The best recipe for panettone gastronomic

The panettone gastronomic also commonly called panettone salty is very easy to prepare at home. Following our recipe Proven, you can do it in your kitchen at home in no time. Each layer is filled with different fillings and its wonderful presentation makes this delight the king of all the buffet.

panettone gastronomic
Panettone gastronomic or salty

Great alternative to classic sandwiches, panettone gastronomic can also be made a few days in advance, delicious for your picnic, for your aperitifs at home, birthday parties or for any other eventuality.

This recipe of easy realization is sufficient for 8-10 people and must be made with a mold from the standard dimensions of the diameter of 10 cm and height 18 cm, If you do not have one metal of this size, you can buy in any supermarket, also with parchment paper.

The best recipe for panettone gastronomic


  • 500 grams of flour type "0"
  • 10 grams of salt
  • 10 grams of yeast
  • 10 grams of sugar
  • 200 ml of milk
  • 100 grams of butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon honey

The preparation

In a bowl, dissolve the yeast in the milk not cold (20 degrees), add the flour and all other ingredients.

When the dough is mixed, place it on a work surface and knead for another 5 minutes until they prove to be homogeneous and consistent.

panettone gastronomic
Work the mixture well

This first step can also be done with a mixer if you have one.

When finished, let the dough rest in a tightly covered container, in a warm place in the house for an hour.

During the wait, take the mold of panettone and imburratelo.


After the interval rising, Take the dough, knead a few minutes and put it into the mold for baking, let rise again until its volume does not reach the edge of the mold(about 1 now).

panettone gastronomic
Rising phase
Panettone Salted
Proving perfect

Bake in the oven been pre-heated 180 degrees for 40 minutes or until the surface did not prove to be perfectly golden.

panettone gastronomic
Perfect cooking gourmet panettone

Before proceeding with the filling is well wait until the cake is completely cooled and gourmet.

panettone gastronomic
Panettone gourmet stuffed

I'm sure you do not lack imagination in the choice of ingredients to use for filling, on the contrary, I invite you to write your suggestions in the comments section at the bottom of this page.

To learn more about panettone can consult wikipedia