The Pizza Margherita History and Prescription

The pizza Margherita History and Recipe

The pizza Margherita History and Recipe

Silvio Cicchi
The Pizza Margherita History and Prescription
Pizza Margherita

History tells us that the pizza maker Raffaele Esposito who worked in Naples in the pizzeria "Peter ... and Just So"(1780) the same pizzeria still exists today and is called "Pizzeria Brandi", was called by the official of the Palace of Capodimonte, where they were visiting the King of Italy Umberto I and his wife Margaret of Savoy to prepare a pizza for them. The queen looked with favor on the pizza that just took his name. It was a very simple pizza, and had the three colors of the Italian flag. The green basil, the white of the mozzarella and red tomato.

The pizza Margherita History and Recipe

Plate the birthplace of the pizza Margherita
Targa Birth of Pizza Margherita
Daisy Queen of savoy
Queen Margherita of Savoy


The Pizza Margherita Pizza is the most popular in the world, every pizzeria proposes its own version.

Today we will prepare the classic pizza Margherita, There are many variations, but each has its own personal way to prepare, this is my recipe.

Ingredients for 4 people:

Dough: To prepare the Read this article

Other necessary ingredients:

250 grams of Mozzarella

200 grams of peeled tomatoes
Preparation time: 30 my
Cooking time: 20 my
Rising time 1 hour or until the dough is not doubled in volume.


Take the risen dough and roll it on a baking sheet greased.

Season with peeled tomatoes, oil, sale e basilico

Cook for about twenty minutes 220 degrees.
Just the pizza margherita is almost ready, remove from oven and season with diced mozzarella and basil and bake for others 5 minutes.

Cut and serve hot.

History and recipe for pizza margherita

Pizza Margherita

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The pizza in Brazil

The pizza in Brazil

The pizza is the world's most popular Italian dish., During my travels in Brazil, I could not help but notice how this dish is popular in this land. Much of this credit goes to all the Italian immigrants from 1800 onwards they moved to this beautiful country. Today pizza has become part of the Brazilian culture, and is a food habitual, and in many traditional recipes, you made some interesting variations of ingredients to adapt to different cultures and local tastes.
I found online an interesting article written by the magazine Super interesting that he says that in Brazil there are currently 50.000 pizzerias, half of which appears to be in the state of Sao Paulo, and seguire Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais and Bahia.
As in any other part of the world, every city has its preferences, and below a chart to show the tastes of the people Brazilian.
The Pizza in Brazil

Graph The pizza in Brazil
Graph The pizza in Brazil

Summary data:

  • Most of the nation prefers a thin paste
  • The edge is an average of 2,6 cm
  • On average are used 275 grams of pizza mozzarella
  • On average are added 10 olives on each pizza.
  • Only 5% consumer, asks a sweet pizza.:

We observe now the preferences for each city:

Sao Paulo

  • The Pizza Margherita (mozzarella pizza)
  • The Pizza pepperoni (pepperoni pizza)
  • The Pizza "Portuguese" with chicken and catupiry (pizza "Portuguese" is with boiled eggs, pepperoni, onions and corn)

La São Paulo pizza: São Paulo is the only city where a good mozzarella dominates the palate, despite being the only place where the pepperoni pizza without cheese is. In addition to, only in São Paulo is the preference for pizza dough of medium thickness.

Some pizzas a bit 'exotic: pizza al sushi, pizza to cabbage and butter

Porto Alegre

  • The Pizza pepperoni (pepperoni pizza)
  • The Pizza "Portuguese"
  • The Pizza with chicken hearts, Neapolitan pizza and pizza margherita

The inhabitants of Porto Alegre are "gauchos" also in pizza: between the demands are more typical pizza with little hearts and chicken pizza with strogonoff.

The pizzas more exotic: pizza with veal cutlet, con skirt steak (a cut of beef) and carpaccio

Chart pizza in brazil

Rio de Janeiro

  • Pizza pepperoni (pepperoni pizza)
  • Pizza margherita
  • Pizza "Portuguese"

Brazilians like sweets and this is borne out by statistics on pizza, while nationally requests sweet pizzas amounted to 5% of total orders, the Rio de Janeiro Arrivano al 15%, in some pizzerias even to 30%

Belo Horizonte

  • Pizza margherita
  • Pizza con pollo and catupiry
  • Pizza pepperoni (pepperoni pizza)

Region famous for the production of cheese, pizza in Minas Gerais is preferanza with dairy

The most original: pizza with melted cheese and Parma ham

Salvador de Bahia

  • Pizza "Portuguese"
  • Pizza con pollo and catupiry
  • Pizza margherita or pepperoni (pepperoni pizza)

Not one of the top 3 but then the pizzas more traditional preference for Bahian goes for pizza with prawns, fish or seafood.

The more exotic: pizza with cod frayed, egg and fresh coriander.

(source: Chart pizza - Super Interesting)

The pizza in Brazil
Pizza Margherita
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Difference between the various types of yeast

Difference between various types of yeast

Difference between various types of yeast?

The process of proving it can be summed up in three different categories: Chemical leavening, physical and biological leavening leavening.

We are used to seeing the yeast in different ways, in the form of dough, dried granules, or as sourdough.

What is the difference between different types of yeast?

Leavening is a process that allows the formation of gas within a dough, it does increase in volume both before, both during cooking.

Let's see how these processes occur.


The pastry dough rises with the physical process
The puff pastry, produced with the process of leavening physical

This technique is widely used in confectionery. Questo tipo di lievitazione avviene grazie alla dilatazione termica dell’impasto durante la cottura. Products that contain inside egg whites are shining examples: the egg white mixed dough, thanks to the protein structure, manages to retain the air inside; while cooking the air bubbles remain trapped in the mesh structure of the protein re-inflating the sweet. Another example of this type of leavening is given by the puff pastry, where layers of fat such as butter and margarine are stacked in layers of dough. In cooking, the water vapor that is formed between the layers browsed is restrained from fat, creating empty areas within the product.


Baking powder
Baking powder

This type of leavening, is used in many bakery products especially in the professional and home cakes. The function of this yeast is to produce carbon dioxide during cooking, re-inflating the dough. Il lievito chimico è un composto in polvere formato prevalentemente da bicarbonato di sodio unito a un elemento acido che produce anidride carbonica durante la cottura. The first baking powders were created at the end of industrially 1800. Un altro tipo di lievitazione chimica è rappresentata dal bicarbonato d’ammonio o ammoniaca per dolci che è utilizzato nella preparazione di biscotti particolarmente friabili. The downside of this type of yeast is given precisely by the smell of ammonia which should be eliminated in the cooking following the right timing.


Dried yeast and diced
Dried yeast and diced

Leavening organic produce carbon dioxide through mechanisms of alcoholic fermentation that occur at the cellular level; i due principali agenti lievitanti sono il lievito compresso e il lievito naturale o lievito madre. The mechanisms of biological leavening were known since ancient times, When mixtures of water and flour were rested developing yeast which then in cooking rigonfiavano product. In 1930 was isolated the first yeast and performed an industrial production. Il lievito compresso si presenta sia in forma di panetto sia sotto forma di granuli disidratati. Il nome corretto è Saccaromyces Cerevisiae (da cerevisia, beer, in latino) and is a single-celled fungus that reproduces by budding.

Commonly called brewer's yeast perché in passato si ricavava da depositi che si formavano durante la fermentazione dei fusti di birra, today is produced with a compound from molasses; subsequently, through industrial processes, the yeast is compressed in cakes.

Dehydrated: The same yeast is dehydrated by reducing moisture and obtaining the granules of dry yeast.

Il Saccaromyces Cerevisiae è un fungo che inizia a riprodursi in presenza di ossigeno: This occurs thanks to the presence of air incorporated during the steps of mixing. Out of oxygen, the fungus triggers a mechanism of fermentation which produces ethyl alcohol and the part of carbon dioxide that is used to re-inflate the alveolar and doughs, before and during cooking.

Mother Natural yeast

Il lievito naturale o pasta madre è un importante processo della lievitazione biologica. Was used in baking long before the yeast, the sourdough is a mixture of water and flour, left to ferment at room temperature, develops colonies of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria that reproduce and, in the mixing phase, have power leavening. The leavening process is equal to that of the yeast: alcoholic fermentation with gas production that create volume and alveoli in the cooked product. Unlike the compressed yeast, con il quale ha in comune la presenza del Saccaromyces Cerevisiae, sourdough develops inside multiple colonies of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria: the latter is an important difference between the compressed yeast and sourdough, in quanto la loro fermentazione sviluppa profumi e sapori particolari molto ricercati nel campo della panificazione. The higher acidity present in naturally leavened dough also allows a longer shelf life of the product, or a delay in the staling of the same.

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Digest the pizza


Digest the pizza?

It all depends on the degree of maturation dough

Last night we went out for pizza, tonight I have not slept a wink, I could not digest. How many of us, alas, were found in this situation, or has heard someone complaining that way?

The pizza arrived digestible maturity
Dough come to maturity.

Digest the pizza? Everything depends on the degree of maturation of the dough

The rise is one of the most important steps in the preparation process of 'pizza dough or any product from leavened bakery. We all know what the leavening: The mixture begins to swell, increases in volume, the same leavening continues even during the process of Cooking, forming on the inside of the bubbles that make our pizza lighter.

What influences the leavening?

  • temperature
  • THE rising time
  • The salt
  • The water

Without this premise on rising, let's dispel a common Taboo: The Digestibility of a pizza, not dependent on the leavening, but another important process, which is called Maturation.

Aging: The flour is mainly composed of starch, which are complex sugars. At the contact with the water, enzymes of the flour are activated by attacking starches and reducing them to simple sugars: will serve as food for the yeast and will be more easily assimilated by our body. The combination of flour and water also develops the gluten, ie the protein network that serves to give structure to the dough. The reticle is attacked by other enzymes which have the function of transforming the proteins into amino acids, easier to digest. So our pizza will prove to be well digested when our digestive system will find the dough cooked simple elements that have already been treated and reduced by enzimi.Tutto this process is called Maturation.

Conclusion: Any kind of dough is prepared by placing the right amount of yeast, giving it the right time of rest to allow the maturation of work properly.

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Which flour to use for pizza, desserts and homemade pasta?

Which flour to use for pizza, desserts and homemade pasta?

Foto di diversi tipi di farina per indicare quale farina usare per pizza dolci e pasta preparati in casa
Which flour to use for pizza dough and homemade desserts?

During the preparation of our food we happen very often to ask which flour used to prepare cakes and pizza dough at home. Cooking at home, is back in fashion thanks to the economic crisis! Part of the credit also goes to the many television programs in cooking and culinary books on the market.

Which flour to use for pizza, desserts and homemade pasta?

As we all already know, the pizza dough can be soft, soft, friable or spongy: these characteristics vary essentially depending on the type of flour used, or, rather, from the mixture of flour.
The pizzas, focaccia, and bakery specialties typically, may appear in a different way according to their own choice of flour for processing. Indeed, besides water, oil, salt and the yeast we use to the dough, the flour is in fact a star ingredient in the preparation of pizza.
Do not underestimate that the leavening, l'ambiente, the oven temperature and the type of cooking are factors that weigh heavily on the success of the final product.

Flour type 00, 0, 1 and 2

As we all know, from the milling of durum wheat semolina and you get the caster; instead, when we grind the wheat, we have as final product a white flour, particularly suitable for the preparation of bread and cakes. The white flour differs depending on the degree of sifting is that the machining process consisting in the separation of the flour from the bran.

  • White flour type 00: capable of sifting equal to 50% (ideal for batters and cakes)
  • White flour type 0: capable of sifting equal to 72% that there be an excellent product for bread, pizza, buns and many other leavened products.
  • Flour type 1: capable of sifting of 80%
  • Flour type 2: capable of sifting of 85%
  • Fine flour: which is a very fine powder of wheat, which is obtained from the innermost part of the grain and soft. Flour that is used in the production of confectionery, qualitatively superior in terms of gluten.
  • Wholemeal flour: after his grinding, This flour does not undergo further refining processes. And 'itself a great alternative to flour 0, in the preparation of doughs rustic, but also has properties to satiate and regularize our intestines, thanks to the great amount of fibers contained in it.

The choice of flour.

All this introduction I think it is essential to have a general idea about the various ITPI flour commercially. Generally, the mixture which prepare for the pizza, is made from different mixtures of flour type 0 and 00 to which should be added to the water, salt, yeast and any fat or oil. For all those who want to obtain a rustic, want to add a piece of whole wheat flour, paying close attention to rising times, that for wholemeal flour turn out to be much longer than the doughs with white flours.

Our pizza will be of higher quality when we're going to use flour made from organic products, which have not been treated with pesticides or other chemicals. This consideration also applies to all other foods that we commonly use in our homes or in the workplace.

Flour for pizza Ingredient for the production of pizzas, depending on the flour used you will get a soft dough, soft, friable or spongy
Types of flour Type of flour
White flour type 00
White flour type 0 (ideal for pizzas)
Flour type 1
Flour type 2
Fine flour: (ideal for sweet pastry)
Wholemeal flour (regulates the intestine and satisfies)
Degree of sifting
The choice of flour for pizza There is no single type of flour for the preparation of pizzas. There are mixtures characterized by:

  • Flour type 0 and 00: dough soft and fluffy
  • Flour type 0 and whole wheat flour: dough thicker, aromatic. → attention: rising times longer
  • Wheat flour and semolina: dough less bloated
  • Wheat flour and spelled flour
  • Wheat flour and oatmeal
  • Wheat flour and almond flour: sweet dough
  • Wheat flour and spices: sweet dough and more energy
Flour for pizza and celiac disease Absolute prohibition of consuming pizzas mixed with wheat flour (for coeliacs). Possible mixtures with certified gluten-free flours
Pictures of different types of flour farina.Quale use for the pizza?
Which use flour for pizza?

For information on the nutritional values ​​of flour, Refer to the wikipedia page:


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temperature cooking pizza

At what temperature to cook the pizza

temperature cooking pizza

At what temperature to cook the pizza. To make our pizzas "special", it takes quality ingredients, some knowledge and some advice. Sometimes, unfortunately, this is not enough, if you are not familiar with the characteristics and potential of the oven that is used.

Then, before starting it would be appropriate to read these tips and learn some tricks to get even at home excellent pizzas.

The secrets of pizza: the oven

We assume that all the pizza professionals are already aware of the temperatures of cooking pizza: about 300-320 degrees for an electric furnace or gas, and around the 450 degrees for the wood stove, then this article will deepen the topic of pizza baking for those who ventured to do it at home, with the classic home oven.

I ovens, cooking gas, which have a maximum temperature of 250 ° C, can be of two types: vented and unvented. If your oven is not ventilated, cook the pizza on the bottom; on the contrary, if it is ventilated cook at the center of the oven. The only exception is the pizza pan, that in both types of oven is better to cook the center.

The advice: The major problem encountered in cooking pizza in the oven at home, is when you bake the pizza. Opening the door of the oven, we will have the total dispersion of accumulated heat, to obviate this drawback, we suggest you use a baking stone on the oven floor, that in this way be able to maintain high temperatures even when we open the oven to bake pizzas. Remember to always bring your oven to maximum temperature, that usually is reached after having left it on for at least 15 minutes.

**** I do not have a baking stone, how do i? Easy, take four classic brick and place them on the bottom of your oven gas. You will get the same results.

At what temperature to cook the pizza

In electric ovens, ventilated and not, the pizza should be cooked in the upper part close to the heating elements: also in this case the board to use the refractory stone to maintain high temperatures even after the oven will be open. For pizza pan, the first part of the cooking should be made on the bottom of the oven, then ultimarla top, near the resistances.

Electric furnaces and gas is useful to add a bowl with hot water before baking: serve to confer humidity at’dough.

As regards the mono-pizza ovens with refractory stone to high temperature or even ovens that can cook in 5 minutes, the pizzas are inserted already stuffed and ready to be cooked.

The secrets of pizza: tomato

Tomatoes most suitable for the pizzas are the peeled San Marzano or similar type. To get the maximum flavor, shall be broken up with your hands and then seasoned with salt, extra virgin olive oil and basil.

Council to prepare the tomato topping even a day before cooking the pizza. In this way, the filling will acquire even more flavor, but you'll have to take care to keep it well covered in the refrigerator to prevent contamination with other flavors.

The secrets of pizza: mozzarella

Always buy the fresh mozzarella, cut into slices or julienne for a round pizza, but remember that for the one in the pan is always better to cut à julienne.
You should always use fresh mozzarella not only for its taste but also to ensure that the pizza is not present never dry.

The buffalo mozzarella should only be used when cooking is short (type wood stove or oven to 400 ° C), because otherwise the pizza would be too watery. For ovens that do not reach high temperatures should always be placed at the last minute.

At what temperature to cook the pizza

The secrets of pizza: vegetables

Blanch the vegetables slightly and ripassatele in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Add them on pizza or tomato before baking, coprendole with mozzarella. If the oven does not exceed 300 ° C, add them at the last minute.

The grilled vegetables instead should be laid on the pizza always exits the furnace and hot product , leaving unchanged all the culinary properties.

The secrets of pizza: salami

One trick to avoid the salami from drying out and lose flavor: place them under the mozzarella, in this way it preserves the flavor and quality. Exceptions are obviously those recipes that specify explicitly add the sausages out of the oven.

The secrets of pizza: flour

One thing to know about the W flour is that the lower the value of W, shorter leavening. But first you need to understand what to indicate the The: is l 'unit of measure of the strength of the flour, that is, the pressure resistance of the kneaded flour.

For the bread the choice of suitable flour part by W 180 until you get to 380, depends on the result you want: varieties are so many, from the basic model (bread "boor", the one with a lot of crumbs) up to a blown.

In the preparation of cake it is best to use a flour with W 180-200 for a soft dough type Genovese, whereas it can reach up to W 260 a dough for crispy.
For pizza, the choice is from W 180 (for a short leavening) a W 350 (for a medium-long leavening also using dl fridge).

If you do not know the value of W or is not mentioned on the label can be mixed 70% flour 00 classical 30% of flour Manitoba and certainly can not go wrong.

The secrets of pizza: water

During the winter season, the water must be at room temperature. D'estate, instead, advice to use very cold, but remember to dissolve the yeast in a little water at room temperature and add it directly to the flour. If tap water is too limestone used the mineral.

At what temperature to cook the pizza
Baking a pizza on baking stone


If you want to know more about the pizza, is available to you our course of professional pizza maker Online. Many videos at your disposal, many useful to read, in no time you are become an expert pizza maker. The course is online, so you can read and learn new things when you have time available. Our pizza school will issue a certificate pizzaiolo. To know more, click here.


to wash hands

Burns with oven, cookers, plate. How do.

Which pizza has never experienced the pain of a sunburn? Indoors, or at work, just a little distraction to procure a small burn with iron, hot water, plate, pots on the stove or with the oven. A burn, even if small, should be treated right away to prevent damage to the skin. Burns oven and stove: here's how to ease the pain and what absolutely must not do.

sunburn with oven

Sunburn from oven and stove

For sunburn of oven and stove here is how to do with the immediate remedies DIY.

The first thing to know is that the remedies of emergency household are valid only for small abrasions, slight, superficial and restricted to very limited areas and especially for the less sensitive parts of the body.

The mild sunburn have redness, burning and erythema, with bubbles that cause itching. The most severe burns, instead, occur with larger bubbles and color more pronounced.

The first thing to do in case of sunburn is to put the part under a stream of cold water, Also taken from the fridge, until the pain subsides and to create an analgesic effect.

to wash hands

When the temperature of the injured party starts to lower the sting is attenuated and phase begins healing. The burn is totally defenseless and are prone to various infections. It is therefore recommended the application several times a day creams with a high concentration of zinc oxide, that in addition to soothe avoid the proliferation of bacteria.

For more serious burns is better to apply antibiotic ointments and in any case it is always better to repair the part with the sterile gauze until the wound is healed.

In pharmacy exist dressings ready (He was io use) that release emollients and moisturizers.

The advice in the most

For sunburn of oven and stove must know how to do and above Don'ts. E’ well not use oil, album, potatoes, flour and talc because slow down the healing process and also are not sterile substances. Do not ever put the wound in contact with the ice because it could create additional injury due to the temperature difference. At Last, it is best not to scratch the blisters, but eventually crack them with sterile needles and disinfect them with non-alcoholic beverages.


Potato focaccia

Potato focaccia

Potato focaccia

Potato focaccia

The potato focaccia, in appearance very similar to a white pizza, is an easily affordable in many ovens of the peninsula.

Potato focaccia

Very soft inside, and crisp in its external. Its softness is due to the fact that among its ingredients include potatoes, very easy to work, usually high, and risen to perfection, given the time much shorter than the rising focaccia normal. I propose this recipe for all those who want to try at home, its success is guaranteed, and can be accomplished in a few hours. It is usually seasoned with extra virgin olive oil and aromatic herbs, like thyme and rosemary, but they are now in many a season with the classic ingredients of the pizza dish: tomato, mozzarella, anchovies and so on, and so forth.


  • Flour 00 500 g
  • Small potatoes with white paste2 the 3 potatoes
  • Warm water150 ml
  • Fresh yeast15 g
  • Extra virgin olive oil 3 spoons
  • Sale2 pinches
  • Rosemary Enough


Boil the potatoes in boiling water for about 20 minutes, then peel and mash. Let them cool completely.

In a large bowl sift the flour.

Add the mashed potatoes, salt and 3 tablespoons oil.

Dissolve yeast in a cup with warm water and add the resulting liquid little by little into the bowl with the flour. Begin to knead in the bowl to combine ingredients, then transfer the dough on a pastry board and continue to knead for ten minutes, until a soft ball and elastic

Let rise for about 1 and h 30 minutes or until the dough has doubled.

After rising time, divide the dough into 4 parties to spread in 4 baking trays in a thickness of about 1,5 cm and with 20 cm diameter.

Remember to grease the pans with plenty of extra virgin olive oil. Let the dough rise again lying in trays for just under an hour.

Before baking the cakes, season them to taste such as adding herbs, a pinch of salt and a little oil.


Preheat oven ventilated 220 °C, then bake the cakes and cook for about 20 minutes.

Serve hot, warm or cold.

Pizza with potatoes



pizza cooked in a wood oven

Electric stove or oven for cooking pizza?

Baking in a wood oven


Silvio Cicchi

When we think of pizza, jumps immediately to mind the classic shape of the pizza maker with shovel in hand, before a wood oven.

Basically, exist 2 main methods for cooking pizza, in the oven or in the classic wood stove. By the time we learned to associate the pizza with the ancient cooking tool that is the wood oven, which gives excellent results and adds to our pizza the characteristic smell of burning wood.

pizza cooked in a wood oven

Unfortunately, alas not enough to cook a pizza in a wood burning oven to ensure a good result. Then, in this tutorial, I will try to explain how to cook a pizza, and what are the most used types of cooking, which basically are two: with electric oven or with a wood stove.

Start by talking about our dough, which when fired undergoes major physical changes: Increases its volume, form an outer crust and a crumb inside, its surface is colored and develops aromas and perfumes; loses moisture and weight. What has changed between then a type of furnace and the other?


Electric pizza oven

Electric ovens for pizza have a cooking chamber of rectangular height and depth variable; the soil is made of refractory material and the heat is developed by means of electrical resistors placed on the floor and on the roof of the oven. La pizza tonda al piatto cuoce quindi a diretto contatto con la pietra refrattaria ricevendo calore per conduzione diretta, or through contact between stone and dough, by radiation of heat transmitted from the walls and the sky of the oven and by convention, ie displacement of hot air and water vapor inside the cooking chamber.

I forni elettrici hanno in genere due gruppi di resistenze, upper and lower, independently controllable: this allows the baker to manage the heat coming from the base of the furnace and from the upper part of the same to have a uniform cooking also according to the type of pizza in cooking.

The pizza pan

Nel caso della pizza cotta in teglia ad esempio, the heat must get more from their base to be conducted through the metal of the pan and transmitted to dough. In round pizza dough receives heat from the bottom, as placed in direct contact with the refractory stone, then the heat will get more from heaven oven. Un moderno forno elettrico riesce a cuocere pizze alla perfezione permettendo un’ottima gestione della cottura che avviene in modo più uniforme rispetto a un forno a legna, with better drying of the product.


Baking in a wood oven

The ovens have been used since antiquity for baking bread and later for pizza and focaccia. Un forno a legna classico è costruito interamente in materiale refrattario; the cooking chamber has a stone base surmounted by a refractory time always to which is connected a drain for the fumes. The fire is almost always positioned at the center in the first starts to then be moved to one side during the entire cooking of the dough. The baking stone on the basis, as well as all the time, are heated by the fire while maintaining a constant temperature thanks to storage secured by the building materials. The pizzas cooked in direct contact with the stone receiving heat from the same cooking and also for radiation and convention thanks to the heat of the flames present in the cooking chamber.

The cooking time of an oven wood are reduced compared to an electric furnace: cooking with flame allows short time which may vary from a few minutes up to 60 secondi scarsi delle pizze napoletane cotte con fiamme molto forti per garantire la caratteristica consistenza morbida della pizza. UNA PIZZA COTTA NEL FORNO A LEGNA POSSIEDE UN PROFUMO DIVERSO RISPETTO A UNA COTTA NEL FORNO ELETTRICO. The charm of the wood stove is the presence of the flame that burns in the firing chamber and the aromatic components developed by the various types of wood used in cooking. A wood-fired pizzas often presents a scent different from a crush in oven, but about the actual cooking process will be the same in respect of the four physical phenomena reported at the beginning of article. Il forno a legna ha una gestione più difficile rispetto all’elettrico: the flame should be followed carefully and the pizza must be turned in their cooking to ensure a homogeneous heat exposure. A baker with experience makes a difference in a pizzeria: often in fact find pizzas burnt or cooked in a non-homogeneous thanks to a management of the oven is not optimal.


Other types of furnace

Photo of a classic wood oven, but gas powered.


home baking

When you make pizza at home, the biggest problem often encountered is given by the dispersion of heat, ie the oven due to the large door opening, never reaches the high temperatures required for the cooking pizza. Everything is solved by inserting in your oven a sturdy baking stone, as shown above. Preheat the oven well with the stone inside the max, then bake your pizza. With this little trick, immediately you will get good results.


The fried pizza recipe and preparation

The fried pizza-recipe and preparation

The Fried Pizza Recipe and Preparation chef Silvio Cicchi.

The fried pizza

This article will introduce the fried pizza-recipe and preparation. The fried pizza is widespread throughout southern Italy, it seems that in every region takes a name and a filling different!! The origins of fried pizza dates back to World War II, when the streets of Naples women frying the simple pizza dough, but without any filling or seasoning. Considered a variant of the classic pizza poorest, with the passage of time was filled in different ways, until you get to today's recipe, which provides a delicious filling of ricotta cheese and salami. The pizza dough fried, quite similar to that of classical Neapolitan pizza, discs of dough are filled with ricotta, pepper and bits of fat or lard. In some regions is planned to be used smoked cheese, or buffalo mozzarella. The discs of dough are stuffed, folded crescent like a calzone, and fried in boiling seed oil until the browning. Today the most popular and classic pizza fries is undoubtedly stuffed with ricotta cheese and salami.

The Fried Pizza Recipe and Preparation

fried pizza recipe and preparation


The fried pizza



Executive chef pizza