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Perfect dough for pizza: Techniques and secrets of the pizza masters

Perfect dough for pizza: Techniques and secrets of the pizza masters

Preparare un impasto perfetto è il segreto per una pizza deliziosa. In questa guida scoprirai le migliori tecniche per ottenere un impasto leggero, fragrante e altamente digeribile, proprio come quello delle migliori pizzerie.

1. Gli ingredienti per un impasto perfetto

Per ottenere un impasto equilibrato, devi scegliere ingredienti di alta qualità: ✅ Flour: Flour 00 è ideale per un impasto soffice, mentre la farina 0 o la tipo 1 offrono più struttura e sapore. ✅ Water: Meglio usarne una con basso contenuto di cloro e a temperatura ambiente. ✅ Yeast: Il lievito di birra fresco è il più utilizzato, ma puoi optare per il lievito secco o la pasta madre. ✅ Sale: Migliora il sapore e regola la fermentazione dell’impasto. ✅ Extra virgin olive oil: Dona elasticità e una migliore alveolatura alla pizza.

2. Tecniche di impasto per una pizza perfetta

🔹 Direct dough: Il metodo più semplice, in cui tutti gli ingredienti vengono mescolati in un’unica fase. 🔹 Indirect dough (biga o poolish): Tecnica avanzata che migliora aroma, digeribilità e alveolatura della pizza. 🔹 Impasto con autolisi: Metodo che riduce il tempo di impasto e migliora la struttura della pizza.

📌 Consiglio dei maestri pizzaioli: Lavorare l’impasto con movimenti delicati, evitando di surriscaldarlo.

3. Tempi di lievitazione e maturazione

Il tempo di lievitazione è cruciale per ottenere una pizza leggera e digeribile: ✅ Lievitazione breve (4-6 hours): Ideale per impasti con più lievito. ✅ Lievitazione media (12-24 hours): Equilibrata tra aroma e digeribilità. ✅ Lievitazione lunga (48-72 hours): Perfetta per una pizza altamente digeribile e ricca di gusto.

🔹 Maturazione dell’impasto: Un impasto lasciato maturare a bassa temperatura sviluppa un gusto migliore e una consistenza più soffice.

4. Cooking: il segreto di una pizza perfetta

Un impasto perfetto merita una cottura ottimale: ✅ Wood-fired oven (450-500°C): Perfetto per la pizza napoletana, cooking in 60-90 seconds. ✅ Forno elettrico professionale (300-350°C): Ideale per pizza al piatto e in teglia. ✅ Forno domestico (250°C massimo): Migliora la cottura utilizzando una pietra refrattaria o una teglia rovente.

📌 Trucco da pizzaiolo: Cuocere la pizza nella parte più calda del forno per ottenere una base croccante e una cottura uniforme.

5. Errori da evitare nell’impasto della pizza

❌ Usare troppa farina durante l’impasto: Rende la pizza dura. ❌ Impastare troppo a lungo: Il glutine si sviluppa eccessivamente, rendendo l’impasto difficile da stendere. ❌ Non rispettare i tempi di lievitazione: Un impasto non maturo risulterà pesante e poco digeribile. ❌ Forno poco caldo: La pizza rischia di diventare secca e poco fragrante.

6. Conclusion

L’impasto è la base di una pizza perfetta. Scegliendo ingredienti di qualità, rispettando i tempi di lievitazione e utilizzando la giusta tecnica di cottura, potrai ottenere una pizza fragrante e digeribile, proprio come quella di un vero pizzaiolo!

🔹 Vuoi imparare dai professionisti? Iscriviti al nostro corso per pizzaioli e diventa un maestro dell’impasto!

La storia dietro il tuo piatto preferito l'origine della pizza

The story behind your favorite dish: the origin of pizza

Hello pizza lovers friends! Today I want to tell you a story that will surely make your mouth water: the origin of pizza! The pizza, with its irresistible aroma and delicious flavour, it is one of the most loved dishes in the world. But have you ever wondered where this delicacy comes from?? Make yourselves comfortable, because we are about to take a journey through time to discover the origins of pizza.

The beginning of a tasty journey

To understand the origin of pizza, we have to go back a few millennia. It is said that focaccias similar to pizza were already prepared in ancient Egypt, and the same goes for the Greeks and Romans, who loved to season bread with various ingredients. But pizza as we know it today has more recent roots and has its origins in the city of Naples, in the 18th century.

The birth of modern pizza

Pizza as we know it today was born in Naples. At the start, it was a simple and popular dish among the Neapolitan working classes. The base was a focaccia topped with tomato, which had just been imported from the Americas. This dish was cheap, nutritious and easy to prepare, which immediately made him very popular.

Queen Margherita and Margherita pizza

A turning point in the history of pizza occurred in 1889, when the pizza chef Raffaele Esposito prepared a special pizza for Queen Margherita of Savoy. This pizza was topped with tomato, mozzarella and basil, representing the colors of the Italian flag. The Queen appreciated this pizza so much that Esposito named it in her honor: thus the Margherita pizza was born, one of the most loved variants in the world.

The spread of pizza in the world

Pizza began its journey beyond Italian borders thanks to Italian emigrants who, leaving for new lands in search of fortune, they brought with them the culinary traditions of their country. Pizza has found fertile ground especially in the United States, where it became incredibly popular. The first American pizzerias opened in New York and Chicago at the beginning of the 20th century, and from there pizza spread throughout the world, becoming one of the most loved and consumed foods everywhere.

The pizza shop: beating heart of tradition

Pizzerias are the beating heart of the pizza tradition. Each pizzeria has its own history and unique recipes, passed down from generation to generation. who, preparing dough is an art that requires time, passion and dedication. The ingredients are carefully chosen and the pizza is cooked in wood-fired ovens, which give that unmistakable flavour.

The art of dough preparation

The preparation of the dough is a fundamental element for obtaining a perfect pizza. Flour, water, yeast and salt are the main ingredients, but it is their combination and workmanship that makes the difference. The dough must be worked carefully and left to rise for the time necessary for the pizza to be soft and fragrant..

Cooking pizza: a sacred rite

Cooking pizza is a truly sacred ritual in pizzerias. The wood oven, which can reach very high temperatures, it is essential for perfect cooking. The pizza must cook for a few minutes, just the right amount of time to obtain a crunchy base and well-blended ingredients. This technique, refined over the centuries, it's what makes Neapolitan pizza unique in the world.

Catering and innovation

Present Day, pizza-related catering is constantly evolving. In addition to traditional pizzerias, there are many places that offer innovative variations of pizza, using original ingredients and modern techniques. However, tradition remains the point of reference, and true pizza enthusiasts know how to appreciate the quality and history behind each slice.

Become a master pizza chef with us!

If you too are passionate about pizza and want to learn all the secrets of preparation, sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. who, you will be able to learn traditional and modern techniques for preparing dough and cooking pizza, led by expert pizza chefs.

A special invitation from Silvio Cicchi

Dear readers, Thank you for reading this journey into the history of pizza! I invite you to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you can find more 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. Don't miss the opportunity to discover all the secrets of this extraordinary dish. Greetings from Silvio Cicchi!



The Way to the Perfect Pizza How to Choose the Best Ingredients for Your Unique Creation

The Way to the Perfect Pizza How to Choose the Best Ingredients for Your Unique Creation

The Way to the Perfect Pizza How to Choose the Best Ingredients for Your Unique Creation. Have you ever dreamed of creating the perfect pizza in the comfort of your kitchen? The secret isn't just in preparing the dough or cooking the pizza, but also in choosing the right ingredients. In this article, we will explore together how to select the elements that will make your pizza a gastronomic masterpiece.

The Magic Starts with the Ingredients

Pizza is much more than a simple dish; it is a culinary art that requires care and love in the selection of ingredients. The first step towards creating a delicious pizza is choosing a quality base.

Flour: The Heart of the Dough

Start with flour, the heart of the dough. Choose a flour suited to your favorite style of pizza. Flour 00 it's a classic choice for a thin, crispy pizza, while a wholemeal flour can give a rustic and nutritious flavor. If you want a light and fluffy texture, Manitoba flour could be your best ally.

Advice from an expert pizza chef: Experiment with different flours until you find the perfect one for your unique taste.

The yeast: The Magic Ingredient

Now, let's talk about yeast, the magic ingredient that makes the dough rise. You can opt for fresh brewer's yeast or instant dry yeast, depending on your preference and time available. A slowly leavened dough develops flavor and texture, so take the time necessary for an amazing result.

The Symphony of Flavors: Choose with wisdom

Once prepared the dough, it's time to explore the world of condiments. The variety of cheeses, sauces and ingredients can seem overwhelming, but with a little’ of creativity, you can create a unique combination of flavors.

Tomato Sauce: The Perfect Base

Tomato sauce is the base of many pizzas, so choose it carefully. Opt for high-quality peeled tomatoes, or prepare a fresh salsa with ripe tomatoes, garlic, olive oil and basil. Simplicity is often the key to a delicious sauce.

The cheeses: A Dance of Tastes

No pizza is complete without cheese. Buffalo mozzarella for a creamy consistency, pecorino for a touch of robustness or gorgonzola for a bold flavor. The combination of cheeses is an opportunity to create a symphony of flavors that will make your taste buds dance.

The Extra Ingredients: A Personal Touch

In addition to the classics such as mushrooms and ham, dare with unusual ingredients such as fresh rocket, fichi about the night. The uniqueness of your pizza depends on your creativity. Experiment, play with flavors and surprise the palate.

Cooking: The Final Magic

Once your pizza is made, it's time to cook it. Cooking pizza is an art in itself. If you have a wood-fired oven, take advantage of it to get a crispy crust and a smoky flavor. Otherwise, a traditional oven can work wonders with a baking stone.

Sign up for our Pizza Maker Courses

If you want to take your passion for pizza to the next level, subscribe to our pizza maker courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. Learn the secrets directly from a master pizza chef and transform your kitchen into a gourmet pizzeria.

Conclusion: Your Pizza, Your Work of Art

In conclusion, choosing the ingredients for your pizza is an exciting journey. From flour to topping, each element contributes to creating a culinary work of art. Experiment, have fun and remember that perfection is in personal taste. Your pizza is your one-of-a-kind creation.


Silvio Cicchi

Visit my youtube channel, you will find beyond 300 Video recipes of pizza




Sourdough how to grow it and use it

Sourdough how to grow it and use it

Yeast: guide to cultivation and use. Mother yeast is a fundamental ingredient in bread-making, capable of giving the preparations a unique flavor and a soft and fragrant consistency. Growing your own sourdough is not difficult, but it requires attention and dedication. In this article we will explain how to grow it and use it to the fullest.

here are the 10 points we will cover:

What is mother yeast and what are its health benefits.

How to grow mother yeast at home.

What are the ingredients necessary for the cultivation of sourdough.

What are the phases of the cultivation of sourdough.

How to store sourdough.

How to use sourdough in baking.

The differences between sourdough and brewer's yeast.

The most common recipes that use sourdough.

How to solve the most common problems in the cultivation and use of sourdough.

Why enroll in our professional practical courses on baking.

What is mother yeast and what are its health benefits.

Mother yeast is a natural yeast obtained from the fermentation of water and flour. Thanks to the presence of lactic acid bacteria, mother yeast is able to give the preparations a unique flavor and a soft and fragrant texture. In addition to, sourdough is much more digestible than brewer's yeast and also contains probiotics beneficial to the intestine.

How to grow mother yeast at home.

Growing sourdough at home is quite simple. First of all, it is necessary to prepare a dough with water and flour. Subsequently, the dough should be left at room temperature for a few hours, so that fermentation begins. In this period, bubbles will form on the surface of the dough, a sign that the sourdough is forming. After about 24 hours, proceed to refresh the dough by adding water and fresh flour. This process should be repeated every day for about a week, until the mother yeast is ready to be used.

What are the ingredients necessary for the cultivation of sourdough.

Only two ingredients are needed for the cultivation of sourdough: water and flour. It is recommended to use non-chlorinated water and durum or wholemeal flour, which contain a higher quantity of lactic acid bacteria. You can also use flour from other cereals, such as rye or spelled, to obtain a sourdough with different organoleptic characteristics.

What are the phases of the cultivation of sourdough.

The cultivation of mother yeast takes place in several stages:

Preparation stage: a dough is prepared with water and flour and left at room temperature for a few hours to start fermentation.

Refreshment stage: water and fresh flour are added to the fermented dough and left again at room temperature for a few hours.

Repeat phase: the refresh process is repeated every day for about a week, until the mother yeast is ready to be used.

Conservation stage: the sourdough is stored in the refrigerator and fed with water and fresh flour every week or two.

How to store sourdough.

Mother yeast is kept in the refrigerator, in a glass or plastic container with a lid. Mother yeast should be fed with water and fresh flour every week or two, depending on the quantity of sourdough present in the container. If you do not use the sourdough starter for an extended period, it is advisable to refresh it before use.

How to use sourdough in baking.

Mother yeast can be used as the main ingredient or as an adjuvant in bread-making. Thanks to its ability to ferment slowly, the sourdough gives the preparations a unique flavor and a soft and fragrant texture. Sourdough can be used to make bread, pizza, cake, brioches and many other baked goods.

The differences between sourdough and brewer's yeast.

Sourdough and brewer's yeast are two different ingredients. Brewer's yeast is a selected yeast, which ferments quickly and gives preparations a neutral flavor. Yeast, instead, it is a natural leaven, which ferments slowly and gives the preparations a unique flavor and a soft and fragrant texture.

The most common recipes that use sourdough.

Mother yeast is used in many bread recipes. Among the most common we find:

Pane: sourdough bread is soft and fragrant. Bread can be prepared with wholemeal sourdough or other cereal flours.

Pizza: sourdough pizza has a unique flavor and a soft texture. You can prepare pizza with wholemeal sourdough or other cereal flours.

Cake: the focaccia with sourdough is soft and fragrant. The focaccia can be prepared with wholemeal sourdough or other cereal flours.

buns: the brioches with sourdough are soft and fragrant. You can prepare the buns with wholemeal sourdough or other cereal flours.

The health benefits of mother yeast.

Sourdough has numerous health benefits, among which:

Improved digestion: sourdough helps to better digest gluten and complex carbohydrates.

Improving the immune system: sourdough contains beneficial bacteria that can help boost your immune system.

Blood sugar control: sourdough can help control blood sugar levels, thanks to the presence of lactic acid.

Nutrient absorption: sourdough helps to improve the absorption of vitamins and minerals present in food.

The call to professional practical courses.

If you are interested in learning how to grow and use sourdough professionally, we recommend that you enroll in our professional practical courses. Our teachers are experienced baking professionals and will teach you everything you need to know to become an expert bread maker, pizza, cake, brioches and many other baked goods. Our courses are suitable for anyone, whether you are a beginner or a pro. In addition to, thanks to the online teaching method, you can follow the lessons from the comfort of your home, without having to move. Subscribe to Our professional practical courses and discover all the secrets of baking with sourdough!

In conclusion, sourdough is a versatile and healthy ingredient that can give a unique flavor and a soft and fragrant texture to many baked goods. Growing sourdough is easy and only takes a while’ of patience and perseverance. Using sourdough in baking can enrich the taste of our baked goods and bring many health benefits. If you are interested in becoming an expert in the preparation of baked goods with sourdough, subscribe to Our professional practical courses and discover all the secrets of baking!


Silvio Cicchi

Visit and subscribe to my Youtube channel