The great leader of the chef on S.Cicchi herbs, aromatic plants, herbs, edible wild herbs, cured with herbs, herbs, spices.
A guide dedicated to all those people who love the natural cooking. More and more people are approaching this practice, that in addition to let us stay in touch with nature, to the satisfaction of cooking something really good, and with tastes that we no longer belong. And it is also extremely economical.
Of course the benefit and well-being in the research of wild herbs, and must avoid incurring unpleasant incidents, It is therefore essential to take into account some rules.
Before eating grass and need to be certain you know ..( in doubt abstain) remember that many herbs are poisonous,and some deadly. And not recommended collecting herbs in the meadows and soils near roads with heavy traffic, in soils treated with pesticides, villas towns. And preferable harvesting in dry fields, not densely planted, optimal in uncultivated, away from the road network. Certainly, if we respect scrupulously these few indications will draw from our research is the more positive of everything that mother nature can donate. This helpful guide has been made with the help of her mother, some aunts and some old lady of the country, great connoisseurs of edible wild herbs, I also have handed down the following helpful tips:
- Do not pick herbs on roadsides or in parks frequented by dogs or other animals
- Do not pick anything you do not know
- Do not let the grass collected in plastic bags and not keep it crowded: arrived home distributed grass that is not consumed immediately on sheets of newspaper or wood panels, better yet let it dry in the sun. In any case smuovetela frequently.
- Do not pick up diseased plants or moldy

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Guide to Aromatic Herbs for a Perfect Pizza
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How To Make Garlic Powder
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How to Plant Celery at Home
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How to Plant Rosemary
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Aromatic Plants To Grow At Home
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A Bunch of Rosemary Above The Front Door
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How to Store Basil
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What To Do With Leftover Pesto
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Marjoram in the Kitchen
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How To Store Garlic and Onion Perfectly
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How to Make Radicchio Pesto
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Mint and Pizza
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How To Make Walnut Sauce
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How To Prepare Pesto
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Grow Basil at Home
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The Cime Di Rapa Wild
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Oil flavored with lemon
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Salt flavored with oregano
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Garlic Flavored Oil to On Pizza
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Salt Flavored With Rosemary As preparation of this dish
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Oil flavored with turmeric
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Salt flavored with lemon How preparation of this dish
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The Wild Asparagus
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Focaccia With Poppy Seeds
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Flavored with Basil Oil
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Preparation Oil Rosemary Mediterranean
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Basil On Pizza
Basil On Pizza. Turning the length and breadth of Italy and also I often deliberately stopping to eat some pizza. In recent years, I could not help but notice a mistake that almost all pizza makers do (forget): What happened BASIL on pizza? many […]

Oregano and Pizza Properties and Uses
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Capers Features and Use in Cooking
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Radishes Delicious Vegetable by Beneficial properties
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Radicchio Use in Cooking and Recipes
Chicory. In the market there are many varieties of this plant, some wild varieties we have mentioned in my previous article on Dandelion, that is the wild radish for excellence. Today we will discuss the quality red, It is part of the family of composite and is a chicory, In fact, its technical name is Cichorium intybus. She loves the cold, […]

Portulaca Collection and Use in Cooking
Purslane is one of the herbs known, the plant with the highest content of omega 3. Dinner with a salad of purslane, It is the equivalent of a nice dinner with baked cod. And 'widespread in all temperate zones of the world, and not knowing the characteristics, all treat her like succulent plant pest. […]

Topinambur in Cucina 10 Fantastic Recipes
The Jerusalem artichoke is a fantastic plant with multiple beneficial properties. During my childhood living in the countryside, I was surrounded by these plants, grew everywhere, the sides of the roads, fallow land and the ruins of abandoned houses. I gathered the flowers of this plant as gifts to my girlfriend, I not yet know the properties […]

Mallow Guide Collection and Use in Cooking
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The Dandelion Radicchio Wild Delicious
After devoting ample space to wild chicory in the previous article, Today we will talk about another type of radicchio: The Dandelion, radicchio wild edible by 1000 beneficial properties. If looking at the flower might have doubts in recognizing this plant, just look at the next picture to understand with certainty what plant we're talking about. […]

Wild Rocket in the Kitchen and On Pizza
Wild Rocket in the Kitchen and On Pizza. In recent years, the use of the rocket was particularly widespread and is finding wide use on our tables. There are two types of rocket, the success it is having cultivated arugula, widespread, He has meant that it began to know and appreciate the wild rocket […]

Rosemary, Also good to Smoking
Rosemary, Also good to Smoking. From small, I have always believed that rosemary was a plant from smoking. Listening to the speeches of the smartest guys and bigger than me, I often say: I have a great rosemary, This lo fumiamo? It took me several years to understand that what they were smoking in secret from me, in […]

Chicory Field Wild Natural Viagra
The Chicory. After the lessons I've learned in the fields picking herbs with her mother, aunts and some old lady of the country in which I live, I felt almost a professional herbs this morning while I was doing my usual walk in the fields. Chicory everywhere, this plant seems to have no seasons. The ladies, my […]

For fields in search of wild beets
This morning I woke up early, seeing that it was a beautiful day I decided to do my usual walk in the fields in search of edible herbs. To my amazement, I noticed a large amount of beets that were just waiting for someone to gather. I'm talking about large beets to coast, no beets […]