Category archives: Advice

The best fruit to eat here is the list

The best fruit to eat here is the list

The best fruit to eat here is the list. In our diet, fruit plays a very important part, I would say irreplaceable. Here is the list of some fruits that should always be on your table. Find out which ones.

Olive: Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, Vitamin E, iron, copper, football. They reduce the risk of heart disease.

What fruit on our table

Oranges: They contain a lot of vitamin C, potassium, Vitamin B. The consumption of oranges brings a general well-being to our entire body.

Pineapple: Very rich in Vitamin C and Manganese, its pulp contains bromelain which reduces the risk of cancer.

The best fruit to eat here is the list

Grapefruit: Useful for fighting cholesterol and kidney stones. Helps you feel full for longer

Mango: Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, contains vitamin C and soluble fiber.

The super fruit to eat

Strawberries: Consuming strawberries helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Rich in nutrients and antioxidants.

Avocado: It is said to be our heart's best friend. High in healthy fats and potassium.

Other types of fruit

Banana: Ideal for those who do physical activity. They control blood sugar and are excellent for our digestive system.

Bodies: Antioxidants and fibers, excellent for digestion.

Conclusions on fruit

Cherries: Rich in antioxidants and nutrients, contain melatonin which helps regulate our sleep.

More: Very rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The more contain vitamin C, K, manganese.


Before saying goodbye, I wanted to remind you that in ours School pizzaioli we organize weekly professional practical courses to become a pizza chef. For more information follow this link.


Silvio Cicchi



Olive Oil Use It Alternatively

Olive Oil Use It Alternatively

Olive Oil Use It Alternatively. Against mosquitoes: If you usually collect rainwater in a bin, add a few drops of oil. This will prevent the mosquito larvae from entering the water and then reproducing.

Against sunstrokes: put a small container of oil in the refrigerator and with the help of a cotton swab spread olive oil over the affected areas, this will calm the burns.

Use olive oil as you have never done before

Ear pain: If you have any annoying Plague, heat some oil and pour a few drops into your ear. This will ease the pain.

Remove the paint residues from the hands: with a cotton swab dipped in oil, rub on the paint stains. You will see that they will be magically removed. Your hands will stay hydrated.

Olive Oil Use It Alternatively

Sticky labels: just wipe a little oil on the surface of an old label and then remove it easily.

Problems dry lips or chapped? Use the miraculous olive oil to rehydrate them.

Your always shiny shoes like new? Rub your shoes with a microfiber cloth with a few drops of oil. Magically they will come back as when you bought them.

Still Helpful Tips

Shaving cream: You have used up your supply of shaving cream? No problem. Spread a few drops of olive oil on your face, you will avoid cuts and at the same time rehydrate your skin.


Not only on pizza, you liked my suggestions on how to use olive oil in an alternative way? About pizza, if you are a true lover of our pizza, I advise you to subscribe to one of mine professional practical courses to become a pizza chef professional. You'll find all the information at this link.

I remind you that on my youtube channel they are available as well 300 Video recipes of pizza. Sign up.


See you soon

Silvio Cicchi



Pickled Olives How To Prepare Them

Pickled Olives How To Prepare Them

Pickled Olives How To Prepare Them. God only knows how many olives are consumed in a pizzeria as a topping on pizzas, and in bars? There is no aperitif without a bowl of pickled olives, whether they are green or black.

The preparation of pickled olives it does not require any difficulty, we will need green olives, water, salt and some airtight jars.

The recipe for pickled olives

They are prepared in the fall, use freshly picked olives, even if they are not perfectly ripe. Do it in the month of November and remember to change the water every day.

The recipe provides: a kilo of olive verdi, a liter of water,80 grams of salt, a few sprigs of wild fennel, Bay leaves and a few cloves of garlic.

The preparation of olives in brine

After harvesting the olives, put them in a bucket covered with water and change the water every day for twenty days. This process will cause you to lose all the bitterness of the olives.

At the end of the twenty days, prepare the brine by dissolving the salt in warm water, at the end of the process let it cool.

We have reached the end of the preparation

Drain and wash the olives well and place them in glass jars with the garlic cloves and bay leaves and wild fennel. Now pour over the brine prepared earlier.

Before consuming them, it is better to wait 4/5 months for a complete ripening of the olives. They can last for years in the pantry if they are always covered in brine, even if the jar has been opened previously.


You can discover all these interesting news by subscribing to one of the Our practical courses professionals that we organize weekly in the Our school pizza. Are available all the information here.

Ciao, See you soon

Silvio Cicchi



Sweet and Sour Onions How To Prepare Them

Sweet and Sour Onions How To Prepare Them

Sweet and Sour Onions How To Prepare Them. Today we are talking about a very tasty dish, widely used in pizzerias for the filling of pizzas, but also as a side dish or even as an aperitif or appetizer.

It is also a perfect side dish to accompany meat or fish dishes, also great for stuffing burgers.

Sweet and sour for topping pizzas

The sweet and sour taste makes this ingredient very appetizing, therefore also suitable for combining very different ingredients.

The preparation of Onions Sweet & Sour it's fast, take a few minutes. You can use the red onion of Tropea, but also the fresh onion is not bad.

Sweet and Sour Onions How To Prepare Them

Let's prepare the ingredients: onions, red wine vinegar, sugar, oil and salt. Someone adds two cloves to taste.

Cut the onions and brown them in extra virgin olive oil, let them caramelize by adding the sugar, blend in the red wine vinegar and leave on a low heat until cooked.

Other useful tips

If you like onions in bitter-sweet, prepared in the same way as the sweet and sour peppers, or why not the Pumpkin Sweet & Sour. They are all fantastic ingredients for the preparation of delicious pizzas.

About pizza, if you want to become professional pizza chefs, subscribe to one of our Professional workshops that we organize weekly in ours School pizzaioli. You will find all the information at this link.


Appointment in a few days for other useful information on the world of pizza.


Silvio Cicchi




What are low calorie foods

What are low calorie foods

What are low calorie foods. You want lose weight? Take the opportunity to prepare a special diet by following the table below. These foods contain very little calorie.

Artichokes: 100 grams 47 calorie

1 jar of ricotta 47 calorie

5 breadsticks 30 calorie

1 kiwi 24 calorie

100 grams of blackberries 43 calorie

Calories and foods The list

1 mandarin 45 calorie

50 grams of turkey 24 calorie

100 grams of peppers 20 calorie

100 grams of pumpkin 26 calorie

100 grams of orange 47 calorie

50 grams of ham 49 calorie

100 grams of rocket 25 calorie

What are low calorie foods

1 pera 47 calorie

1 zuchini 21 calorie

100 grams of spinach 23 calorie

100 grams of fennel 31 calorie

1 cucumber 8 calorie

1 fishing 39 calorie

1 tomato 27 calorie

100 grams of radishes 18 calorie

100 grams of pineapple 50 calorie

100 grams of cauliflower 27 calorie

100 grams of endive 17 calorie

100 grams of onion 32 calorie

Continue the calorie list

100 grams of lettuce 27 calorie

1 large carrot 30 calorie

50 grams of raspberries 26 calorie

100 grams of melon 34 calorie

100 grams of mushrooms 22 calorie

100 grams of eggplant 25 calorie

1 apricot 48 calorie

100 grams of celery 16 calorie

100 grams of beets 17 calorie

10 olive verdi 40 calorie

100 grams of strawberries 32 calorie

1 mela 48 calorie

100 grams of cherries 50 calorie

100 grams of hot pepper 40 calorie

100 grams of grapefruit 42 calorie

100 grams of sauerkraut 19 calorie

100 grams of beetroot 43 calorie

100 grams of lentils 116 calorie

100 grams of cabbage 25 calorie

100 grams of watermelon 30 calorie

100 grams of garlic 149 calorie

100 grams of whole milk 146 calorie

100 grams of brussels sprouts 43 calorie

100 grams of turnips 28 calorie

100 grams of asparagus 20 calorie

100 grams of lettuce 15 calorie

100 grams of broccoli 34 calorie

See you in a few days for other useful and interesting news


Silvio Cicchi


Foods with no or almost no shelf life

Foods with no or almost no shelf life

Foods with no or almost no shelf life. Pandemics wars and nowhere to be found in supermarkets, anything could happen. It is important to know how long we can keep our beloved foods in the pantry and prevent them from losing their properties.


Recommended or not, its duration is indefinite, when stored in a tightly closed glass jar and in a dry, dark place with no humidity.

Long shelf life foods


Two years is the minimum a packet of pasta will last you. Well preserved, in a cool place, dark and without humidity, this period can easily be doubled.


Plain white rice can last five years without a problem. If stored under vacuum, as stated by the United States Department of Agriculture, the deadline is 30 age.

Foods with no or almost no shelf life


This fantastic product can be stored for years and you can consume it without any problems, thanks to the minimum amount of water it contains, which prevents the proliferation of bacteria and microorganisms inside it.

Olive oil

Essential ingredient in our life, its pH which will determine its expiration date. The lower the pH, the longer the olive oil will last. Minimum one year of expiry.

Long-term food to keep in the pantry


Sesame, chia or poppy are just seeds with a very long shelf life that can take years, but they should be kept in a dark place, cool and dry and in an airtight container, so that bacteria cannot access.

Soluble coffee

A package of instant coffee lasts more than a year if it is intact. In my house it lasts until it's finished.

Other great foods


Cocoa is undoubtedly the alternative to coffee and stored in its unopened package can be stored longer than coffee.


Eggplants, olives, pickles or onions are foods that can last much more than a year in the pantry.


The trick to perfect storage is to store it in an airtight container, in a cool and dry place.


They can be stored for years. Effectively, they don't have a true expiration date, but rather a recommended expiration date. Then, lentils, beans or chickpeas should never be missing from our pantry.


Salt never expires. It is a food whose expiration date is indeterminate.

Pickled vegetables

The preservation process that takes place with pickled vegetables can extend their life up to two years.

Milk powder

Powdered milk lasts for five years..

Balsamic vinegar

Four years if the package is not opened. Once opened, when stored in its airtight container, in a cool place, dark and not too hot, its expiry date can be extended by two years.

Fish in tin

Sardine, tuna etc. have expiration dates that can reach several years and are still consumable, thanks to the sterilization process to which they are subjected.

Appointment in a few days for other useful news


Silvio Cicchi



Watermelon How to recognize if it is good before buying it

Watermelon How to recognize if it is good before buying it

Watermelon How to recognize if it is good before buying it. Very refreshing and thirst-quenching, the watermelon is the king of summer. After lunch or dinner, for snack, sometimes even under an umbrella.

To fully enjoy it we must learn to choose it carefully when purchasing. here some simple tips not to make mistakes.

How to choose a good watermelon

The first useful tip is to always choose it with the very hard skin and symmetrical. If the sight is not regular, it may not have received a regular amount of water or light while growing.

Look closely at the stripes on the watermelon those that are on the bottom. If they are close, the skin will be thin and the fruit juicy and sweet. If you find brown cracks left by insects, they help us understand that the watermelon is ripe to perfection.

Watermelon How to recognize if it is good before buying it

Examine the color, it must be dark green and opaque. Otherwise it could be immature. Everyone, absolutely everyone, knocks on the fruit with the knuckles of their fingers, if it is perfect the sound will be full and dull. If it is not ripe, the sound will be muted.

If, on the other hand, you buy one already cut, carefully choose a slice that is bright red and with black or dark brown seeds. Carefully avoid slices that have white veins and white seeds.

Conclusions on the watermelon

I hope my suggestions on choosing the watermelon to buy can help you during the purchase.

See you in a few days for other useful suggestions.


Silvio Cicchi



Use the Yeast in an alternative way at home

Use the Yeast in an alternative way at home

Use the Yeast in an alternative way at home. Today we see some alternative ways to use brewer's yeast in our home. When we think of the yeast, immediately imagine bread, pizza and savory pies, but our yeast can be used in other alternative ways.

It is available in the supermarket in the dry version in sachets, or in the classic fresh loaves. If you notice that it is approaching its deadline, I suggest you use it in these alternative ways.

Alternative uses of brewer's yeast

It is a fantastic fertilizer when used to fertilize our seedlings. Just dilute a teaspoon of yeast in a container with three liters of water and we can use it to fertilize our plants.

Brewer's yeast is also a detoxifier for our body. Cleanse the liver, stimulates hair growth, it is also used to fight pimples and acne.

Use the Yeast in an alternative way at home

Have you ever used yeast to remove stains from clothes? It is really great. Perfect for solving the problem of yellowed garments, pour a little’ of yeast in a basin, mix it with water and leave your clothes to soak overnight, then rinse them well.

One last tip. If your washing machine smells bad or smells like mold, do a wash with a sachet of yeast and a little’ of vinegar and everything will scent again.

Conclusions on brewer's yeast.

Given the many uses we can do with yeast, it's worth buying a stock to never miss it.

Brewer's yeast is also used for winemaking and for the production of beers.


Appointment in a few days for more news about pizza.


Silvio Cicchi



How To Make Homemade Ketchup

How To Make Homemade Ketchup

How To Make Homemade Ketchup. Along with mayonnaise, ketchup is the most famous sauce in the world. Contrary to what you may think, she is not American but of oriental origins.

Hamburger, chips, nuggets, goes well with many dishes, it is one of those things that should never be missing at home or in a pizzeria.

The perfect recipe for making ketchup at home

You would like to prepare it at home in a natural way without preservatives and without chemical additives usually used by large industry? Follow our easy recipe.

Makes for a bottle of ketchup

800 grams of peeled tomatoes

A spoonful of tomato paste

A pinch of black pepper

A white onion

Two tablespoons of olive oil

A tablespoon of fine salt

80 grams of brown sugar

120 ml of red wine vinegar

A teaspoon of cinnamon

Noce muscata q.b.

How To Make Homemade Ketchup

How to proceed

Blend the peeled tomatoes, slice an onion and fry it in a little olive oil. When it is well browned, add the peeled tomatoes and mix. Add vinegar, salt sugar, pepper cinnamon concentrated tomato and stir.

Simmer for 40 minutes, add the nutmeg then blend everything. Place the sauce in a container and refrigerate.

Tasty alternatives for ketchup

If you want a spicier sauce, you can add chilli or paprika. You can keep the ketchup prepared in the fridge for a few days or vacuum-sealed for longer storage.

Visit my youtube channel, you'll find hundreds of video recipes for pizza


See you soon

Silvio Cicchi


Useful Tips to Improve Yourself in the Kitchen

Useful Tips to Improve Yourself in the Kitchen

Useful Tips to Improve Yourself in the Kitchen. By following these tips, we will improve in the management of our kitchen. Follow them carefully.

Pour the potatoes into boiling water.

When you boil the potatoes, know that they should never be poured into boiling water. Boiling water damages the surface of your potatoes. Put them in cold water and bring them to a boil.

Tips for becoming an expert in the kitchen

Leave the refrigerator door open for a few minutes.

Leaving the fridge door open even just to pour a drop of milk into the coffee increases the internal temperature considerably, so avoid doing it, close the door immediately.

Freeze the whole bread.

The best solution is always to cut the bread into slices, put it in a food bag and then freeze it.

Useful Tips to Improve Yourself in the Kitchen

Mash the potatoes using the mixer

He mix macina, does not crush. In this way the potatoes will release the starch contained in them and this operation will make your puree sticky. Always use a fork to mash your potatoes.

Leave the potatoes to cool without seasoning them first

The seasoning should always be added when the potatoes are still hot. When they cool down the starch it will form a shell that will prevent the sauce from penetrating.

Other useful tips

Add oil to the pasta while cooking

Pasta must always be cooked in boiling water so that the starch does not dissolve in the water, making it sticky. The addition of oil during cooking does not change anything.

Store the bread in the refrigerator

The bread would harden, because the crumb absorbs moisture. This process crystallizes the starch in the bread.

Before leaving

Keep the salad longer

Before putting the salad in the refrigerator, wrap it with a few tears of kitchen paper. This will absorb all the moisture and keep your salad crunchy.

How to keep bananas longer

Wrap some aluminum foil over the banana stems to make them ripen more slowly.

Did you know that it is possible to freeze ginger?

And, without peeling it in a plastic food bag.

Store the mushrooms in a paper bag

Mushrooms should always be stored in the refrigerator in a paper bag. Unlike plastic, paper absorbs moisture, slowing down the development of mold.

Appointment in a few days for other useful news.


Silvio Cicchi