Category archives: preparation

Farina Focaccia with Cannabis

Farina Focaccia with Cannabis

Updated the 16-10-2022 Farina Focaccia with Cannabis. Having prepared the dough for pizza with hemp flour, today we will see how to prepare an excellent one cake with this special dough.

It's very simple to prepare, and it requires little more than a minute of preparation and about 3 minutes of cooking in a professional oven at 300 degrees.

The super focaccia

The secret to getting this delicious focaccia, starts already in preparation of a good dough. In this previous post, It is widely described in the videos and photos as the dough is prepared with a mixture of wheat flour 0, ea 10% Hemp flour. The dough has a long maturation a 3 degrees, about 48 hours.

Farina Focaccia with Cannabis
Farina Focaccia with Cannabis

Farina Focaccia with Cannabis

Roll out your focaccia, add extra virgin olive oil, sale, rosemary and bake at 300 degrees to 3 minutes.

Remove from the oven as soon as the edge is perfectly golden and serve still hot your guests.

Conclusions on focaccia

The special focaccia, prepared with a mixture of hemp seed flour, It is a good appetizer. Serve while still hot to your guests, combined with a young dry white, a “Passerina

If you are not an expert in preparing pizza at home or in your business, ours will surely be useful course of professional pizza maker online. You can access lessons whenever you want. many videos “know how”, many secrets for a perfect pizza. Click here to learn more.


You are a Chef and would like to expand your knowledge about pizza? Take one of our hands-on professional courses at our Italian pizza. For more information, click here.

Farina Focaccia with Cannabis
Farina Focaccia with Cannabis

Farina Focaccia with Cannabis

It might be useful reading the article that we have dedicated to virgin hemp seed. You find it by clicking this link.

If you want more information on hemp, you can consult wikipedia by clicking here.

If you liked our recipe for focaccia with hemp flour, share this post on social networks.


Silvio Cicchi

Sale Aromatizzato All'Origano

Salt flavored with oregano

Salt flavored with oregano. This plant is known worldwide for its aromatic properties. E’ a herbaceous perennial plant that grows wild up to 2000 meters above sea level. Its scientific name is Origanum and it belongs to the family Lamiaceae.

Salt flavored with oregano
A mazzett oregano

Oregano is not simply a herb, but a real medicinal plant to use to stay healthy and prevent many diseases.

It Contains Phenols, mineral salts, Vitamins, potassium and calcium iron manganese.

It can easily be grown in pots. The plant can also achieve the 80 inches tall, It has oval leaves just notched, its beautiful flowers are grouped into pannochhie that have a pleasing color ranging from white to pink. Its fruits instead, It appears as a dark colored capsule.

Salt flavored with oregano
dried oregano

Of this essential plant, in pizzeria, They use the leaves and tops that are harvested during the summer during flowering, They prepare bunches that are hung upside down to dry.

Salt flavored with oregano

In pizzeria oregano it is often used to flavor tomato pizza, on caprese pizza, or to flavor cakes like pizza Pugliese.

Many pizza makers prepare oregano salt to flavor their pizzas.

how to prepare:

After collecting the fresh oregano, prepare it in bunches and place them upside down to dry for 2 the 3 weeks.

When it is dry, put the bunches in a mortar along with the big and pounded salt for a few minutes.

The same operation can be done with a mixer.

Salt flavored with oregano
Sale all’origano

Put the oregano salt in glass jars with airtight cap so that the aroma is not lost with the passage of time, They will have a very long-term.

Salt flavored with oregano

Use it not only on the pizza, on tomato pizza and the buns, but on your tomato sauce for pasta, in sauce, to flavor the burgers and to flavor your favorite dishes.


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Pizza With Buratto Farina

Pizza With Buratto Farina. Not enough to be excellent “pizzaioli” to succeed in “Internet”. Thus I began my teacher at the course “THIS” (search engine optimization) I'm attending, then, he added: try posting an article with a picture of a pizza next to a nice butt of a girl, nothing vulgar, Immediately you will notice that your post will be read and clicked by twice as many people usually read your articles!!

And, but what it has to do the lower back of a girl with flour sifter? absolutely nothing, but the images much influence what they read and clicking boaters. A photo of a sieve to flour He would have aroused the interest of a few.

Well, this is precisely the subject I wanted to say, The cheesecloth is nothing but the flour sieve.

Pizza With Buratto Farina
A sieve of the old model flour

Pizza With Buratto Farina

The definition cheesecloth is approached to a machine that sifts the flour to divide into different sizes. From here comes the term “level of sifting” that is, the degree of sophistication of the flour.

Over the flour is sifted, the more it will prove to be refined, white in color and almost impalpable to the touch, It will be rich in starch and poor in minerals (ashes).

The percentage of sifting must be understood exactly in the opposite way:

  • A higher percentage of sifting is equivalent to less refined flour.
  • A lower percentage of sifting equivalent to a greater refinement of the flour.

To help you better understand,I published the following table representing the classification of flour:

Type of Flour Humidity Max ash Min. ash Max. min proteins. Abburrattamento
00 14,50% 0,55% 9,00% 50%
0 14,50% 0,65% 11,00% 72%
1 14,50% 0,80% 12,00% 80%
2 14,50% 0,95% 12,00% 85%
Whole wheat 14,50% 1.30% 1,70% 12,00% 100%

All those who have attended our professional pizzaiolo courses at our School Pizza, They know very well flour, including flour sifter, then, they know perfectly well that we are not talking about a proper whole-wheat flour, but it is characterized by a stay of fibrous parts and germ of the seed, It keeps inside the granules of large size, so it is classified as type flour 2.

Pizza With Buratto Farina
A flour sifter type 2

Compared to flour 00, the sifter flour contains many more proteins, then more gluten, This makes it a strong flour (The), It contains larger granules, therefore it is less soluble, but it can be used to produce bread, pasta, pizza and sweets. About sweet, it would seem that the “Baba” made with this type of meal are the best.

Pizza With Buratto Farina

In pizzeria, This semigrezzo wheat flour is added in small percentages classic dough, the same way they usually use whole wheat flour. Your pizza is crispy outside and soft inside, light, perfumed and fragrant.

Pizza With Buratto Farina
pizza prepared with the addition of flour burattto

I recommend, prepare the dough well in advance, prepare the pizza dough balls, place them in a container with lid and .. leavening in a refrigerator at 3 degrees centigrade for at least 48 hours.

Pizza With Buratto Farina
Dough prepared with the addition of flour sifter

More information on the sifter can find on wikipedia clicking here.


Friends, the largest equity that I possess. Found this interesting article? Share on your network of contacts Twitter, on your wall on Facebook or simply press “G ” to suggest this result in Google searches. Disseminate content that are relevant to this blog helps grow. Thank You!

Garlic Flavored Oil to On Pizza

Garlic Flavored Oil to On Pizza

Garlic Flavored Oil to On Pizza. How can we forget the oil flavored with garlic!! I'll never forget the first trouble I've done in a pizzeria in my long career as a pizza maker (40 age). My maestro “Gennaro” He had carefully prepared the oil flavored with garlic, secretly he added a teaspoon of all pizzas churning wisely. As soon as I set foot in a pizzeria, its first recommendation I suggested, It has been to keep always clean the workbench. I…I stupidly threw the garlic oil precious thinking that something had accidentally fallen into the oil jar!

He had a strange way to make myself understood when I did something wrong, He pulled the great “kick your ass”, and…that day… I have a lot of data. Since then I realized the importance of the oil flavored with garlic in a pizzeria.

Garlic Flavored Oil to On Pizza
Garlic Flavored Oil to On Pizza

Garlic Flavored Oil On Pizza

today after 40 age, yet I prepare my oil flavored with garlic, well in advance, to avoid the risk of running out, and, I put it out with all the new students that come in my School pizzaioli that that jar from valuable content, It must never be thrown!!!

The scent that gives the garlic oil to a freshly baked pizza is something unique and unparalleled.

With this simple recipe you can also prepare you at home or in your business.

Garlic Flavored Oil to On Pizza
Garlic Flavored Oil to On Pizza

Garlic Flavored Oil to On Pizza


Half a liter of extra virgin olive oil (what good)

6 cloves of garlic pinafores (deprived of the cuticle)

An herb spoon (rosemary, oregano, sage and chilli finely chopped)


Wash and dry carefully a glass jar with airtight lid.

Pour inside the six garlic cloves pinafores crushing them lightly with the palm of your hand.

Add the mix of herbs and cover with extra virgin olive oil.

tightly close the lid and let stand the jar in a dark place of your pantry for twenty days.

Avoid the oxidation of the product by exposing it to light.

After twenty days, adequate filtering the content and … soon.

Enjoy it on the dough, on bruschetta, on pizza and your buns.

In addition to enhance the flavor of your dishes and your pizzas, garlic oil possesses other important beneficial properties:

It helps the immune system

Useful in cancer prevention

Check your cholesterol and protects our heart

Very effective in combat and eliminate dandruff

A useful remedy for toothache

Useful remedy to treat ear infections

Useful to reduce acne

Garlic Flavored Oil to On Pizza
Garlic Flavored Oil to On Pizza

If you want to learn more about garlic you can consult wikipedia clicking this link.

By the way, what aspects to click on G + and then share it on your Facebook wall? 😉 (The so technical articles are of great help for those who make pizza at home or in their own business!)

Click on G + and share this post on Facebook, you will not be diverted to any other page, but you demonstrate your gratitude for this article! Thank You

Silvio Cicchi Executive Chef Pizza

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses. When you write posts that will be read by many other people, It must be clear, but the thing that I think is very important not to fall into criticism from other readers or people doing the same job is… only write things you know well.

Often surf the net looking for ideas and suggestions for new post, today to answer questions received by many readers and readers who prepare the pizza at home, I wanted to write this advice covering a pretty important thing about the pizza, We introduce the topic baking powder and the right amounts to be added to the dough.

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses
Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

When I read in some recipes on the web site of some illustrious and I see between doses….Flour 300 grams and Yeast 20 grams Well… shoot straight, immediately step to other sites and other recipes. How you can use 20 grams of yeast for 3 pizzas to the plate or for the preparation of a baking tray? What credibility we should give these gentlemen? daltronde, just look at the photos of their results to understand that he's talking about pizza, but of something baked in the oven with the above ingredients.

Too much yeast in the dough feels, altrera aromas and taste of pizza.

So what we have to put yeast?

The yeast cubes of beer they sell in the supermarket weigh 25 grams, I think that in a dough 200 pizzas along with 24 hours of leavening in the fridge, ne uso 5 GRAMS (Five).

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses
Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

For housewives and husbands who Sundays prepare pizza at home and as usual to knead 5 afternoon and then leave the dough to rise 2 sunshine hours and then consume it the same evening at 7/8, I would like to give an advice: Increasing the dose of yeast disproportionately pizza will not rise before, It takes the same time to rise even with only a few crumbs of leaven, 2 or three grams are sufficient. Anyhow, the mixture to be digested must get to “maturation” more or less quickly depending on the type of flour used for the dough that will have, and maturation, You not certainly comes with only two hours of leavening.

Make a habit of mixing with a good mixture of flour (W350) pizza on Saturday, and then roll out the pizza and fire it on Sunday night (long rising in the fridge), the result will be great.

How do I comment my friend Carmine, the topic “As yeast use” it is clear only to people who have appropriate knowledge on the pizza, on doughs and especially the flour to use, those who prepare once in a while the pizza at home will have difficulty understanding.

Just to help these people in difficulty, I prepared a course of professional pizza maker ONLINE to everyone who will help you prepare the pizza to your home just like an expert pizza maker, It contains lots of useful information, tricks and secrets on suitable flour for pizza, dough, leavening, the preparation and baking. The trainees have access to a tutor who will answer to all the doubts and questions, to know more CLICK HERE.

Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses
Pizza and Yeast The Righteous Doses

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Pizza dough type grip Romana

Pizza dough type grip Romana. Fashion is not a sole that influences the way we dress, but at the same time also it affects the daily food that ends up on our tables. The pizza guy “Romanian Pinsa” It is the striking case of these last years. While until a few years ago it was a case restricted to one area of ​​Rome, Now the opening of new phenomenon “pinserie” It is involving some our entire peninsula. sprouting everywhere, often associated with words “bio” If it looks too fashionable in recent times. Do you think that in my small country within a week they opened their doors 2 new Pinserie.

Pizza dough type grip Romana
Pizza dough type grip Romana

We have extensively discussed the history of type grip pizza in our previous article that you can consult by clicking this link, Today we will talk about how to prepare the mixture of flour for the dough of this specialty.

Pizza dough type grip Romana

The ingredients that make up this special dough include the use of a strong wheat flour with a high W value that was approximately 350, to all this must be added the soy flour and the rice flour together with a small percentage of dried sourdough.

As always it happens in the preparation of the pizza, it all begins right from the purchase of flour for the dough. If you are real pizza lovers, I suggest you subscribe to one of our professional pizzaiolo courses at our school. All those who have attended our course, in addition to being experts in cooking and preparing leavening, They have a broad knowledge of the flour on the market, what to buy and how to use them to get it the perfect pizza.

Back to our Dough type grip Romana.

Prepare a mixture of flour type:

800 grams farina w300-w350

150 grams of rice flour

50 grams soy flour

a teaspoon of sourdough dried wheat as a improver

30 grams salt

10 grams EVO oil

yeast 4 the 5 grams

nota bene, This mixture will absorb 80 % water.

Use strictly cold water and what important dates so the dough to reach maturity, so a rise in the refrigerator long. Prepare the balls in the containers and place them in the fridge to 3 degrees centigrade for at least 48 the 60 hours.

Pizza dough type grip Romana
Pizza dough type grip Romana

Pizza dough type grip Romana

The pizza guy Pinsa Romana fragrant, basic and crisp edge and soft and fragrant interior, more digestible than plain pizza because of the long rising and high hydration, hypocaloric compared to the common pizza since the use of soy flour and rice flour, It differs from the older sister for a lower in calories and fat.

If you are interested in preparing your house or your business in the Roman type grip pizza like a pro, we suggest you subscribe to one of our professional Pizzaiolo courses at our school. To learn more about our professional courses click here.

If you want to learn more about the grip Romana, click here.

Type Pinsa Pizza Romana

Type Pinsa Pizza Romana

Type Pinsa Pizza Romana. Pinsa Romana is a registered trademark of a famous Roman company. In this article, in order to avoid any legal trouble, we restrict ourselves to one type of pizza that we will call “Type Pinsa Romana”

What is the pizza of the Roman type grip? We begin inevitably from some inevitable historical sketch.

Roman pizza type grip is a flat bread prepared with a dough light. A flattened oval shape, of the name comes from the Latin language “pinsere” which means crush, stretch.

Type Pinsa Pizza Romana
Type Pinsa Pizza Romana

The origins of this particular type of pizza, dating back thousands of years ago, when the poorest prepared by mixing cereal product they had available barley, Spelt, oats and millet with water, salt and various herbs, the dough was baked on stone.

Testimonies readily available can be found in the stories of Virgil in his Aeneid, the grip was used as the basis (dish) for food.

This is the grip the ancestor of the pizza that we find in present times.

Type Pinsa Pizza Romana

The grip is a modern reworking adapted to modern techniques, the ingredients that make up this kind of dough are:

The differences from the common pizza that you can see at sight are:

The oval shape “pinsere stretch =”

The fragrance being high and soft

Digestibility due to the long time to rise

water absorption of up to 80%

The rising times of the Roman type grip pizza can be up to 120 hours in the refrigerator.

Type Pinsa Pizza Romana
Type Pinsa Pizza Romana

Type Pinsa Pizza Romana

In our next article we'll reveal how to prepare at home the flour mix to prepare the type grip Roman pizza.

Who is interested in this type of pizza, You can attend one of our practical training as a pizza maker at our school. All our students know pizza flour inside out, They are also able to prepare the delicious dough for churning out the kind Roman grip pizza that produce and consume regularly during our professional courses pizzaiolo.

We feel in a few days to talk in detail dough Roman type grip. You can find it by clicking this link.

Type Pinsa Pizza Romana

More info on Romanian Pinsa.

Salt Flavored With Rosemary As preparation of this dish

Salt Flavored With Rosemary As preparation of this dish

Salt Flavored With Rosemary As preparation of this dish. All those living in the Mediterranean area have the fortune to know this famous aromatic plant from the times of the Romans.

We have already talked about this plant in our previous post called “Rosemary, Also good From Smoking”. somewhat ironic title, but that does nothing more than to settle all the beneficial properties of this plant. If you wish to learn more about the rosemary, I invite you to read the post by clicking this link.

It is widely used in cooking, I think that everyone has among the spices and ingredients in its cuisine rosemary, in dried form or a fresh sprig just dipped in a glass of water.

Salt Flavored With Rosemary As preparation of this dish
Salt Flavored With Rosemary As preparation of this dish

In pizzeria, Rosemary is indispensable. It is almost always used fresh on all focaccie, its scent makes the unique and appetizing preparations.

Previously we proposed the recipe and preparation oil with rosemary, find it who.

Not everyone knows instead the use of rosemary in the form of “salt flavored with rosemary”. The use of this tasty dressing on pizza will give a special touch to all your pizzas.

Salt Flavored With Rosemary As preparation of this dish

E’ a very simple recipe to prepare, you will have no difficulty.

We begin preparation by purchasing the right kind of salt, nothing iodized salt or other types of chemical salt, but purchased the common sea salt, big or until it does not matter because we will have to pass it to the mixer and grind together with rosemary.


500 grams of whole salt

5/6 sprigs of fresh rosemary

Washed and dried rosemary, pour it into a blender with the salt and chop the mixture in short pulses to avoid any overheating.

Put the mixture on a baking tray with greaseproof paper and bake at 50 degrees around and let dry the mixture for 30 minutes.

Salt Flavored With Rosemary As preparation of this dish
Salt Flavored With Rosemary As preparation of this dish

Salt Flavored With Rosemary As preparation of this dish

When your salt flavored with rosemary will be perfectly dry, remove from the oven heat and let cool to room temperature.

Pour into glass jars hermetically sealed and is ready to use. It is preserved almost indefinitely.

People of pizza lovers to you the word!!

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Made this, tell me what you think. Our site now receives most of its traffic thanks to the many tips and advice on how to make pizza that we provide daily visitors. In your case however? because we follow? leave your comment.

Salt Flavored With Rosemary As preparation of this dish
Salt Flavored With Rosemary As preparation of this dish

Rosemary on wikipedia

Pizza baked in house on baking stone

Pizza baked in house on baking stone. One of the questions that comes to me more frequently by friends who prepare the pizza at home is as follows: How do I make a good pizza even with the oven in my house?

Pizza baked in house on baking stone
Pizza baked in house on baking stone

The biggest problem for those who prepare the pizza for the family at home lies in the cooking of the same. Many think that the cause of a bad result is due to the mix, the ingredients used, or the rising times not respected. All we know that the baking temperature of the pizza is approximately 300 degrees. Often the oven of our house does not even reach the maximum power of this temperature, and, if we consider that the opening of the large door of the oven, when we insert the pizza to be cooked, a large part of the heat is lost, the temperature drops drastically and we are to bake the pizza with the thermostat which indicates that the heat has subsided considerably, sometimes down to 200 degrees. The result that is obtained by cooking our pizza at such low temperatures is often due to lack of fragrance, rubbery pizza, pale color and cooking times that are up to 30 minutes. A good product cooked in a wood stove takes less than a minute, and in a professional oven is around 3 minutes.

Then, how to rectify this unfortunate incident and improve our pizza?

Pizza baked in house on baking stone
Pizza baked in house on baking stone

Pizza baked in house on baking stone

The baking stone.

The baking stone is a tool in my opinion fundamental and indispensable for all those who prepare the pizza at home in the classic kitchen oven.

The baking stone is inserted in the oven, the oven must be brought to temperature (300 degrees), It must be turned on at least 30 minutes early.

The refractory material will work for us acting as a heat accumulator, already you will notice right away that once inserted the pizza to be cooked and closed the oven door, the temperature will remain high enough. Already from the first time you use it, you will notice a marked improvement in your beloved pizza.

Pizza baked in house on baking stone
Pizza baked in house on baking stone

Pizza baked in house on baking stone

The perfect pizza:

You all know that you can cook the pizza directly on the refractory stone, try this, you shorten a lot of the cooking time and you will get a state of the art product.

Even for those that do not want to change their habits, and they want to continue to bake your own pizza in the classic pan, notice visible improvements in cooking using the aid of refractory stone.


Lovers of DIY, They can buy from stores of material for the building refractory mortar pennies per pound and build a baking stone for your custom and personalized thick oven. Who does not have time and possibilities, may apply to Amazon and get get the baking stone in their own home in a day at very reasonable prices.

Below are some examples of good refractory stones that I have selected for you:

If after all these recommendations and suggestions your homemade pizza is not the best aspect, or is coming disaster, I suggest you subscribe to our online professional course. Easy and suitable for everyone, our online course you will get fantastic results from the first time you prepare the pizza for your guests at your home. To learn more and to get more information, click here.

Pizza baked in house on baking stone
Pizza baked in house on baking stone


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Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use. This article contains the '”A B C” a pizzaiolo, a pastry chef or a baker. All those who are about to make pizza or bread in the store or at home should know perfectly the content of this post.

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use
Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

Flour…. because we do not give the right value to the flour that we use? Often we commit our first mistake in the preparation of the pizza from the choice of the flour we buy on the supermarket shelf. I'm tired of listening to complaints juxtaposed to a badly managed product, blaming your oven, leavening, the yeast that was not good or not has been put enough dough. From all this it was necessary to write again for clarification on this product which is the basic ingredient of bread in all the kitchens of the world.

Each flour has special characteristics which make it suitable for one or for another type of preparation.

We see all kinds of wheat flour, their use, the difference between their strength (The) and proteins, so we will be able to make the right choice in buying:

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use
Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use


Flour 00 It is the most common flour, It is obtained from the processing of the inner part of the seed of wheat, to tell the truth when it comes to us, the 00 It does not contain anything more, considering that, in the grinding process are eliminated fibers, minerals and vitamins. It will surely be easy to work, but does not provide any nutrients to our body, Indeed there are many who say that it hurts, rich in sugars and difficult to digest.


Just less refined the 00, flour type 0 and widely used in bread making because it contains much gluten.


The high content of bran and wheat germ make flour 1 full of useful substances for our body. Very used for the production of bread, pizza, pastries and bakery products.


The flour 2 It is an integral seed flour, Highly textured and coarsely minced. Much easier to work with than the whole wheat flour. Precisely because of its degree of grinding the flour 2 leavens much more slowly than a 0 or of a 00. This type of flour is used in baking, a pizzeria and bakery for some types of sweets.


The unrefined grinding, from this type of flour a grainy texture to the touch. It contains the highest number of nutrients seen that the whole is milled grain of wheat. Although its use is very limited as very difficult to work, it is the best. If you decide to buy it, try freshly ground whole wheat flour in stone, the slow grind does not overheat the grain that will keep all its properties.

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use
Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

The strength of the flour

The flour is also classified according to its power (The). the strength of the flour is the absorption capacity of liquids during the dough and the ability to retain carbon dioxide during the leavening (see the gluten network of the pizza) and it is measured according to the contained gluten protein (gliadina+ glutenina).

A strong flour will be used for long fermentation products such as bread, pizza, Christmas panettone and Easter cakes with cheese, A weak flour is suitable for production that do not require long rising, type pastry, brisè pasta etc..

The strength of the flour find it written on the same packaging, the unit of measurement is the W, the strength scale ranges from weak to stronger 130W 500W.

Here's how they are used:

weak flours up to 170W

These flours absorb about 50% of liquids and are ideal for leavened flour like cookies

Farine medie da 180W and 260W

Absorb in phase of liquid mixture that can reach the 65% weight and they are used for products that contain an average quantity of liquid as the rolls.

Farine forti da 270W and 350W

absorb the 65 to the 70% liquid and is ideal for PIZZA. For a good pizza often prepares a mixture containing flour Manitoba. The MANITOBA flour is often used to increase the strength of weak flour, It has its own force of about 350W and comes to even absorb 90% of liquid.

strong flour over 350W

These flours arrive to absorb up to 90% of liquid. They are often used by pastry chefs to prepare delicious Panettone and Pandoro.

In Italy, specialists in Complicating matters is in force the law number 580 which, with its subsequent amendments provides that the bag of flour classification is shown in terms of ashes or the minerals that remain intact after refining: more ashes are low and more the flour is refined.

Soft wheat flour type 00 â€“ 0,55%
Soft wheat flour type 0 â€“ 0,65%
Soft wheat flour type 1 â€“ 0,80%
Soft wheat flour type 2 â€“ 0,95%
Wheat wholemeal flour â€“ 1,30% / 1,70%

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use
Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

The flour protein.

Even proteins ( Gliadina e glutenina) They must be specified by law on the bag of flour. The minimum values ​​of commerce have these:

Soft wheat flour type 00 â€“ 9,00%
Soft wheat flour type 0 â€“ 11,00%
Soft wheat flour type 1 â€“ 12,00%
Soft wheat flour type 2 â€“ 12,00%
Wheat wholemeal flour â€“ 12,00%

The hard wheat flour

For wheat flour as not to further complicate things we have reserved a separate article that you can consult by clicking here.

I tend to have in my school pizza makers of the students who come from other countries where the flours are classified differently, so I prepared a helpful valid table for you if you decide to make pizza to your guests while on holiday abroad.

Classification of flour abroad:
Soft wheat flour type 00 â€“ Pastry flour
Soft wheat flour type 0 â€“ All pourpose flour
Soft wheat flour type 1 â€“ High gluten flour
Soft wheat flour type 2 â€“ First clear flour
Wholemeal flour â€“ White whole wheat
Durum wheat flour â€“ Durum wheat semolina

Flour!!! In our professional courses of pizza at our school of pizza, the flour is the basic argument that everyone should know. A pizza maker who attended our course will be able to prepare their own perfect blend of flour, depending on the type of leavening that want to do. To learn more about our professional courses CLICK HERE.

If you want to learn more about the flour, consultation wikipedia

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use


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