Category archives: preparation

Courses for pizza: How to choose the right school for you

Courses for pizza: How to choose the right school for you

Courses for pizza: How to choose the right school for you


Diventare pizzaiolo professionista richiede formazione, pratica e la scelta della giusta scuola. Ma come individuare il miglior corso per pizzaioli per le tue esigenze? In questo articolo scoprirai i criteri fondamentali per scegliere una scuola pizzaioli affidabile e ottenere una preparazione della pizza di alto livello.

Come scegliere la migliore scuola della pizza?

1. Valuta la qualità della formazione

Un buon corso per pizzaioli deve offrire un programma completo che copra:

  • Le basi della preparazione della pizza
  • Tecniche di impasto e lievitazione
  • Uso del forno a legna, elettrico e a gas
  • Pratica intensiva con docenti esperti

Verifica il curriculum e assicurati che la scuola offra un percorso strutturato, con teoria e pratica equilibrate.

2. Controlla le certificazioni e i riconoscimenti

Le migliori scuole per pizzaioli dispongono di certificazioni riconosciute a livello nazionale o internazionale. Questo ti aiuterà a ottenere credibilità nel settore e maggiori opportunità di lavoro.

3. Esperienza e competenza dei docenti

Un aspetto cruciale è l’esperienza degli insegnanti. I migliori corsi per pizzaioli sono tenuti da professionisti con anni di esperienza e successi nel settore. Leggi le recensioni e cerca testimonianze di ex studenti.

4. Attrezzature e ambienti di formazione

Verifica che la scuola disponga di laboratori ben attrezzati e che ti permetta di praticare con strumenti professionali. La qualità degli strumenti incide sulla tua formazione.

5. Possibilità di stage e sbocchi lavorativi

Alcune scuole della pizza offrono stage in pizzerie rinomate o collaborazioni con ristoranti. Questo è un grande vantaggio per entrare subito nel mondo del lavoro.

6. Durata e flessibilità del corso

Se hai esigenze particolari, scegli una scuola che offra corsi intensivi, serali o personalizzati. Un corso ben strutturato deve adattarsi alle necessità degli studenti.

7. Prezzo e rapporto qualità-prezzo

Non sempre il corso più costoso è il migliore. Confronta i prezzi e i servizi inclusi per capire se il corso vale l’investimento.

I vantaggi di scegliere una scuola specializzata

1. Approfondimento delle tecniche di preparazione della pizza

Oltre alle basi, una scuola specializzata ti permetterà di padroneggiare tecniche avanzate come la biga, il poolish e la maturazione dell’impasto.

2. Rete di contatti nel settore

Studiare in una scuola rinomata ti permette di entrare in contatto con professionisti e potenziali datori di lavoro.

3. Accesso a materie prime di qualità

Le migliori scuole per pizzaioli insegnano l’importanza della scelta degli ingredienti, collaborando con fornitori di farine, pomodori e formaggi di alta qualità.

Conclusion: Iscriviti al miglior corso per pizzaioli!

Se vuoi diventare un pizzaiolo professionista, scegliere la scuola giusta è fondamentale. Valuta attentamente ogni aspetto e investi nella tua passione.

Scopri il nostro corso professionale per pizzaioli e inizia il tuo percorso oggi stesso!

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi

how to cook mushrooms for pizza

How to Cook Mushrooms for Pizza

How to Cook Mushrooms for Pizza. Mushrooms are a very popular ingredient for pizza, both for their taste and for their nutritional value.

However, cooking mushrooms so they're perfectly pizza-ready can take a while’ Practice. Here are some tips for cooking mushrooms for pizza in order to obtain the maximum result.

Fast and just enough

First of all, choosing the right mushrooms is very important. If you want mushrooms to be the star of your pizza, then you should choose porcini mushrooms or button mushrooms.

Both have an intense flavor and are very tasty, which makes them perfect for pizza. If instead you want the mushrooms to be just an accompanying ingredient, then you can also choose other types of mushrooms, like mushrooms shitake or mushrooms oyster.

How to Cook Mushrooms for Pizza

Once you have chosen the mushrooms, it is important to clean them thoroughly. To do this, just use a damp cloth or a soft bristle brush to remove any traces of earth or other residues. It is not necessary to wash the mushrooms under water, as they may absorb it and become soggy.

Once cleaned, mushrooms should be cut into thin slices. If you use the porcini mushrooms i Champignon mushrooms, it is advisable to remove the stem, since it may be a bit’ stand. In addition to, it is important to cut the mushrooms into thin slices so that they cook evenly on the pizza.

Mushrooms in the pan

Once cut, the mushrooms are put in a pan with a little’ of olive oil and a clove of minced garlic. It is important to cook them on medium heat, mixing them often, until they become tender and golden.

At this point, they can be added spices to taste, like thyme or rosemary, to give a little’ of extra flavor to the mushrooms.

Notes on conservation

Once cooked, i funghi they should be left to cool slightly before being added to the pizza. It is important that they are not too hot otherwise they could make the mozzarella melt too quickly.

Once the pizza is ready to be baked, just add the mushrooms on top of the sauce and mozzarella, and then bake as usual.


Mushrooms are part of the professional program of our "Professional Pizzaiolo Course" You will find all the information here.

If you have not already done, subscribe to my youtube channel, You will 300 Video recipes of pizza.



Silvio Cicchi


Preparation Of Pizza Crostini

Preparation Of Pizza Crostini

Preparation Of Pizza Crostini. They are my favorite dinner saver. Very tasty and succulent they are very simple to prepare and are suitable to be served as well as to replace dinner also as an appetizer or to accompany a delicious aperitif.

They are also commonly called empty fridge and it is easy to understand why. For those like me who have little time to get in front of the stove, these crostini pizza type are easy to prepare and above all in a short time by reusing the ingredients that are stationed in the refrigerator.

Preparation Of Pizza Crostini

They will be ready in the oven in a couple of minutes, so I advise you to prepare a ready-made tomato sauce, extra virgin olive oil. A clove of garlic and a finely chopped onion.

These pizza croutons are great if prepared with stale bread. Cut it with a saw knife into slices with a thickness of 1,5 centimeters, not thin otherwise you risk burning it in the oven during cooking.

How to prepare them

With a spoon add the previously prepared tomato sauce, mozzarella and ingredients to taste.

Two minutes in the oven previously heated to temperature and your dish is ready to enjoy. Serve hot, if they cool down, the bread hardens. Like pizza, croutons are perfect accompanied by a good glass of red wine.


If you like these delicacies I suggest you read my latest recipe book which includes croutons and bruschetta. My latest recipe book is called: NOT ONLY PIZZA - What should have all the pizzerias in your menu. The bruschetta and crostini chapter is full of ideas and delicacies. To download the book, follow this link.

You are a pizza lover? Sign up for one of our professional practical courses at our pizza school to become professional pizza chefs. All information at this link.


For the less fortunate who do not have the time or resources to attend one of our practical courses, I remember that here on our site there is a fantastic Online Pizza Maker Course that you can follow directly from the sofa of your home. You will find all the information on of course pizza maker Online Here.

Before saying goodbye, I remind you to visit my youtube channel, you will find beyond 300 video pizza recipes freely available, it might come in handy next time you prepare pizza at home.


See you soon

Silvio Cicchi



The Pizza Prosciuttella

How To Make A Crunchy Pizza

Article updated on 09/09/2022

How To Make A Crunchy Pizza. Today we will discover the trick or secret to prepare a crunchy and yummy pizza. Let's start with choosing the perfect flour for our dough.

Whether it's the classic homemade pizza, or a plate of pizza in a pizzeria, to get the right crunchiness, or to use an Anglo-Saxon word the right "crunch", we must use a flour of type zero, because it is rich in gluten.

How To Make A Crunchy Pizza

There are many types of flours, but certainly the soft wheat flour type zero is the most suitable. Contains a high amount of gluten.

The high amount of gluten will allow us to obtain a dough with excellent elasticity, this will help us to work it correctly throughout its phase.

Why this type of flour

A dough rich in gluten can stand the long hours of rising without any problem, this will give us not only a good crunchiness, but the dough will be light and perfectly digestible.

So from now on, pay attention to what type of flour you will buy to prepare the pizza, but not only, for all types of leavened products including bread, flour type zero it is perfect for this type of work.


If you like bread making, if you are a pizza lover, do not hesitate. Subscribe to one of our Professional workshops that we carry out regularly in our school pizza Italian. You will find all information at this link.

For the less fortunate who do not have the time or resources to come to our pizza school and attend a practical course, I remember that here on our site a fantastic online pizza chef course is available for everyone. You can easily download it on your pc or mobile phone and follow it from your home during your free time. You'll find all the information on course online at this link.

Before leaving

Let's move on to the greetings, you have already downloaded my latest recipe book which is called: NOT ONLY PIZZA - What should have all the pizzerias in your menu? Fantastic e-book with 150 color illustrations of recipes that are monuments of Italian cuisine. To learn more, please click here.

If you still have a few minutes left, visit my youtube channel, you will find hundreds of classic and light pizza recipes, Sign up.


See you soon

Silvio Cicchi


Always keep the bread soft and fragrant

Always keep the bread soft and fragrant

Always keep the bread soft and fragrant. Reading here and there in the newspapers, I found that each of us in theory throws in the garbage can about 35 kilos of food every year.

That's a lot and we need to pay attention. Among the much food we throw away there is also bread. Let's see how not to waste this food.

Always keep the bread soft and fragrant

Many years ago, families made bread once a week, and the product remained edible for many days. Today things have changed, or rather the products have changed.

The refined flours, unfortunately they are beautiful to look at, but they have this ugly flaw: the next day the bread becomes hard as a stone. We should all buy wholemeal bread, but alas it is brown and looks ugly.

Always keep the bread soft and fragrant

So let's see how to store bread

Today we see how to store bread to have it always fresh and fragrant.

Freeze the bread. We consume it all day, breakfast lunch and dinner. It would be handy to be able to buy it once every week, cut it into single portion slices and put it in the freezer.

How to defrost bread

It would be enough to take it out of the freezer early and we would have solved the problem by now, but my suggestion to give fragrance and perfume to our bread again, is to put it in the toaster for a minute. Then, frozen slices in the toaster and product ready in one minute.

Absolutely avoid the microwave which is not good for bread or for the beloved pizza, seeing is believing.


The toaster trick will allow us not to waste food further.

I also end today with a brief summary of the most visited links that you will find here on my site.

Our school pizza

The calendar of the next practical courses in programming

Our fantastic "Online Pizza Chef Course"

300 pizza recipes

As you all know by now, my latest recipe book called. is already available for download: NOT ONLY PIZZA - What should have all the pizzerias in your menu. You can download it at this link.

See you soon

Silvio Cicchi



How to Make Radicchio Pesto

How to Make Radicchio Pesto

How to Make Radicchio Pesto. The radicchio it is a vegetable with a thousand properties, it is slightly bitter, widely used in the kitchen and pizzeria. It is prepared in many different ways, creme, in salads, grilled, and don't miss the "pesto" version.

Let's not forget its beneficial properties, highly appreciated by those with liver problems or inflammation of the gastric system.

How to Make Radicchio Pesto

Its bitter aftertaste is due to the fact that it belongs to the chicory family. Fortunately, it can be found on supermarket counters all year round.

Radicchio pesto is a cream with which it is possible to dress pasta, vegetables, meat.

How to Make Radicchio Pesto
How to Make Radicchio Pesto

Here are the ingredients for the preparation of pesto:


1 onion

Extra virgin olive oil

100 grams of grated Parmigiano Reggiano

100 grams of fresh ricotta





Easy preparation

Wash the radicchio, chop and drain well. Brown it in a pan with a drizzle of oil together with the onion. When it is wilted put it in your blender with the ricotta, a pinch of salt and basil.

Add the Parmesan, the oil little by little and done. If you wish to keep it for a few days, put it in the refrigerator in a jar covered with extra virgin olive oil, or alternatively you can freeze it.

Taste it on bruschetta ... delicious.

I don't tell you how good it is on pizza, in our practical pizza chef courses that we carry out weekly in our pizza chef school, we use it often. If you want to learn more about our workshops, follow this link.

Here you will find the calendar of the next practical courses scheduled in the coming months. Clicca who.

If you don't have time to attend a practical course in our school, I remind you that an excellent one is available here on my site "Course Online Pizzaiolo" that you can follow directly from your home. Just download it on your PC or phone and you can follow it during your free time comfortably seated on the sofa of your home. Get it here.

You have already downloaded my latest recipe book? Is called NOT ONLY PIZZA, You can find it at this link.

If you stay 5 free minutes, visit my youtube channel, you'll find hundreds of video recipes for pizza, Sign up.


See you soon

Silvio Cicchi

How To Make Natural Food Colors

How To Make Natural Food Colors

How To Make Natural Food Colors. It has happened to everyone at least once in their life to want to give an artistic touch with color to our foods, but if the choice falls to make use of artificial colors we immediately gave up.

Just look at the labels and immediately we realize that they contain a large number of chemical additives which I don't think are very good for our health.

How To Make Natural Food Colors

Just look around to understand that we are surrounded by colors that nature itself makes available to us, with what surrounds us it is possible to easily create healthy natural dyes.

How To Make Natural Food Colors
How To Make Natural Food Colors

Natural Food Colors

Let's see together how to create natural colors in our home in a simple way:

ROSA: Beets, Red Cabbage + Lemon

ROSSO: Tomatoes, Strawberries or Cranberries, Red Cabbage, Blueberries + Vinegar

ORANGE: Curcuma or Curry, Carrots

YELLOW: Saffron, Peppers

VERDE: Spinach, Kiwi, Mint syrup

BLU: Blueberries, Red Cabbage + Bicarbonate

VIOLA: Blackberries or Berries

BROWN: Cacao, Chocolate, Soluble coffee

NERO: Charcoal

WHITE: Coconut flour, Grated Parmesan cheese, White chocolate

Prepare Food Coloring

Easy no? On our site entirely dedicated to pizza you will find many curiosities like this as well as more than 300 pizza recipes available at this link.

If you are real pizza lovers, I remind you that here on our site there is a great "Of Pizzaiolo Online Course”, you can follow it comfortably seated from the sofa of your home, just download it on your mobile or on your PC. Follow this link.

How To Prepare Dyes

If you want to become a professional Pizzaioli instead, sign up for one of our practical courses at our pizza school. You will find all information at this link.

For those who have not yet done so, I remember that it is possible to download my latest book which is called: NOT ONLY PIZZA, Lots of recipes and photos of classics of Italian cuisine. For more information click this link.

Before saying goodbye, I wanted to remind you to take a look at my youtube channel, there you will find hundreds of video pizza recipes, subscribe, you will be inspired next weekend when you make pizza at home.



Silvio Cicchi


Prepare the potato croquettes

Prepare the potato croquettes

Prepare the potato croquettes. One of the classic appetizers that accompany pizza all over the world. It has always been part of the Italian tradition. As tradition wants, the filling must be compact.

The secret lies in choosing a good potato that is floury, so that it can absorb all the other ingredients well.

Prepare the potato croquettes
Prepare the potato croquettes

How to prepare croquettes

Particular attention must be paid during the breading, it is not enough to pass them in the egg and in the breadcrumbs, but it is necessary to pass them in the flour, then in the egg and then in the breadcrumbs.

In this way, once fried they will not open and the filling will not absorb too much oil.

Prepare the potato croquettes
Prepare the potato croquettes

Preparation of the croquettes

Ingredients for 20 croquettes approx

900 grams of potatoes

2 whole eggs

2 yolks

5 spoons of parmesan





Bread crumbs

Fry oil

Prepare the potato croquettes
Prepare the potato croquettes

Croquettes preparation

Boil the peeled potatoes, scolatele, let them cool down a bit then peel them and mash them with a potato masher.

Let them cool well, add 2 yolks, salt pepper and nutmeg and mix well. Helping you with your hands, take a little dough and shape it into a cylinder shape.

After the preparation, pass the croquettes in the flour, then in the egg and finally in the breadcrumbs. Heat the oil for frying a 180 degrees and fry them. When they are golden, drain them on paper towels.

Prepare the potato croquettes
Prepare the potato croquettes

Prepare the potato croquettes

I recommend ... cooked and eat before the crunchiness vanishes.

If you are a pizza lover, I suggest you to enroll in one of my practical professional courses in my pizza school. You will find all the information at this link.

If, on the other hand, you do not have the time or resources to attend one of our practical professional courses, I remind you that here on my site a fantastic "Pizzaiolo Online Course" is available for everyone that you can follow from the comfort of your home sofa.

If you have not already done, download my latest book called: NOT ONLY PIZZA - What should have all the pizzerias in your menu. You'll find it here.

I will end by giving you an appointment in a few days for other news on the world of pizza and catering, and I invite you to visit my youtube channel where you will find hundreds of video pizza recipes.



Silvio Cicchi



How to Prepare the Best Limoncello

How to Prepare the Best Limoncello

How to Prepare the Best Limoncello. Here is a very simple recipe tested by me to prepare an excellent one Limoncello. Let's start immediately with the list of ingredients:

Dose to get 2 liters of limoncello.

10 Untreated lemons

1 liter of pure alcohol at 95 °

Sugar 600 grams

Water 1 liter


How to Prepare the Best Limoncello

As you well know, limoncello is a liqueur of Campania origin, prepared with lemon zest, the alcoholic strength of this liqueur varies between 20% and the 32% vol. Yellow and sweet, obtained by letting the rinds of lemons soak in alcohol. At the end of maceration, the syrup prepared with water and sugar is added.

Once the preparation is finished, it is advisable to let it rest for a month in the bottle. In addition to being drunk as a digestive, it is excellent for the preparation of desserts.

How to Prepare the Best Limoncello
How to Prepare the Best Limoncello

Prepare the Limoncello

Preparation: After washing the lemons thoroughly, peel them with a potato peeler removing only the yellow part of the peel, leaving the white attached to the lemon. Place the lemon zest in a glass jar, cover them with alcohol and let them steep for a week in a dark place.

Take care every day to shake the jar to mix the aromas well. After a week with the help of a strainer, filter the mixture and then prepare the syrup by placing the water and sugar in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. When the sugar has completely melted, let it cool and add it to the liquid flavored with lemon zest.

How to Prepare the Best Limoncello
How to Prepare the Best Limoncello

Limoncello Easy Recipe

At this point fill your bottles and keep them a month before drinking it.

Seen how easy it is? Now let's move on to other equally important things. If you like pizza and want to learn this ancient art, enroll in one of our practical pizza chef courses we organize weekly in our Italian pizza school. You'll find all the information at this link.

How to Prepare the Best Limoncello
How to Prepare the Best Limoncello

How to Prepare the Limoncello Recipe

I remind you that if you do not have time or resources to come to our pizza school to personally attend our professional practical course, here on our website you will find a fantastic "Course of Pizzaiolo Online" that you can follow from the comfort of your home. You'll find it here.

You are lovers of good Italian cuisine? Very well, you can already download my latest book called: NOT ONLY PIZZA - What should have all the pizzerias in your menu. All information at this link.

Have you ever visited my youtube channel? They are available beyond 300 Video recipes of pizza. You'll find it here.


See you soon

Silvio Cicchi



Oil flavored with lemon

Oil flavored with lemon. Here we are, for those like me who live in the countryside, it is time to buy the new oil. When we talk about oil, undoubtedly we choose extra virgin olive oil. You all know how important the oil in the dough of the pizza, not to make mistakes, I visited the local mill that supplies me every year: OLEIFICIO Fiobo.

Have you ever tasted a bruschetta with freshly pressed oil? absolutely fantastic, to try.

Oil flavored with lemon
Oil flavored with lemon

Oil flavored with lemon

We often talked about in our post of how important the acidity and one of the best ways to add it to our plates is still valid lemon juice. We do not always happen to have in our house to hand lemons, so often it makes use of oil flavored with lemon.

The oil flavored with lemon, It is often used in the kitchen and pizzeria. E’ absolutely delicious used as a condiment on meats and fish, and it is great when added to a freshly baked focaccia, or on a simple bruschetta.

Oil flavored with lemon


We buy good lemons, I suggest those who have irregular zest, unlike the other with smooth rind,that they are from juice and lend themselves less to our recipe.

Choose extra virgin light olive oil, to a slightly lighter color, that will not go to cover the delicate lemon flavor.

Cut the peel. For this particular preparation, We will not use the lemon juice, but the peel, just we will cut the yellow rind of lemon carefully separating it from the white. Similarly with which it is prepared the liquor limoncello.

Oil flavored with lemon
Oil flavored with lemon

Prepare a container with an airtight cover,wash it and dry it well.

Pour the lemon peel and cover with extra virgin olive oil.

Our lemon flavored oil will be ready after 3 rest days.

Decant the oil and throw the lemon zest.

Our oil is ready to use almost anywhere in the kitchen, even on many hot dishes.

In pizzeria during the course of the pizza maker courses, we use oil flavored with lemon to flavor pizza with rocket, of freshly baked cakes and vegetarian pizzas.

Oil flavored with lemon
Oil flavored with lemon

Would you like to become an expert pizza maker and also prepare a good pizza to your house like that of the pizzeria beneath your home? Now you can without problems! Subscribe to our professional course of pizza ONLINE. You can learn from your house when you have time available, just login and you will have instant access to our course. Find out more!

You're looking for a pizza to be prepared for your guests this evening? Choose from more than 200 pizza recipes available who on my website.