chichi stuffed pizza

Chichi Stuffing Stuffed Pizza Delicious

The Pizza Chichì stuffing. In our tour along the Italian regions to discover ancient recipes and food traditions, Today we will stop ... .a few kilometers from my house, the ancient village of Offida in the province of Ascoli Piceno.

This beautiful village, It boasts a unique tradition of its kind, a type of stuffed pizza by the strange name "Chichì Stuffing". It is a dialect word meaning a Piece of Pie, formerly made with bread dough, stuffed with common ingredients, tuna, anchovies and capers chopped peppers.

chichi stuffed pizza
Chichì stuffed Offida

If you happen to visit Offida, you can find and taste the Chichì filling in all the local bakeries.

From 1968 to date, every first Sunday of August, It takes place the festival of filling Chichì, and you can watch a performance of indescribable smells along the ancient streets of the village.

Dough Chichi Stuffing Stuffed Pizza Delicious

700 grams of flour zero, 300 grams of water, 10 grams of yeast, extra virgin olive oil, a spoonful of malt and a pinch of salt.

chichi stuffed pizza
Chichì stuffed baked

Filling of Chichi Stuffing Stuffed Pizza Delicious

200 grams of peppers in oil, 5 anchovy fillets, 10 capers, 150 grams of green olives, 150 grams of artichokes, 200 grams of tuna.


Knead the ingredients in a large container, let rise for about an hour, divide the dough into 2 pieces. Roll out a part on the bottom of a baking dish, spalmateci the filling ingredients finely chopped with a mixer and cover with the remaining dough, making sure to seal the 2 parts of dough between them to prevent spillage of the ingredients during the cooking.

Practice some hole on the surface to avoid the bulge during cooking, oil, salt and bake in your oven pre-heated to above 200 degrees for 15/20 minutes, until the surface will be perfectly golden.

Both delicious freshly baked hot or cold as an aperitif.

Accompany with a great local red Piceno.

chichi stuffed pizza
Pizza stuffing Chichì

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If you want to learn more about Offida, click here.