Pizza dough to Black Charcoal. The latest trend launched by many pizzerias and bakeries is the black pizza, which it seems to be much appreciated by customers and many curious people who ask to taste.

I have to be definitely a predecessor of fashions with regard to black pizza. Do you think that at the beginning of my career as a pizza maker, about 40 years ago already I am doing this type of pizza. Alas I was using the wrong technique. My pizzas were black because often forgot in the oven and in addition to the black color also had a nice choreographic effect, They were surrounded by a toxic cloud of black smoke.

Pizza dough to Black Charcoal
Today to get this delicious product using charcoal, Yes just like this, The activated carbon, that in addition to the color black dough, It is rich in properties: It helps to keep down the cholesterol level and regulates intestinal transit. Activated charcoal in fact holds the gas resulting from the fermentation of food in our stomach, avoiding those swelling and you can also use it for gluten-free pizzas.

With regard to the use of this ingredient, There is a very clear European legislation:
The amount of charcoal that can be used in the dough is minimal, until 10/15 grams of charcoal for each pound of flour, so the much-vaunted benefits of activated carbon are being very minimal or even non-existent, the only real action carried out from the coal is then to act as a colorant of the dough.

Pizza dough to Black Charcoal
European law also prohibits the labels, the menus and on the advertising use to declare any beneficial effect for our body derived from the active charcoal. Do you think that the bread which is added this dye, It can not be labeled as “bread”.
Prepare the dough of black pizza is a very simple operation and can be summed up in a few simple steps.
The activated carbon for the food should be mixed with the flour during dough.

Use our classic recipe of the dough for homemade pizza house described in This our previous post. Add in proportion 10/15 grams of charcoal for each pound of flour to get a black mixture of spectacular beauty.
The flavor is absolutely identical, you will not notice any difference.
One of the pizzas better suited to achieve with the black paste is definitely the caprese pizza. Nothing more beautiful to look at the black base on which are arranged red tomatoes, white mozzarella slices.

Seeing is believing. The black slurry, like so many other delicacies that are part of the class “street food” They are an integral part of the program of our pizza maker courses offered daily at our school in pizza. If you are interested in participating in one of my courses, click here.
If you want to know how it is produced charcoal, I recommend you read this deepening of wikipedia