The vegetarian pizza is the perfect pizza for vegetarians, vegan, and more .....
The secret to getting a good vegetarian pizza lies in the careful choice of vegetables that need to be fresh and seasonal. In the warm months you are spoiled for choice of vegetables to use as a condiment, but also during the winter we have a wide selection of vegetables to choose from.

Among our recipes we have already entered a delicious pizza with marinated vegetables, in this recipe we will use different vegetables and how to prepare different.
Ingredients: Eggplant, zucchini, pepperoni, onion, olive, mushrooms, capers, carrots and celery.
We prepare vegetables:Finely chop the onion and let it wither slowly in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. When this will become transparent, add all the other vegetables and stir-fry on low heat, adding water if necessary. Season with salt and pepper.

Vegetarian pizza dough
To prepare at home 4 vegetarian pizza
To do 4 balls 250 grams for each 4 people
Flour type "0" 625 grams
Water 375 grams
Sale 15 grams
Yeast 1,2 grams
Sugar 10 grams
Oil 2-3 spoons
Prepare the dough and divide it into 4 balls 250 grams, cover it well and let it rest for an hour for rising abundant.
After the rising phase, roll out the balls with your fingertips, if you have no experience you can read our article that explains perfectly how to make the drafting of the balls of pizza.

Add the tomato and vegetables prepared in advance. The vegetarian pizza, can be enjoyed with or without mozzarella.
Preheat your oven 200 degrees and bake for 15 minutes or until the edge of the pizzas will be perfectly golden.
There may be a useful list of vegetables to make appropriate purchasing decisions at the right time of production:
Garlic summer
Asparagus Spring
Beets summer - autumn - winter
Basil summer
Beets spring - summer - autumn
Broccoli spring - autumn - winter
Artichokes winter – spring
Cardi winter
Carrots Spring - Summer - Autumn – winter
Catalonia winter
Cauliflower spring – autumn
Cabbage summer - autumn - winter
Brussels sprouts autumn – winter
Cucumbers summer
Chicory autumn - winter – spring
Cicorini winter
Turnip winter – spring
Onions Spring - Summer - Autumn – winter
Cress Spring
Cuckoo winter
Herbs autumn
Beans Summer - Autumn
Green beans spring - summer
Fave Spring
Fennel autumn - winter – spring
Zucchini flowers summer
Endive Spring - Summer - Autumn – winter
Lettuce Spring - Summer - Autumn – winter
Eggplant summer
Potatoes summer – winter
New potatoes spring
Peppers spring – estate
Spring peas – estate
Tomatoes spring - summer
Vine tomatoes autumn
Leeks spring - summer - autumn - winter
Parsley spring – estate
Radicchio red spring - autumn - winter
Rape primavera – estate – winter
Spring radishes – estate
Rosemary Spring - Summer - Autumn – winter
Rocket spring - summer
Salvia spring – estate
Shallot summer
Salsify autumn - winter – spring
Celery Spring - Summer - Autumn – winter
Celeriac autumn
Spinach Spring - Summer - Autumn – winter
Taccole estate
Topinambours autumn – winter
Valerian spring – estate
Corn fall - winter
Autumn cabbage – winter
Pumpkins Summer - Autumn – winter
Zucchini summer
Apricots summer
Amarene summer
Pineapple autumn – Winter - Spring
Watermelons summer
Oranges winter - spring
Avocado Winter
Bananas winter - spring – estate
Persimmon autumn
Chestnuts autumn
Cedars autumn – winter
Cherries Spring – estate
Quinces autumn
Figs summer – autumn
Strawberries spring - summer
Wild strawberries summer
Kiwi winter
Raspberries summer
Lemons autumn - winter – spring
Clementines autumn
Mandarins autumn – winter
Almonds autumn
Pomegranate autumn
Apples autumn
Meloni summer
Blueberries summer
More estate
Loquat spring – autumn
Hazelnuts autumn – winter
Nuts fall
Pere summer - autumn
Peter spring conference
Peaches Summer
Grapefruits autumn - winter – spring
Plums summer
Ribes estate
Italian grape autumn
Uvaspina estate
Vegetables and greens on wikipedia:
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This recipe looks awesome!!! Since I don’t use grain flour, do you think almond or coconut flour would work well as a substitute? Thanks!
Hello Martine Rose. Almond or coconut flour are no good to make pizza. Ciao