, while the pizza counter was a riot of colors and flavours. I approached the counter with growing curiosity, ready to choose my first slice of pizza by the slice.

While I was queuing, I noticed a large selection of pizzas by the slice displayed behind glass. We were truly spoiled for choice: Daisy, Four cheeses, Ham and mushrooms, and many other tempting variations. Although I was tempted to try a little’ of everything, I opted for a slice of Pizza al Taglio with crispy bacon and chilli. The idea of ​​a thick and soft base, covered in fresh and tasty ingredients, it was too tempting to resist.

While I bit into my slice of pizza with gusto, I appreciated the perfect combination of flavors. The base was soft and slightly crunchy at the edges, while the crispy bacon and spicy chilli gave it a heady touch. It was a dining experience I would want to repeat again and again.

The Round Pizza: A Rooted Tradition

After my tasting of pizza by the slice, the journey took me to the birthplace of pizza, Napoli. Being an avid fan of this exquisite Italian dish, I couldn't miss the opportunity to taste a real Neapolitan pizza.

We looked for a traditional pizzeria in the heart of Naples, and there, I had the privilege of tasting an authentic round pizza, cooked in a wood oven. It was heaven for pizza lovers!

Sitting at the table of a small pizzeria, I observed the pizza chef as he prepared the pizza with skill. The thin base, slightly burnt on the edges, it was laid out with care and love. Fresh and local ingredients, like San Marzano tomato, buffalo mozzarella and fresh basil, they were carefully arranged before popping the pizza into the blazing wood-fired oven.

As soon as the pizza emerged from the oven, I was enchanted by its simple beauty. It was warm, fragrant and inviting. As my first bite touched my tongue, I knew I had arrived in heaven. The base was thin and tender, while the tomato, the mozzarella and basil blended into a combination of flavors that danced in my mouth.

The Neapolitan round pizza had an authentic and delicious flavor that was hard to beat. It was a completely different experience than pizza by the slice, but equally unforgettable.

The Dilemma: Pizza by the slice or Round Pizza?

After enjoying both varieties of pizza in different locations, I found myself in the middle of a culinary dilemma. Both options had their advantages and disadvantages, but which one would I choose if forced to do so?

Pizza by the slice had the advantage of a greater variety of flavors and toppings. The possibility of choosing a different slice each time and its practicality made it perfect for a quick snack or to share with friends. It was the perfect pizza to carry around while I explored the streets of Rome.

On the other side, the Neapolitan round pizza had a soul of its own. It was a more traditional and authentic dining experience, a real journey into Italian flavors and traditions. The thin base and the unique flavor of San Marzano tomatoes made this pizza an irresistible option for those looking for authenticity.

A New Love: Pizza by the slice at home

Back home, I decided to further explore the possibilities of pizza by the slice. I started experimenting in the kitchen, trying to replicate the delicious pizzas I had enjoyed in Rome. I looked for authentic recipes and learned the tricks to get a soft but slightly crunchy base, just like the sliced ​​pizzas of authentic Roman pizzerias.

I discovered that the pizza by the slice could be customized according to my tastes and desires. I have created a variety of pizzas by the slice with fresh ingredients such as mushrooms, bacon, olive, cheese and much more. My kitchen has become my personal pizzeria, and I started experimenting with new flavor combinations.

One day, I organized a pizza evening with friends and prepared several homemade pizzas by the slice. The smiling faces and applause of my guests made me feel like a real pizza chef. Pizza by the slice had conquered a special place in my heart, becoming a culinary tradition that I would continue to cultivate.

The Return Home

Despite my growing passion for pizza by the slice, I couldn't forget the Neapolitan round pizza. I returned to Naples for another culinary adventure, this time with the intention of further exploring the tradition of round pizza.

I returned to the same pizzeria where I had enjoyed my first authentic Neapolitan pizza. It was like meeting an old friend again. The pizza maker, with his impeccable craft, he prepared pizzas with the same skill and dedication. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, and the heady scents of the wood-fired oven made my mouth water.

This time, I opted for a Margherita pizza, the queen of Neapolitan pizzas. It was a timeless experience. The thin base and freshness of the tomatoes and basil were irresistible. The buffalo mozzarella it melted gently on top of the pizza, creating a simply delicious combination of flavors.

During my stay in Naples, I also had the opportunity to attend a pizza chef course organized in Silvio Cicchi's pizza school. I learned the art and science of creating the perfect pizza, from the preparation of the dough to the pairing of the ingredients and cooking in the blazing flame of the wood-fired oven. It was an incredibly informative and fun experience that deepened my understanding of Neapolitan round pizza.

The Subjective Choice

As I reflected on these two unique dining experiences, I realized that there was no definitive answer to the question “Pizza by the slice or round pizza: which one is better?”. Both varieties had their own unique charm and value.

The pizza by the slice was versatile, convenient and customizable. It was perfect for a quick snack or to share with friends during a casual evening. The ability to choose from a variety of delicious flavors made pizza by the slice an irresistible option.

On the other hand, the Neapolitan round pizza was an authentic work of culinary art. Every bite conveyed the history and traditions of Italian cuisine. It was a more formal and traditional experience, ideal for special evenings and romantic dinners.

In the end, the choice between pizza by the slice and round pizza depends on personal tastes and specific situations. While pizza by the slice has become my favorite for informal occasions, Neapolitan round pizza remains a special option to be enjoyed in a traditional atmosphere.


My search for the perfect pizza led me to discover the delights of pizza al taglio and Neapolitan round pizza. Both varieties have their special place in Italian cuisine, each with its own unique characteristics.

If you asked me today which is the best, I would tell you to experiment with both and decide based on your personal preferences. Pizza by the slice is perfect for quick snacks and informal evenings, while the Neapolitan round pizza is an authentic culinary experience that is worth trying at least once in your life.

Then, dear friends who love pizza, don't choose between pizza by the slice and round pizza. Enjoy both and experience the culinary pleasures that both varieties can offer. Pizza is a passion that unites people, regardless of the shape it takes on your table. Bon Appetite!


Silvio Cicchi

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