Category archives: Ingredients

Parma ham on pizza

Parma ham on pizza

The ham, must always be added over the freshly baked pizza, should never be cooked in the oven.

Parma ham on pizza
Pizza with Prosciutto

Parma ham on pizza


Clarified this premise that I felt I must mention, we now turn to aesthetics. Some nice slice willing to well above the pizza to cover all ingredients, would seem to be the best solution, but, alas ... one of the most gruesome things I notice observing customers in pizzerias, occurs when the customer tries to cut a slice of pizza to eat with prosciutto over. Often, prosciutto does not want to learn to be cut with pizza, then they end up cutting the ham separately and then trying in every way to reassemble on the same pizza. Ugh how much work ....

In my opinion it would be more appropriate to cut the ham into small slices, the size of a mouthful, the pizza does not lose in aesthetics, and the customer will have less difficulty in cutting and eating pizza topped with prosciutto.

This also applies to all other meats that may have the same consistency of the raw ham, one for all: the speck.

There are some exceptions for which the ham must be cooked in the oven, and they can be when they prepare pants and stuffed pizzas with prosciutto, in these cases will not be fully cooked ham being in the filling, but will warm up soon.

And, I happened also that some customers asked that the same ham on pizza was cooked in the oven, but with poor results, because you know that the ham after cooking becomes salty, almost inedible.

One recommendation that I would rather give the holders of pizzerias and employees spending, is to not buy ham dubious origin,with various preservatives, and which has the appearance of a piece of raw meat, I understand it is a very expensive ingredient, but a possible saving 20 cents per pizza there would enrich, on the contrary, serving a ham not quality, run the risk of losing some customers.

Parma ham on pizza

To learn more about ham click here

Oil in pizza dough

Oil in pizza dough

Oil in pizza dough

One of the most common questions I am asked by readers of my blog, is the following: This blessed oil extra virgin olive oil, should be added or should not be added to our pizza dough?

Oil in pizza dough
Olive oil

We begin this discussion by saying that the disciplinary STG Neapolitan pizza, extra virgin olive oil is not mentioned at all with respect to the dough, while it is appropriate to add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil on raw pizza, before it is served to the customer.

Oil in pizza dough

I remind you that the disciplinary STG Pizza Napoletana is valid only for the pizzas cooked in a wood oven. So the oil should not be added in the dough, ...... but having attended for many years this area, I can assure you that is not entirely true. Many people (almost all) to add fat to the mixture, what kind of fat? One of the most common is the lard.

Oil in pizza dough

Olive oil is added to the dough when you want to get a pizza more fragrant, while the seed oil is added to the dough when it wants to obtain a product more but crispy.

It should be added to the mixture just before closing, while if prepared pizza at home and used a weak flour, the common supermarket, it is advisable to add, maybe with the water, to facilitate the ligament of proteins, allowing the formation of a gluten more homogeneous, which will keep the more gas that will be formed during the process of leavening.

My advice, is to add 50 grams of extra virgin olive oil per liter of water. Beware, because an excessive amount of oil may slow or even compromise the leavening.

Conclusion: In such cases, use oil

If you prepare a dough for pizza dish that is cooked in a wood stove, and the same pizza will be devoured by the customer 2 minutes, you can well do without adding oil in the dough.

If you are preparing a dough for pizza at home, to be cooked in a gas oven, electric or the small house, I suggest you add the extra virgin olive oil to the mixture in the amount of 50 grams per liter of water. Your final product, will prove to be better, as the pizza in the oven at home has a cooking more but slow, also 20 minutes in some cases, than a minute in the wood oven, I remind you also that the oil in the pizza helps to keep it warm longer, and this in our house could be useful.

And lard? Ma siiii, if we must make us sick, then we use lard instead of oil.

oil in pizza dough
Pork lard

What it says on wikipedia’olive oil

Tomato pizza:which one to use

Tomato pizza:Which one to use

Tomato pizza:Which one to use

Tonight pizza!! I'm coming right now from the supermarket, and ho contact Ben 18 different types of tomato for sale on the shelves, I feel lucky because I know this job, then I know which tomato choose to prepare our pizza, but I can imagine that if it were to purchase a professional pizza, he would be definitely in trouble. So in this article we learn to know well what type of tomato to use and how to use it.

Tomato pizza:Which one to use

Tomato pizza:which one to use
Peeled tomatoes

The peeled tomatoes is certainly the most used in cooking and suitable as a sauce for pizza. Should be cut into cubes and arrange them on a colander for a few minutes to separate the excess water. The specification for the pizza Napoletana STG indicates precisely the peeled tomatoes (San Marzano) as a product to be used on pizza. The tomatoes are canned without peel, then we can do is pass, season them and we will have our tomato ready for pizza.

If you want to save effort, you can find on the market on supermarket shelves the tomato puree.

Tomato pizza:which one to use
Tomato sauce

The past, is nothing other than the peeled tomatoes already passed, and then ready for use. Let's worry about just buying a quality product and has no aftertaste acid. Open the can, the seasoned and done .... Almost all the pizzerias use tomato puree quality for their pizzas.

The fresh tomatoes and ripe, is definitely a great product to use for the pizza. It should be cut into cubes, Elementary leave a few minutes to separate it from the excessive amount of water which contains, then goes past to separate it from the skins.

Tomato pizza:which one to use
Cherry Tomato

The cherry tomato, taste sweet, certainly should not be considered as a possible replacement for the cousin peeled, but it really is a great seasoning on many pizzas, try to imagine a beautiful loaf of freshly baked potatoes, topped with cherry tomatoes. The tomatoes "cherry" or any other type, shall be divided into 4 cloves and seasoned with olive oil, salt and fresh basil.

If you want to know more about the tomato, click here


Which flour to use for pizza, desserts and homemade pasta?

Which flour to use for pizza, desserts and homemade pasta?

Foto di diversi tipi di farina per indicare quale farina usare per pizza dolci e pasta preparati in casa
Which flour to use for pizza dough and homemade desserts?

During the preparation of our food we happen very often to ask which flour used to prepare cakes and pizza dough at home. Cooking at home, is back in fashion thanks to the economic crisis! Part of the credit also goes to the many television programs in cooking and culinary books on the market.

Which flour to use for pizza, desserts and homemade pasta?

As we all already know, the pizza dough can be soft, soft, friable or spongy: these characteristics vary essentially depending on the type of flour used, or, rather, from the mixture of flour.
The pizzas, focaccia, and bakery specialties typically, may appear in a different way according to their own choice of flour for processing. Indeed, besides water, oil, salt and the yeast we use to the dough, the flour is in fact a star ingredient in the preparation of pizza.
Do not underestimate that the leavening, l'ambiente, the oven temperature and the type of cooking are factors that weigh heavily on the success of the final product.

Flour type 00, 0, 1 and 2

As we all know, from the milling of durum wheat semolina and you get the caster; instead, when we grind the wheat, we have as final product a white flour, particularly suitable for the preparation of bread and cakes. The white flour differs depending on the degree of sifting is that the machining process consisting in the separation of the flour from the bran.

  • White flour type 00: capable of sifting equal to 50% (ideal for batters and cakes)
  • White flour type 0: capable of sifting equal to 72% that there be an excellent product for bread, pizza, buns and many other leavened products.
  • Flour type 1: capable of sifting of 80%
  • Flour type 2: capable of sifting of 85%
  • Fine flour: which is a very fine powder of wheat, which is obtained from the innermost part of the grain and soft. Flour that is used in the production of confectionery, qualitatively superior in terms of gluten.
  • Wholemeal flour: after his grinding, This flour does not undergo further refining processes. And 'itself a great alternative to flour 0, in the preparation of doughs rustic, but also has properties to satiate and regularize our intestines, thanks to the great amount of fibers contained in it.

The choice of flour.

All this introduction I think it is essential to have a general idea about the various ITPI flour commercially. Generally, the mixture which prepare for the pizza, is made from different mixtures of flour type 0 and 00 to which should be added to the water, salt, yeast and any fat or oil. For all those who want to obtain a rustic, want to add a piece of whole wheat flour, paying close attention to rising times, that for wholemeal flour turn out to be much longer than the doughs with white flours.

Our pizza will be of higher quality when we're going to use flour made from organic products, which have not been treated with pesticides or other chemicals. This consideration also applies to all other foods that we commonly use in our homes or in the workplace.

Flour for pizza Ingredient for the production of pizzas, depending on the flour used you will get a soft dough, soft, friable or spongy
Types of flour Type of flour
White flour type 00
White flour type 0 (ideal for pizzas)
Flour type 1
Flour type 2
Fine flour: (ideal for sweet pastry)
Wholemeal flour (regulates the intestine and satisfies)
Degree of sifting
The choice of flour for pizza There is no single type of flour for the preparation of pizzas. There are mixtures characterized by:

  • Flour type 0 and 00: dough soft and fluffy
  • Flour type 0 and whole wheat flour: dough thicker, aromatic. → attention: rising times longer
  • Wheat flour and semolina: dough less bloated
  • Wheat flour and spelled flour
  • Wheat flour and oatmeal
  • Wheat flour and almond flour: sweet dough
  • Wheat flour and spices: sweet dough and more energy
Flour for pizza and celiac disease Absolute prohibition of consuming pizzas mixed with wheat flour (for coeliacs). Possible mixtures with certified gluten-free flours
Pictures of different types of flour farina.Quale use for the pizza?
Which use flour for pizza?

For information on the nutritional values ​​of flour, Refer to the wikipedia page:


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Mistakes not to make when preparing the pizza at home

Have you ever tried to make pizza at home?

Pizza dough by hand
Pizza dough by hand

We all have tried at least once to make pizza at home, obtaining different results, satisfied by some
product obtained, Delicious, nice to see, with carefully selected ingredients, it happens sometimes, that our pizza
just as we can not imagine the.

It does not seem the case to be discouraged, becoming a po’ attention and following our advice, you can get
excellent results even in your own home.
In the many years that I do this work, I have acquired the necessary experience and knowledge, it happened to me many times
taste the homemade pizza made from various more or less good, and I tried to incorporate into this article a list
defects encountered, so that you can face and solve during the preparation of your home made pizzas
This is a list of the most common mistakes:

Strong smell of yeast
The use of flour are not suitable for the pizza dough
An incorrect use of’dough in the preparation of pizza
Misuse of ingredients “aqueous” such as tomato, i funghi, mozzarella.

Strong smell of yeast

The fear that all those who prepare pizza at home is as follows: But if he does not rise, what we eat for dinner? that figure we make with the guests? and then…..down with a lot of yeast!!!! Of course so your dough will rise for sure, but there will be negative consequences for your pizza. This is what could happen: You will have a very rapid rising, but this prevents the maturation of the, while feasting your pizza, you will have a strong smell of yeast dough and pizza, a little fragrance and a subtle aroma,the dominant fragrance will only be that of lievito.La your pizza will be spongy, and will tend to dry out and crumble easily.
Solve this error easily, testing yourself the right amount of yeast for every kilo of flour is really a few grams, as you can see from our basic recipe for pizza, Start by using only half a cube of yeast, then in the next mixes usatene less, until you find the right balance between your mixing times and the proper maturation.

The use of flour are not suitable for the pizza dough

When you decide to make pizza at home, do not always have the right flour to prepare the pre impasto.Magari there remained half bag of flour that you used to make sweets lately and decide to use that.
The results obtained may be:
A rising very rapidly, A little mass consistent, during the preparation of the dough you will notice that it tends to tear and
a bucarsi, after cooking the dough may be too friable. The reason for this is due to the low amount of gluten contained in farina.La his weakness he will puncture during processing, also oppose little resistance to the gases that are formed during the leavening and then will swell rapidly.
With these features you will get, as in the case of too much yeast, a little pizza fragrant and aromatic and always for the
same reason: little time for the aging and the formation of aromatic compounds to rapidly rising.
To avoid this problem you need to choose meals with higher content of glutine.Sommariamente can be said to use
flour “0” and maybe check that the protein content reported in the nutrition labeling is at least 10%.

An incorrect use in the preparation of pizza dough

When we prepare the pizzas to our house and we spread the dough, of any shape we want to get, inexperience often we happen to work it too long, or maybe reimpastarlo again to be able to start again.
The dough must never be treated so, and reacts in this way:
Will become increasingly more difficult drafting balls
becomes hard and too elastic to roll out
In the cooking step, the pizza does not swell and remains compact and biscuit
All this because manipulating the dough too long we have the loss of gas rising and reaction to gluten
which hardens the dough.
The loss of leavening gas is due to the repeated crushing: crushes and rischiaccia, gases that made
l’impasto gonfio, soft leavened and escape out by returning the mixture almost to the starting volume and leaving much gluten compatto.Il, that we can imagine as consisting of tiny strings, reacts to the manipulation “curling”. The consequence, to the level of sensation under the hands, a dough is harder, more elastic and therefore more difficult to roll out.
We must do everything possible upstream to prevent this problem is present:
prepare the balls with care, avoiding mash too, accompanying the movement only with the palms of your hands. A
ball that has maintained its right amount of gas is the seed to be able to obtain a regular shape and texture
let stand corrected balls, in order to make him shoot a bit’ rising to “reload” il gas perduto
the rest also helps the gluten and gluten ridistendersi and a relaxed facilitates greatly the spread because it decreases the elasticity
learn how to write good crushing the ball as little as possible with your hands. “Ok, but however if for any reason I have to manipulate the dough does not have much hope?”
If also using all the attention, you are forced to reshuffle or having to manipulate a ball, convenient to proceed by reforming the ball and letting it sit for at least 10 minutes (maybe if you have more to spread, leave this for last), always to give a minimum of time to gluten to relax and the rising of a little reform’ di gas.

Overdo the tomato or other toppings aqueous

Cook a pizza to perfection means being able to lose water to the ingredients of seasoning, bathrooms without the dough and remains there to make the puddle.
When you are unable to obtain this result:
the pizza does not cook well in the central disk, remains rubbery and semicruda in the layer just beneath the dressing
excess water remains over the pizza and the cut bathes all
water can leak from cooking pizza and go on the cooking surface, soiling and scorching
It is a serious flaw, because it compromises the success of pizza, making it inedible even in the worst cases.
The more risk you run with the use of:
very watery mozzarella, not drained
very watery tomato, not drained
too much tomato
too many mushrooms
oven temperature too low


Mother Natural yeast

How to prepare the yeast Mother (Sourdough) in casa

When I was a boy, I often listened to my grandparents telling me their life experiences. Among all those stories, some I was impressed in the mind, one of these on
all said that their time when a girl married, carried with it the “dowry” composed of things at once precious, sheets, ascigamani, valuables and yeast. This sourdough was handed down from generation to generation, was nothing more than a piece of bread dough that was given as a symbolic wish for the new generation. At that time there were no cubes of yeast that we find today in all
Mother Natural yeast
The new family was kneading the dough piece “mother” with new flour and water, and the new bread leavened, and so they produced the new bread. With each new batter came off a piece of dough that would serve the next time. And so on for months, age, decades, from family to family and from generation to generation.

I've always been fascinated by the rise and this story, who knows that this has not affected my decision to make the pizza. To think that in that piece of pasta, fruit of doughs, reshuffles and still reshuffles, There are fragments of everyday life of the years, of past centuries, is incredible. Among all the grains of flour quell'impasto, if it still conceals someone's grandmother or great-grandmother.

For all those people who got married recently and have not brought with them the “dowry”, I suggest these few tips to create a home a new strain of yeast.

The result: the fragranza, the scent, the complexity and articulation aromatic, the pleasure of self-production of the same yeast.

How do you get?

It can be done as in the families of the past: tear off a piece from someone who uses it, so you are assured that he is alive, active and operating immediately.

But the departure from flour and water, it is undeniable, is most satisfying and enables you to tune into direct contact with the yeast.

It will become your yeast, equal to that of any other, because the son of a different environment for each. The exact opposite of standardization of yeast.

Try starting it simple:

kneading in a cup of water and 50g spotless 100 flour
mixture is creamy, cover with a damp dish, so that it is protected, but not sealed, leave in a draft-free and a little 'warm, ideal for me is a corner
a kitchen cabinet. Make every day what happens: within two or three days should show signs of fermentation (bubbles and lifting, sour smell). If it does not, becomes more likely the appearance of mold and should try again, perhaps choosing a meal you will find it less raffinata.Quando fermented, will mean that we have enjoyed some microorganisms, our yeast, that will need nurturing.
And you be providing him: kneads the embryo of yeast with more water and fresh flour, to obtain a mixture of similar consistency to the first and away again in the shelf.
This is called "refreshment".
Follow the above steps two or three times, always check that the smell is sour without exaggeration, the formation of bubbles and the dough is puffed up a bit '.
Now that the yeast (o lievito madre) reacts more quickly and that you just need a day or less to ferment the refreshment you can try to make us a first mixture of bread.
Until you're sure of its effectiveness, it will be better not to use it for pizza.



E’ a real scandal who says that Kamut is a wheat!!!!!!


Kamut is not a type of wheat but a registered trademark, I'll explain the concept: Kamut is not the name of a grain, but the trademark (Coca Cola eat McDonalds) that the company Kamut International ltd (K.Int.) placed on a wheat varieties registered in the United States under the symbol QK-77, cultivated and sold as a monopoly and famous around the world thanks to a marketing unprecedented.

Who calls this variety the grain of the pharaoh because it is said that the seeds have been found around the middle of the last century in an Egyptian tomb and sent in Montana, where after thousands of years have been awakened and multiplied. The wheat produced and sold under the brand name Kamut grown in the United States (Montana) and in Canada (Alberta e Saskatchewan), under the strict control of the Quinn family, owner of the company K.Int.; in Italy imported only by authorized companies and then milled only from mills authorized. All products bearing the mark are prepared and sold under license from K.Int and under the control of the Kamut Enterprises of Europe. The very effective marketing that underpin the success of Kamut has relied on three aspects: the fascinating legend of its discovery, the attribution of exceptional nutritional qualities and an alleged compatibility for those who are intolerant to gluten. Wheat or Wheat big eastern Khorasan or call him by his name handed down, common and public, while Kamut is a fancy name recorded species (Wheat swollen subsp. turanicum) belonging to the same genetic group of durum wheat: presents a culm (stem) high even 180 cm; did the caryopsis (berry) naked and very long, more than that of any other wheat; originating in the zone between Anatolia and the Iranian Plateau (Khorasan the name of a region of Iran); Over the centuries it spread on the shores of the eastern Mediterranean, where small-scale companies survived the expansion of hard and soft wheat. The invention of the commercial discovery So, to find the Khorasan in Egypt was not (and is not) really need to disturb the tombs of the Pharaohs; not to mention that a type of Khorasan was (and, is still marginally) also cultivated between Lucania, Sannio and Abruzzo: la Saragolla, not to be confused with a homonym improved varieties of durum wheat obtained from a cross and recorded nal 2004 by the Company Manufacturers Seeds of Bologna.


Also do not forget that the germination of wheat decade after a few decades, as are the ideal storage conditions. All this leads to the recognition in the history of the alleged discovery of Khorasan / Kamut only a fanciful invention commercial, elaborated to stimulate the desire for something pure, ancient and exotic. E, onor to vero, la Stessa K.Int. has distanced himself from the legend that, prealtro, now no longer needs to be encouraged. From the data available today, source of public and private, between the elements of greater characterization of Khorasan there are a high protein content, in general higher than the average of the hard and soft wheats, and good levels of beta-carotene and selenium; for the other components and nutritional quality, there are no substantial differences compared to other wheats. Gluten: non è can not afford not povero Bisogna, indeed, clarify that, as each wheat, Khorasan is unsuitable for feeding celiac, because it contains gluten (e non è can not afford not povero, come, little responsibly, some advertising claims or suggests) and it contains an extent greater than that of common wheats and numerous varieties of durum wheat.

Taken from: alimentipedia


How to make pizza at home so fast and good

How to make a good pizza at home in a fast and good

Silvio Cicchi Executive Chef Pizza
Silvio Cicchi Executive Chef Pizza

Many times we happen to have last minute guests and there is nothing better than a good pizza prepare. With this simple recipe, in less than two hours you will be able to prepare for them a good pizza that is good, too, rewarding, and for those who are not very experienced / a, very easy to achieve.

  1. In a bowl, pour the flour 00, add the yeast previously dissolved in a bowl with lukewarm water,mix everything, slowly add warm water to help you make the dough that eventually will result’ be soft and not appiccicoso.aggiungi salt and olive oil, Work the dough until the dough will result’ omogeneo e ben compatto, At this point put it in a bowl and cover with plastic wrap and a blanket and keep it in a warm place for about 1 now, the dough will double its volume.

  2. We turn on the oven to maximum and prepare the pans lightly oiled or parchment paper. In the meantime, prepare the mixture rises in a container tomatoes with a little oil and salt and oregano in small containers and all the ingredients that most’ you like, olive, frankfurter, tuna onions, capers, anchovies, mushrooms, grilled vegetables in oil or, of course prepare the mozzarella into cubes.

  3. After rising time we take a piece of dough and flatten with a rolling pin and facciomo thickness that we prefer taking into account that a swell in the oven with tomato pochino.Condiamo and with what’ that most’ we like, and finally we put the mozzarella. Bake for 15 minutes, if neccessario after 10 subsidiaries minutes cooking. When you are ready for the oven and let rest before cutting to 5 minutes so that the sauce settles, then proceed to cut and what to say…Bon Appetite!


The rule of 55, salt and fat in pizza dough.

We continue with the discussion on ingredients of the mixture, is the time to dedicate to the other two compulsory ingredients: water and salt.

Pizza dough by hand
Pizza dough by hand

We will also discuss the use of fat, but in this case already enter into the field of the optional ingredients, su cui, for a change, usually vehemently opposed philosophies differ in their.

We start from the water, second only in order of quantity over flour, but equivalent to it in terms of importance; is in fact the meeting between water and flour to make possible the formation of a dough.

What and how to use it is another important element to understand to prepare pizza at home. The first tip is to use natural mineral water because it is more convenient than tap water for three reasons::

  1. Tap water contains chlorine, used as a disinfectant; this characteristic makes it an antiseptic enemy of yeast and therefore there is no need to put it inside our bodies. If you find yourself without bottled water, and you're forced to use the tap water, first you have to leave in a jug for at least an hour in order to allow time for the chlorine to evaporate.
  2. In some areas, tap water can be overly harsh and in this case the only way to get more fresh water is to take it to the supermarket (Sant'Anna, Even the slightest, Sanbenedetto, Santacroce, etc.);
  3. It 'easier to manage the temperature, putting it in the refrigerator or less depending on season and room temperature.

This last point is important because the temperature of the water is the only element that can vary to control the final temperature of the mixture. Between summer and winter we may have differences in temperature (understood as the temperature of the room where we make our dough) also 10 degrees and this must be taken into account.

The dough for our pizza should have a temperature of about 24 degrees. Considering that produce heat during kneading, if the ambient temperature is 30 ° we have a little problem. The only way to intervene is the temperature of the water that in fact we have to put in the refrigerator during the hot season.

A good rule of thumb is the so-called rule 55: the sum of the ambient temperature, the temperature of the flour (consider that conventionally equals the ambient temperature) and water temperature must give us the value 55.

Let's take an example: if our temperature is 20 °, then the water will be more or less than 15 ° (20 + 20 + 15 = 55); but if we have 25 degrees as ambient temperature, then the water will be around 5 °.

Let the salt and even here it is necessary to keep in mind a couple of little things on how to use it properly.

Salt pizza dough

Salt is an inhibitor of yeast in the dough, it must be put as late as possible (instead you put the yeast dissolved in water immediately). salt has a positive effect on the formation of the gluten, therefore helps in closing the final dough.

The use of fat in the dough for the pizza is widespread, but it is not absolutely essential, in particular at home. One of the functions of the fat in the dough is to delay the staling, little fearful danger when the pizza is torn by 15 minutes maximum by cooking.

oil and butter in the dough for pizza

There remains the question of personal taste and their propensity intake of fat, in every way, If you decide to use them, know that it should be placed slurry already closed and very gradually.

The most common type of fat is definitely extra virgin olive oil, but lard is a plausible option.


Yeast or brewer's yeast for pizza dough?

Yeast or brewer's yeast for pizza dough
Brewer's yeast

Yeast or brewer's yeast for pizza dough. The task of the yeast in the dough, and to increase the volume; for proving it means just that.

The increase in the volume of a dough is substantially due to the introduction of gas inside, This can happen in different ways.

If we prepare a sponge introduce air into when we incorporate the egg whites, while if we prepare cookies generally exploit a chemical reaction using a leavening agent (sodium bicarbonate or ammonium) che produce anidride carbonica.

Yeast or brewer's yeast for pizza dough

For bread and pizza, instead, using a leavening of biological. The production of carbon dioxide takes place by effect of the metabolism of the particular micro-organisms; there are two types of yeasts biological: the brewer's yeast and the so-called sourdough or natural.

The name is a bit 'confusing as any natural yeast is (in the sense that all exist in nature), but the name of "natural" means that around this type of yeast often develops an aura of "myth". So, the yeast is considered, no particular reasons, a more "organic".

The main difference between the yeast and the yeast is in the fact that while the first is composed of a single type of micro-organism, the second is a colony of many types of micro-organisms, many of which have complementary effects to those responsible for the rising and this means that a product made with natural yeast aromas and flavors develop richer, while improving the keeping quality and digestibility.

So better to use natural yeast for pizza? I would say no and I'll explain why.

  1. First, the natural yeast is much more complex to manage at home. Its creation and its proper maintenance require constant attention (is a bit 'like having a pet at home, maybe you do not need to take it out to make the needs, but he also wants to eat well and sometimes you have to give him a bath).
  2. The second downside is the lack of natural yeast consistent performance, particularly if it is not used very often (as is the case for example in a pizzeria).
  3. The third consideration is that the pizza is eaten freshly baked, and then the benefits on the shelf in this case we lose.

Brewer's yeast is rather simple to use and takes only a few rules to keep attention properly. The results are much more regular; if you really are a fan of sourdough, I recommend you not use it in place of yeast but in addition; in this way you can use the motor leavening of yeast and at the same time have the benefit organoleptic of the yeast.

Give birth to their own natural yeast is not complicated, but it requires a bit 'of time; if you are going to make the bread, worth having one on hand.

Let's go back to the yeast; the most common format is the dough from 25 grams of fresh yeast; You can also buy the yeast in dry form, but personally I do not recommend. When you buy the yeast, make sure that the expiry date is as far as possible and then hurry up and put it back in the refrigerator at 4 °.

You'll find that a loaf from 25 grams is an enormity of yeast, we'll be using very little; Once opened, however, the dough does not keep it more than a week wrapped in plastic wrap, then throw it well; seems like a waste if you always think that it costs about 25 cents, better to have it forever young and strong, a half-dead yeast will have a final result unsatisfactory.

The fresh yeast should be uniform beige color, if you notice parts with colorings "strange" try to eliminate them and look for a non-contaminated; generally the central part is less exposed to contaminants, and is therefore to be preferred.

Yeast or brewer's yeast for pizza dough