Have you ever tried to make pizza at home?

We all have tried at least once to make pizza at home, obtaining different results, satisfied by some
product obtained, Delicious, nice to see, with carefully selected ingredients, it happens sometimes, that our pizza
just as we can not imagine the.
It does not seem the case to be discouraged, becoming a po’ attention and following our advice, you can get
excellent results even in your own home.
In the many years that I do this work, I have acquired the necessary experience and knowledge, it happened to me many times
taste the homemade pizza made from various more or less good, and I tried to incorporate into this article a list
defects encountered, so that you can face and solve during the preparation of your home made pizzas
This is a list of the most common mistakes:
Strong smell of yeast
The use of flour are not suitable for the pizza dough
An incorrect use of’dough in the preparation of pizza
Misuse of ingredients “aqueous” such as tomato, i funghi, mozzarella.
Strong smell of yeast
The fear that all those who prepare pizza at home is as follows: But if he does not rise, what we eat for dinner? that figure we make with the guests? and then…..down with a lot of yeast!!!! Of course so your dough will rise for sure, but there will be negative consequences for your pizza. This is what could happen: You will have a very rapid rising, but this prevents the maturation of the, while feasting your pizza, you will have a strong smell of yeast dough and pizza, a little fragrance and a subtle aroma,the dominant fragrance will only be that of lievito.La your pizza will be spongy, and will tend to dry out and crumble easily.
Solve this error easily, testing yourself the right amount of yeast for every kilo of flour is really a few grams, as you can see from our basic recipe for pizza, Start by using only half a cube of yeast, then in the next mixes usatene less, until you find the right balance between your mixing times and the proper maturation.
The use of flour are not suitable for the pizza dough
When you decide to make pizza at home, do not always have the right flour to prepare the pre impasto.Magari there remained half bag of flour that you used to make sweets lately and decide to use that.
The results obtained may be:
A rising very rapidly, A little mass consistent, during the preparation of the dough you will notice that it tends to tear and
a bucarsi, after cooking the dough may be too friable. The reason for this is due to the low amount of gluten contained in farina.La his weakness he will puncture during processing, also oppose little resistance to the gases that are formed during the leavening and then will swell rapidly.
With these features you will get, as in the case of too much yeast, a little pizza fragrant and aromatic and always for the
same reason: little time for the aging and the formation of aromatic compounds to rapidly rising.
To avoid this problem you need to choose meals with higher content of glutine.Sommariamente can be said to use
flour “0” and maybe check that the protein content reported in the nutrition labeling is at least 10%.
An incorrect use in the preparation of pizza dough
When we prepare the pizzas to our house and we spread the dough, of any shape we want to get, inexperience often we happen to work it too long, or maybe reimpastarlo again to be able to start again.
The dough must never be treated so, and reacts in this way:
Will become increasingly more difficult drafting balls
becomes hard and too elastic to roll out
In the cooking step, the pizza does not swell and remains compact and biscuit
All this because manipulating the dough too long we have the loss of gas rising and reaction to gluten
which hardens the dough.
The loss of leavening gas is due to the repeated crushing: crushes and rischiaccia, gases that made
l’impasto gonfio, soft leavened and escape out by returning the mixture almost to the starting volume and leaving much gluten compatto.Il, that we can imagine as consisting of tiny strings, reacts to the manipulation “curling”. The consequence, to the level of sensation under the hands, a dough is harder, more elastic and therefore more difficult to roll out.
We must do everything possible upstream to prevent this problem is present:
prepare the balls with care, avoiding mash too, accompanying the movement only with the palms of your hands. A
ball that has maintained its right amount of gas is the seed to be able to obtain a regular shape and texture
let stand corrected balls, in order to make him shoot a bit’ rising to “reload” il gas perduto
the rest also helps the gluten and gluten ridistendersi and a relaxed facilitates greatly the spread because it decreases the elasticity
learn how to write good crushing the ball as little as possible with your hands. “Ok, but however if for any reason I have to manipulate the dough does not have much hope?”
If also using all the attention, you are forced to reshuffle or having to manipulate a ball, convenient to proceed by reforming the ball and letting it sit for at least 10 minutes (maybe if you have more to spread, leave this for last), always to give a minimum of time to gluten to relax and the rising of a little reform’ di gas.
Overdo the tomato or other toppings aqueous
Cook a pizza to perfection means being able to lose water to the ingredients of seasoning, bathrooms without the dough and remains there to make the puddle.
When you are unable to obtain this result:
the pizza does not cook well in the central disk, remains rubbery and semicruda in the layer just beneath the dressing
excess water remains over the pizza and the cut bathes all
water can leak from cooking pizza and go on the cooking surface, soiling and scorching
It is a serious flaw, because it compromises the success of pizza, making it inedible even in the worst cases.
The more risk you run with the use of:
very watery mozzarella, not drained
very watery tomato, not drained
too much tomato
too many mushrooms
oven temperature too low