Oliera in Pizzeria

Oliera in Pizzeria. Once upon a time….many years ago an inseparable tool Pizzaiolo. L'”Oliera in rame”. I remember with great joy this fascinating tool contains extra virgin olive oil.
Every pizzeria owned one different.

Oliera in Pizzeria

Oliera in Pizzeria
Oliera in Pizzeria
Oliera in Pizzeria
Cruet tinned copper
Oliera in Pizzeria
classical cruet
Oliera in Pizzeria
Oliera in Pizzeria

These tools usually tinned copper were itself precious objects of inestimable value.
All, but I do mean all of the pizza makers used it to add to freshly baked pizza touch of extra virgin olive oil to release the scents of the earth and its fruits. The addition of extra virgin olive oil is important, It is as important to the addition of fresh basil leaves.
Wandering the pizzerias in present days, I note with regret that the old copper cruet disappeared, sometimes it replaced by these modern and dark glass bottles with long neck, in other cases, the oil is not added at the end of cooking, for fear of too greasy pizza.

Oliera in Pizzeria

I must admit that I also tried it using the bottle of extra virgin olive oil instead of the usual copper cruet, but with poor results, the amount of oil leaking from the spout of the bottle is irregular and there is a risk of spilling too much on the pizza.
Totally different is the use dell'oliera copper, from long spout and thin, It distributes just a little olive oil evenly over the pizza surface.
If you really do not want to spend on a copper cruet, I recommend one of these modern steel cruets.
Cruet beak 1/2 liter steel

Also they make them work extremely well, does not drain the oil along the edges so you do not dirty your work plan, from very affordable price available on Amazon
Pizza makers around the world…..back to work with the old and classic cruet tinned copper, or the more modern steel cruet of olive oil and add the touch “good” on pizza, customers will thank you.
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ramaio oliera

olive oil on the pizza.

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