Category archives: Ingredients

Freeze The Mozzarella

Freeze The Mozzarella

Freeze The Mozzarella. The best way to enjoy a good mozzarella is certainly to consume it at room temperature (not cold). But what to do if you have bought more than you should by mistake?

It is possible to freeze it? Better to freeze it than to see it end up in the garbage can. And if you really have to freeze it, here are some practical tips.

Freeze The Mozzarella

As in all things, also on mozzarella there are several schools of thought, freezing it is not difficult at all, less water will be present, the more thawing will bring the mozzarella back to its original organoleptic properties.

A very valid advice will be to freeze the mozzarella not in a single block, but already divided into portions, in this way you will be able to defrost only what is necessary.

What Types of Mozzarella to Freeze

As you have certainly guessed, the problem in freezing mozzarella is the water contained in it. So not all mozzarella will give the same result.

Buffalo mozzarella contains much more water than a mouthful of fiordilatte, not to mention the stracciatella mozzarella which is actually not mozzarella, given its large water content, after defrosting it will lose its texture and flavor.

Mozzarella for pizza

The mozzarella used in pizzerias has a low water content, so it is the one that lends itself best to being frozen.

I really wanted to get to this point, that is to suggest the best method to reuse mozzarella once frozen / thawed, that is to use it to fill a good pizza or succulent baked croutons. You will not notice the difference between fresh and frozen product.


Like all things, buy them a little at a time and always use fresh products. In our school of Italian pizza, we always make these recommendations, you are interested in our practical professional pizza chef courses? Find out more information, Click this link.

Tired of the usual recipes? Get inspired by my latest recipe book, it's called NOT ONLY PIZZA, You find all the information at this link.

Before moving on to greetings I wanted to remind you that for those who do not have the time or resources to come to our school and attend a practical course, a fantastic "Online Pizza Chef Course" is available on our site You will find all the information here.

If you are looking for inspiration on what to do with freshly thawed mozzarella, take a look at my youtube channel, you will find hundreds of video pizza recipes available


See you soon

Silvio Cicchi



The Strength Of Flour Discover The Differences

The Strength Of Flour Discover The Differences

The Strength Of Flour Discover The Differences. As you may have noticed, flours are not all the same, they differ not only by the name of the manufacturer, nor just by the type which is clearly specified on the front of the bag: Type 0, Type 00, Integral etc..

The most important thing that is often not mentioned is the so-called "Strength of Flours" indicated by the symbol W. This symbol is certainly the most important thing to take into consideration when we are faced with the choice of which one to buy, this symbol represents the quantity of proteins contained in it.

The Strength Of Flour Discover The Differences

In a few simple words, the use and the same processing method that we are going to apply depends on this symbol. We can classify the various categories of flours in: Weak, Average, Strong and very strong. This classification makes us understand the water absorption capacity for each type of flour so that the best gluten mesh for each product is created.

The work of proteins

Glutenin and Gliadin are the two main ones protein contained in our flour. Glutenin helps us to make the elastic dough responsible for the gluten mesh. Gliadin helps us to preserve the gluten mesh during drafting, preventing it from being destroyed.

As usual, I'll give you an example regarding pizza: Using flour with a strength greater than w240, perfect for pizza and bakery we will have a dough with an excellent gluten mesh and the gliadin contained in it will ensure that the gluten mesh resists the strong stresses of the drafting.

The strength of the flour

Unfortunately, the symbol W is not indicated in all types of flour, so we just have to read the protein content on the bag.

Flour 00: it is the most used even if it is the weakest flour on the market. Its strength ranges from W90 to W180. Suitable for biscuits, breadsticks and shortcrust pastry that do not want long leavening.

Flour 0: It has an average strength with 10 the 12% protein. His W goes from 180 to 280. With a water absorption equal to 60% about its weight is suitable for medium leavening doughs, perfect for pizza bread, pasta and various bakery products.

Strong Flours

Flour 1: Come on, come on 180 to 300 and a percentage of protein that reaches up to 14, they absorb a lot of water and is suitable for doughs with long leavening and aging in the fridge that can reach up to 4-5 days. Not recommended for quick doughs at home. Perfect for bread, pizza and focaccia but with long maturations.

Flour 2: It is already noticeable from the darker color that it contains a lot of bran, has a strength W that can even reach 350. It absorbs a lot of water and is suitable for long leavening.

Other flours

Wholemeal flour: It has a very high strength and is suitable for long leavening. Wholemeal flour is difficult to rise so I suggest you mix it with a weaker type flour 0 the 00.

The strength of the flour is the basis of the pizza chef's work. During our professional practical courses to become professional pizza chefs, this topic is addressed on the first day of the course. If you are interested in becoming an excellent pizza chef follow this link.


If, on the other hand, you do not have the time or resources to attend the practical course in person, I remind you that here on our site there is a fantastic "Pizzaiolo Online Course" that you can download on your PC or mobile phone and follow from the comfort of your home during your free time. You'll find it here.

If you haven't already, download my latest book of delicious pizzeria recipes, is called: NOT ONLY PIZZA - What should have all the pizzerias in your menu. You'll find it here.

See you soon

Silvio Cicchi



How To Eliminate Tomato Acidity

How to Eliminate Tomato Acidity

How to Eliminate Tomato Acidity. The tomato it is widely used in Italian cuisine and perhaps the most used condiment in the world. As you know, the tomato contains a high level of acidity which, in addition to making some of our dishes become acidic, often leads us to have heartburn. So today we will see how to break down the acidity of tomatoes with these precious tips.

I learned many of these tips while working in a pizzeria, where the tomato is the basis of almost all pizzas here, therefore it cannot be absolutely acidic.

Remove the peel and seeds

Much of the acidity of the tomato is contained in the peel and in the seeds. So to solve the problem it will be sufficient to remove the peel by blanching the tomatoes for ten minutes and after removing the peel cut them in half and remove the seeds., By preparing the tomato sauce you will see that it will not be acidic at all.

Baking soda or sugar

They are certainly the most used ingredients to permanently get rid of tomato acidity. Pay attention to the quantities: Sugar could change the flavor of the tomato, therefore a teaspoon will be enough during cooking. Baking soda should be used with great moderation, as soon as the sauce boils, add half a teaspoon of baking soda, this will eliminate all the acidity of the tomato while leaving the flavor unchanged.


Personally I do not use this solution which I confess scares me, but I know many of my fellow chefs who add a spoonful of milk to get a good result.


I have just a couple of tips that are sure to help you. The first is the simplest of all, buy some good tomatoes, you will see that it is not acidic and there will be no need to correct it with sugar, baking soda or milk.

The second tip that always works is to reduce the cooking time of your sauce since the longer the tomato cooks the more acid it becomes..


If you like our tips and tricks, keep following our site. Before moving on to greetings I wanted to remind you that in our Italian pizza school every week we offer professional practical courses to become professional pizza chefs. You'll find all the information here.

For the less fortunate who do not have the time or resources to come to our pizza school, I remember that here on our site there is a fantastic “Online Pizzaiolo Course” available for everyone that you can follow from the comfort of your home. You will find all the information at this link.

I end by reminding you that it is already possible to download my latest recipe book called: NOT ONLY PIZZA, you find all information at this link.

If you still have them 5 free minutes, visit and subscribe to my youtube channel, you'll find hundreds of video recipes for pizza.


See you soon

Silvio Cicchi


Conservare L'Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva

Storing Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Storing Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Food storage in the kitchen is very important. When it is well done it is possible to preserve the taste and flavor of our dishes.

Extra virgin olive oil it is very important in the preparation of all dishes in the kitchen, therefore it is very important how it is stored so that it does not lose flavor, taste and aroma.

Storing Extra Virgin Olive Oil

This type of oil is absolutely natural, it is extracted with methods of pressing the olives without any addition of chemicals, it distinguishes itself from other oils for its flavor and aroma.

A good extra virgin olive oil must be fruity, if you bring your nose closer you should perceive olive odors, grass rubbed on the hands, almonds, artichokes, tomatoes, variable depending on the production area.

Store Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Storing Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Other prevailing tastes

Bitter and spicy, these flavors are perceived by tasting it and can vary depending on the phenolic component of the oil, antioxidants. They are the same antioxidants that protect our body from cardiovascular disease.

I recommend, be careful, because if the extra virgin olive oil is not perfectly preserved it would lose all its qualities.

Let's keep it right

Never store it in clear bottles, it is essential to protect it from direct sunlight, always use darkened bottles. Never use plastic bottles, it would reduce its duration.

Stainless steel containers are the best. Store it in a cool and dry place at a temperature of 15 degrees around.

Other precautions

Always plug your oil. The Parfums, aromatic substances are volatile, therefore they would be lost if you leave your container uncapped.

Last but not least is to always check the deadline.


In our school of pizza makers, olive oil is an integral part of our program. We always talk about it during our professional courses to become pizza chefs that we carry out regularly every week of the year. If you are interested in our practical courses, there all information at this link.

For those who do not have the time to come personally to our school to attend a practical course, I remember that here on our site there is a fantastic "Online Pizzaiolo Course" that you can follow from the comfort of your home. You will find all the information here.

You have already downloaded my latest book? It is called NOT ONLY PIZZA. A fantastic recipe book with more than 150 illustrations. You'll find all the information here.

Here you will find over 300 pizza recipes.

If you still have them 5 free minutes, visit my youtube channel.


See you soon

Silvio Cicchi


Store Garlic Properly

Store Garlic Properly. Food storage is very important, both cooked and raw. Poor food storage would lead to compromising proper storage.

L’Garlic it is used a lot in our kitchens, both raw on bruschetta and cooked together with food. It offers many benefits to our body, perfect for treating colds, influences and brings many other benefits.

Store Garlic Properly

This bulb has a very strong flavor, it takes very little to give the right aroma to dishes, many remove them halfway through cooking, because it often leaves a strong breath.

If after buying it we want to keep it in our kitchen in a perfect way, we will simply have to follow a few small tricks.

Store Garlic Properly
Store Garlic Properly

Let's see how it should be stored

Conservation is by no means a difficult process. Let's start from the beginning, that is, at the time of purchase. Make sure the bulb is hard, does not have any cloves that are already mushy and above all no shoots.

Once we get home we find the right place for storage. The perfect temperature is 10/12 degrees, this means that in winter we can comfortably leave it outside the balcony, perhaps in a paper bag that absorbs moisture, since humidity is the biggest enemy of these bulbs.

Away from the sunlight, to prevent the bulb from deteriorating.

Methods of preserving garlic.

With the arrival of the hot season, preserving garlic becomes more difficult, the heat is responsible for germination.

The only remedy to remedy this problem is the usual trick: Buy them a little at a time.

The fridge

Garlic should only be kept in the fridge once you have opened it. It is advisable to store it in a container to prevent the strong odor from spreading inside the refrigerator and contaminating other foods.

If you are among those who immediately separate the cloves from the bulb, know that in the refrigerator they last a maximum of one week.


Garlic is also widely used in pizzerias. If you are a pizza lover, sign up for one of our professional practical courses that we organize weekly in our pizza school. You will find all the information about ours courses at this link.

If you unfortunately do not have the time or resources to attend a practical course here at the school, I remind you that here on our site a fantastic "Online Pizza Chef Course" is available for everyone. You download it on your PC or mobile phone and follow it from the comfort of your home while sitting on the sofa. All the information During pizza online at this link.

You have already downloaded my latest recipe book which is called: NOT ONLY PIZZA? Do it immediately. You can find it here.

See you soon

Silvio Cicchi



How Not To Sprout Potatoes

How Not To Sprout Potatoes

How Not To Sprout Potatoes. Today we see together to solve a problem known to many people, who buys potatoes in retinas, he often faces a problem, after a few days our potatoes begin to sprout.

The specialists who work in the countryside during the harvest of this tuber take very precise measures to keep them perfect. Let's find out what they are:

How Not To Sprout Potatoes

The first step will be to understand what we absolutely must not do. Never wash them. Humidity is the biggest enemy of potatoes, therefore, for correct storage, clean them with a dry cloth. Never store them in the refrigerator, water and humidity cause them to rot.

How to store them. Store them in a dark box in a dry but not hot place, the perfect temperature would be 12 – 15 degrees.

How Not To Sprout Potatoes
How Not To Sprout Potatoes

What Happens To Potatoes

They belong to the Solanaceae family with peppers and tomatoes, if they turn green or sprout they can develop a poison called "solanine”If the tuber is green it means that it is rich in solanine, so it must be thrown away. In the case of the sprouts, we can remove them with a pointed knife, taking care to remove the root. Once peeled it can be consumed.

The second reason why it is better not to let them sprout, is that solanine causes the potato to become bitter.

A tip to avoid sprouting

Just arrange the potatoes on a plane, close together but not in contact. Insert a few apples between one and the other and you will see as if by magic that the potatoes will not sprout. Apples produce a gas called ethylene which prevents potatoes from sprouting. By following this trick we will always have sweet potatoes available and delicious and without solanine.

Always keep following our valuable suggestions. If you are a pizza lover, I remind you that in our pizza school professional practical courses are available weekly to become professional pizza chefs. If you want more information on our practical pizza chef courses, click here.


For all those who do not have the time to attend a practical course, I remember that here on our site there is an excellent "Online Pizza Maker Course" that you can download on your PC or phone and follow from the comfort of your home during your free time. Clicca who.

It is already possible to download my latest book which is called: NOT ONLY PIZZA, to make sure follow this link.

See you soon

Silvio Cicchi




How To Store Garlic and Onion Perfectly

How To Store Garlic and Onion Perfectly

How To Store Garlic and Onion Perfectly. When we buy garlic and onion, often if stored for a long time and in the wrong place they tend to get damaged. You know which is their biggest enemy? L’humidity.

So you already know that if you are among those who spoil these ingredients, you have to store them in a dry and cool place. Never ever close them in plastic bags, because their release of moisture would accelerate the mold process.

How To Store Garlic and Onion Perfectly

So where to keep them?  Never ever in the refrigerator. They would get soggy in no time.

This advice I am about to give you applies to both garlic and onion. If you have a lot available, before it spoils I suggest you finely chop it into cubes, put it in a food bag and place it in the freezer.

How To Store Garlic and Onion Perfectly
How To Store Garlic and Onion Perfectly

If it is little, where to store it?

If you plan to reuse garlic or onion in the following ones 2 the 3 days it will be sufficient to place it in a container with an airtight lid in the refrigerator, in the fruit drawer.

In our country, the sauté is the basis of many preparations, therefore you can also treat celery and carrot in the same way to prevent them from wilting completely.


Garlic and onion are widely used in pizzerias, therefore these topics are dealt with during the course of our professional pizza chef practical courses that we carry out weekly in our pizza chef school. If you want more information about our workshops, click here.

For those who love pizza and would like to know it better, but they don't have time to come to our school and take a practical course, I remember that here on our site there is a Fantastic Online Pizza Maker Course, simple, well done and you can follow it from the comfort of your home by simply downloading it to your phone or PC. You will find all the information about the online course at this link.


Silvio Cicchi



How To Store Flour Correctly

How To Store Flour Correctly

How To Store Flour Correctly. It has certainly happened to everyone to find the harmless butterflies in some old bag of flour (Wheat calenders), do not worry, it is a sign that the flour you are using is good and of quality.

Flour butterflies cannot reproduce in chemically treated flours. It can happen simply because you put the flour back in the wrong place, perhaps near a heat source, or in a place where there is light.

How To Store Flour Correctly
How To Store Flour Correctly

How To Store Flour Correctly

The deterioration of the flour, or the presence of small insects is more likely to occur in organic products, or that they simply contain wheat germ, or because you have purchased a product that has not been chemically treated.

So what to do to preserve it correctly? All flours have an expiration date, respect it. A valid help can be to store it in airtight containers, this will protect the flour from drafts or humidity and prevent it from absorbing unpleasant odors, Another solution is to place it in food bags in the refrigerator. I've found people who even freeze it.

The best way to store flour

Use natural anti repellents, the best I know is laurel. Wash a few bay leaves well and leave them in your closet next to the flour.

But the most used method that always works is to buy a few at a time, only the one we're going to use, avoiding the leftovers of half bags in the cupboard.

But it's still good?

Eyes and nose are the only tools I know of to check if the previously stored flour has gone bad, so pay attention to color and perfume.

What do I do, I throw it?

Recycling imperfect flour can be a good opportunity to give space to your creativity. Here are some suggestions:

The salt dough, guaranteed fun for children and adults.

Glue: A part of flour mixed with 4 parts of water and you will get an excellent glue.

Biscuits for your pets

My grandparents used it as a fertilizer by mixing it with the soil.

Reuse bad flour

During our professional practical courses that we carry out in our Italian pizza school, we learn about many types of flours and prepare different doughs every day. You would like to participate in one of our professional practical courses? To know more follow this link.

For the less fortunate who don't have the time or resources, I remember that here on our site there is a Fantastic ONLINE PIZZAIOLO COURSE. You will find all the information here.

See you soon

Silvio Cicchi


Mint and Pizza

Mint and Pizza

Mint and Pizza. Mint is a perennial herb plant. There are many species of them, belongs to the labiacee family and has a spicy taste and strong aroma. It can be found in Africa, Asia and Europe, prefers sunny areas.

Widely used in cooking and for its therapeutic properties. The famous Hippocrates used it as an aphrodisiac and the Romans and Greeks used it as a perfume.

Mint and Pizza

I just did a survey and on 10 people, 8 they said it's used for cocktails, only two replied that it is used in the kitchen.

Lately it has come back into fashion in the pizzeria and is widely used. It is used a lot in mint flavored oil, or in the mint pesto version.


Do you know some recipes?

No mint recipes come to mind? I give you a little help: Pizza with sausage potatoes and mint, Pizza with buffalo mozzarella and mint, Pizza with grilled courgettes and mint, Pizza with Pachino tomatoes and mint, Pizza 4 cheeses with mint pesto.

Something else comes to mind? Ok, then I continue: Pizza with grilled vegetables, mint and pine nuts, Pizza with ricotta and mint, Pizza with zucchini and mint pesto, Focaccia with potatoes and mint, Margherita pizza with mint, Pizza with artichoke cream and mint, Pizza with anchovies, zucchini, wild fennel and mint, Pizza with caramelized onions, zucchini and mint ricotta.

A perfect wedding

In our school of pizza makers we often use mint as an ingredient for the pizzas that the students who sign up for our practical courses prepare.

If you want more information about our professional practical courses, follow this link.

Scented ingredient

If you don't have time to come to our school for a practical course, I remind you that here on my site a fantastic Online Pizza Chef Course is available for everyone that you can follow directly from your home, just download to your PC or phone and sit comfortably on the sofa. Scover it at this link.

If you have not already done, it is already possible to download my latest book which is called: NOT ONLY PIZZA - What should have all the pizzerias in your menu. You'll find it here.

If you still have them 5 free minutes, visit my youtube channel, hundreds of pizza video recipes are available, all prepared by the pizza chef students who enroll in our practical courses every week, Sign up.


See you soon

Silvio Cicchi

How To Make Walnut Sauce

How To Make Walnut Sauce

How To Make Walnut Sauce. Delicious sauce famous all over the world. It varies from country to country and this is my version that I use a lot for bruschetta, pasta, vol-au-vent.

It is also very tasty on pizza, combined with rocket, ricotta or with vegetables.

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 300 gr di nights
  • 250 ml of milk
  • 40 gr of bread crumbs
  • 40 gr of grated Parmesan cheese
  • 30 gr of shelled pine nuts
  • 1/2 glass of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Salt to taste
How To Make Walnut Sauce
How To Make Walnut Sauce

How To Make Walnut Sauce

The preparation

Let's move on to the boring part, that is, that of shelling all the nuts. Soak the breadcrumbs in the milk.

Put the walnuts in the blender, i pinoli, the garlic, grated Parmesan, extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of fine salt. Drain the breadcrumbs from the milk and add it to your blender along with the rest e blend.

How To Make Walnut Sauce

If you like a creamier sauce, add a little milk. You can use it right away, or if you want to keep it for a few days, put it in a jar and cover it with a little oil.

In our "Professional Pizzaiolo Courses" that we organize in our school of pizza chefs, we often use walnut sauce to dress our pizzas. If you want to know more about our practical courses to become a professional pizza maker, Click this link.

How To Make Walnut Sauce

If you are a pizza lover, but you don't have the time or resources to come to our school, I remind you that here on our site there is a fantastic "Online Pizzaiolo Course" available for everyone that you can download on your PC or mobile phone and follow from the comfort of your home during your free time. For more information follow this link.

It's already available for download my latest book called: NOT ONLY PIZZA - What should have all the pizzerias in your menu. You will find it at this link.

If you remain 5 free minutes, visit my youtube channel, you will find hundreds of video pizza recipes prepared by the pizza chef students who attend our courses.


See you soon

Silvio Cicchi