La pizza pepperoni or as would be called in many other parts of the world "pepperoni pizza"Is probably the most popular pizza in the world. Do Not, I did not commit any error in typing the double "P", you write just like that. Let's first take a look at dictionary: Pepperoni: seasoned pork and beef sausage, that is, a type of sausage with pork and beef seasoned. In English "pepper"Is the pepper or pepper, while peppers are peppers.

The word Pepperoni is used only for pizza: pepper because it contains pepper, It was later in Italianate pepperoni for Pepperoni pizza.
If you happened to have dinner at a pizza outside the borders Italian, This pizza was definitely in the menu, and maybe you have not ordered because associated with the peppers with a spelling mistake.

The pizza pepperoni is exquisite, its taste is comparable to our pizza with spicy sausage sliced into rounds over as topping.

The major European manufacturers of this type of salami from fine diameter are Hungarians, which have in their culture the production of sausages with the mix of pork together with that of beef.
In the USA, in UK e in Australia, The pepperoni pizza is definitely among the most popular, preferred by children, adults and families.
The Pepperoni Pizza Recipe and Preparation
To prepare 4 pizzas to the plate with "pepperoni", follow the instructions of our classic dough for pizza you find in our previous article, by clicking here.
After lying i 4 discs of dough, add the tomato puree, mozzarella and sprinkle the surface with the pepperoni cut into thin slices.
Bring your oven at a temperature of 200 degrees and bake for 15 minutes or until the edge of the pizzas not prove to be perfectly golden.

Have you ever tasted "pepperoni pizza" in your travels outside Italy? Do you like? Leave your comment on this page.