Pizza by the slice or round pizza, the great challenge between tradition and modernity

Pizza by the slice or Round Pizza: The Great Challenge between Tradition and Modernity

Pizza by the slice or Round Pizza: The Great Challenge between Tradition and Modernity.

A Delicious Dichotomy

In the vast and delicious world of pizza, two styles emerge as major contenders: pizza by the slice and round pizza. This dichotomy represents more than just a culinary choice; it is a real challenge between tradition and modernity. But what distinguishes these two styles and why they are both so loved? Let's find out together, exploring the unique characteristics of each and how the dough is prepared, catering and pizza cooking play a fundamental role.

The Round Pizza: Tradition on the plate

The History of Round Pizza

The round pizza, often associated with the classic Neapolitan pizza, it is a culinary icon that has its roots in the heart of Italy. Its history dates back centuries, with its legendary beginning in the streets of Naples. This pizza is famous for its perfect circular shape, with a high and soft edge, known as cornice, and a thin, soft center.

Preparation of the dough

The magic of round pizza begins with the preparation of the dough. This process is a time-consuming art, passion and precision. The doughs are usually prepared with simple ingredients: flour, water, yeast and salt. However, the secret lies in the leavening process, which can last from 24 a 48 hours. This time allows the dough to develop a unique consistency and flavor, making every bite a true sensory experience.

The Perfect Cooking

The round pizza is cooked in a wood-fired oven, which reaches extremely high temperatures, often higher than 400 degrees Celsius. This quick cooking, that only lasts 60-90 seconds, creates a pizza with a slightly burnt crust and a perfectly cooked center. The result is a combination of flavors and textures that is unmatched.

Pizza by the slice: Modernity in a Bite

The Innovation of Pizza by the Slice

On the other side of the culinary spectrum we find pizza by the slice, a more recent and innovative concept. This variant was born in Rome and stands out for its rectangular shape and the way it is served: it is cut into pieces and sold by weight. Pizza by the slice is perfect for a quick and informal meal, often consumed standing or walking through the city streets.

The Preparation of the Dough

Even in pizza by the slice, the preparation of the dough is crucial. However, here the approach may vary slightly. Slice pizza doughs tend to be more hydrated, which gives them a softer and more airy texture. This type of dough requires longer leavening, often up to 72 hours, to best develop the gluten and flavors.

Versatile Cooking

The cooking of pizza by the slice takes place in electric or gas ovens, at lower temperatures than wood-fired ovens. This slower cooking allows the dough to develop a uniform crunchiness on the base, while maintaining internal softness. In addition to, pizza by the slice offers great versatility in toppings, with a wide range of ingredients ranging from classics such as mozzarella and tomato to more innovative and gourmet combinations.

The Challenge between Tradition and Modernity

The choice between round pizza and pizza by the slice is often a matter of personal preference. Some love the tradition and ritual of the round pizza, while others appreciate the convenience and innovation of pizza by the slice. However, both styles offer a unique and delicious dining experience.

Catering and Pizzerias

Pizzerias that offer these two types of pizza often reflect their culinary philosophy. Traditional pizzerias, which focus on round pizza, they tend to place emphasis on the quality of the ingredients and the skill in preparing the dough and cooking. On the other hand, pizzerias that serve pizza by the slice focus on innovation and variety, offering a wider range of flavors and combinations.


Whether you are a lover of round pizza or pizza by the slice, One thing is certain: Pizza is a dish that unites everyone, despite the differences. The preparation of the dough, catering and pizza cooking are key elements that make each style unique and special. If you are passionate about pizza and want to learn the secrets of both techniques, we invite you to sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi Pizza School.

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi! Don't forget to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, which contains more than 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses.