Category archives: Actuality

Fried pizzas A delight to try at least once in your life

Fried pizzas A delight to try at least once in your life

Fried pizzas A delight to try at least once in your life

Ciao amici appassionati di pizza! Oggi voglio parlarvi di una delle specialità più golose che potete trovare in una pizzeria: fried pizza. Se non l’avete ancora assaggiata, dovete assolutamente rimediare! La pizza fritta è una vera delizia che merita di essere provata almeno una volta nella vita. Ma prima di tuffarci nel delizioso mondo della pizza fritta, permettetemi di raccontarvi qualcosa sulla sua storia e sulla preparazione.

A little’ di storia

La pizza fritta ha origini antiche e nasce nel cuore di Napoli, la patria della pizza. Durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, quando le risorse scarseggiavano, i pizzaioli napoletani inventarono questo tipo di pizza per sfruttare al meglio gli ingredienti disponibili. La pizza veniva fritta nell’olio bollente invece di essere cotta nel forno, risultando in una specialità croccante fuori e morbida dentro. Questo metodo di cottura, oltre a essere pratico, dava alla pizza un sapore unico e irresistibile.

The preparation of the dough

La magia della pizza fritta inizia dalla preparazione degli impasti. È fondamentale utilizzare ingredienti di alta qualità e seguire una tecnica precisa per ottenere un impasto leggero e arioso. In una buona pizzeria, l’impasto viene preparato con farina di tipo 00, water, yeast, sale e un pizzico di zucchero per aiutare la lievitazione. L’impasto viene lavorato con cura, lasciato lievitare per diverse ore e poi suddiviso in palline che verranno stese in dischi sottili.

Il ripieno

Una delle caratteristiche più interessanti della pizza fritta è il ripieno. Potete trovare diverse varianti, ma i ripieni più comuni includono ricotta, provolone, salami, ciccioli e pepe. Alcuni preferiscono aggiungere anche pomodoro e basilico per un tocco di freschezza. Il ripieno viene avvolto nell’impasto, sigillato bene e poi fritto fino a doratura.

Cooking pizza

La cottura della pizza fritta è un’arte. L’olio deve essere alla giusta temperatura per garantire che la pizza cuocia uniformemente e non assorba troppo olio. Una volta immersa nell’olio bollente, la pizza si gonfia e diventa dorata e croccante. La temperatura dell’olio è cruciale: se è troppo bassa, la pizza assorbirà troppo olio e risulterà pesante; se è troppo alta, si brucerà all’esterno rimanendo cruda all’interno.

Pizze fritte e ristorazione

La pizza fritta è un must per chiunque visiti Napoli, ma è sempre più apprezzata anche in altre parti d’Italia e del mondo. Molte pizzerie e ristoranti stanno introducendo la pizza fritta nei loro menu per offrire ai clienti un’esperienza diversa e autentica. La sua popolarità sta crescendo grazie al suo gusto unico e alla sua capacità di adattarsi a diverse varianti di ripieni, soddisfacendo i palati più esigenti.

Vuoi imparare a fare la pizza fritta?

Se questo racconto vi ha fatto venire l’acquolina in bocca e volete provare a fare la pizza fritta a casa, ho una buona notizia per voi! Sign up for our pizza maker courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. In our courses, imparerete tutti i segreti della preparazione degli impasti e della cottura della pizza, inclusa la deliziosa pizza fritta. I nostri esperti pizzaioli vi guideranno passo dopo passo, assicurandosi che impariate le tecniche migliori per ottenere una pizza perfetta ogni volta.

Our courses

I corsi che offriamo sono pensati per tutti, from beginners to more experienced enthusiasts. Durante le lezioni, esplorerete diverse tecniche di impasto, scoprirete i segreti per una lievitazione perfetta e imparerete a cuocere la pizza in vari modi, compresa la frittura. Vi forniremo tutti gli strumenti necessari e vi daremo l’opportunità di praticare direttamente con le nostre attrezzature professionali.

Unisciti alla nostra community

Once you complete the course, entrerete a far parte della nostra grande famiglia di pizzaioli. Potrete continuare a migliorare le vostre abilità partecipando ai nostri eventi e condividendo le vostre creazioni con gli altri allievi. In addition to, potrete seguire il nostro canale YouTube, where you will find more of 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. È un’ottima risorsa per trovare ispirazione e imparare nuove tecniche.

In conclusion

La pizza fritta è davvero una delizia da provare almeno una volta nella vita. Che siate appassionati di cucina o semplici amanti del buon cibo, questa specialità napoletana vi conquisterà con il suo gusto unico e la sua croccantezza irresistibile. Non perdete l’opportunità di imparare a farla direttamente dai migliori, iscrivendovi ai nostri corsi di pizzaiolo presso la scuola della pizza di Silvio Cicchi.

Grazie per aver letto il mio blog! Spero che vi sia piaciuto e che vi abbia ispirato a provare la pizza fritta. I invite you to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel which contains more than 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. Alla prossima e buon appetito!

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi.



The strangest pizzas in the world a culinary journey

The strangest pizzas in the world: a culinary journey

The strangest pizzas in the world: a culinary journey

When we think of pizza, we imagine a crunchy dough base, covered with tomato sauce, mozzarella and some ingredients to taste. However, in the vast world of catering, the variations of this beloved dish are infinite and often surprising. Ready for a culinary journey to discover the strangest pizzas in the world? Fasten your seat belts, let's go!

Crocodile Pizza – Australia

We start our journey from Australia, where a local pizzeria decided to break all the mold with its crocodile pizza. Yes, you got it right! Crocodile meat is the main ingredient of this exotic creation. The taste? Similar to chicken, but with a denser texture and a slightly salty aftertaste. If you are looking for a new gastronomic adventure, this is the pizza for you.

Cuttlefish ink pizza – Italy

On the other side of the world, in Italy, we find a pizza that is as strange as it is delicious: squid ink pizza. Its distinctive feature is the dough, colored an intense black thanks to squid ink. The marine flavor of the ink goes perfectly with the fresh seafood used as a topping. A true masterpiece of dough preparation and pizza cooking that conquers all the most demanding palates.

Chocolate Pizza – Brazil

Let's now move on to Brazil, where sweetness meets Italian tradition in chocolate pizza. This pizza is perfect for those who can't resist desserts. The basis is the classic one, but instead of tomato sauce we find a generous spread of chocolate cream. Some variations also include fresh strawberries, nuts or ice cream. An irresistible delight for the sweet tooth.

Pizza with Grasshoppers – Mexico

If you thought the crocodile was strange, wait until you hear about grasshopper pizza from Mexico. In some Mexican pizzerias, you can order a pizza topped with these crunchy, protein-rich insects. The flavor is described as a combination of nutty and shrimp, with a texture that adds a unique touch to the dining experience.

Pizza Sushi – Japan

In Japan, the love for sushi has given life to a pizza that combines two of the greatest culinary passions in the world: sushi pizza. This pizza has a rice base instead of the classic dough and is garnished with raw fish, algae, avocado and other typical sushi delicacies. The result is a perfect fusion between Italian and Japanese cuisine, ideal for those who love experimenting with new flavours.

Pizza Burger – United States

At Last, we couldn't fail to mention the United States, home of the most daring culinary innovations. who, one of the strangest pizzas is definitely the pizza burger. Imagine a pizza base covered with everything you would find in a classic hamburger: beef, cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, onions and even typical sauces. A combination that combines two icons of American cuisine in a single dish.

Join Silvio Cicchi's Pizza School

If this roundup of strange pizzas has made you want to test yourself as a pizza chef, we have an unmissable offer for you. Sign up for our pizza maker courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. You will learn all the secrets of preparing dough and cooking pizza, discovering how to create not only traditional pizzas but also the most innovative and strange ones.

We conclude with a Special Invitation

Thank you for accompanying us on this journey through the strangest pizzas in the world. We greet you with affection and invite you to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you will find more of 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. Keep experimenting in the kitchen and who knows, maybe the next strange pizza that will conquer the world will be yours!

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi.

Choosing the Right Wheat for a Rustic Pizza

Find out which type of wheat is ideal for a delicious rustic pizza. Read Silvio Cicchi's advice and sign up for his pizza chef courses to learn all the techniques

Choosing the Right Wheat for a Rustic Pizza: Farro, Wholemeal or Multigrain? Dear friends of good pizza,

Have you ever dreamed of preparing a rustic pizza that delights the palate and nourishes the body? Well, today we will talk about exactly this: how to choose the perfect type of wheat for a pizza with an authentic and genuine flavour.

When it comes to pizza flour, we are faced with a vast choice: Spelt, integral, multigrain and so on. But which one to use to get the best result?

Let's start with spelled. This ancient grain is known for its nutritious properties and slightly nutty flavor. Spelled flour is great for those looking for a rustic pizza with a slightly crunchier texture and distinctive flavor. Its processing takes a while’ pay more attention when preparing the dough, but the end result is definitely worth it.

Now let's move on to wholemeal flour. Rich in fiber and nutrients, wholemeal flour is the ideal choice for those who want a healthier and more nutritious pizza. Its slightly denser texture gives the pizza a solid base and robust flavor. Perfect for a rustic pizza that tastes of authenticity.

At Last, abbiamo la farina multicereali. This blend of different types of grains adds depth of flavor and texture to the pizza. With multigrain flour, you can create a rustic pizza with a unique mix of flavors and an interesting texture. It is an excellent option for those who love to experiment and surprise their palate.

But which one to choose? The answer depends on your personal tastes and dietary needs. If you are undecided, why not try all three and find out which one you like best?

And if you want to learn all the techniques to prepare a perfect pizza, vi invitiamo a iscrivervi ai nostri corsi di pizzaiolo presso la nostra scuola della pizza di Silvio Cicchi. During our courses, you will learn everything about preparing dough, cooking pizza and much more. You will become true pizza masters!

Not only will you be able to learn directly from Silvio Cicchi, but you can also subscribe to his YouTube channel, which contains more than 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who have attended our courses.

At that time, what are you waiting for? Choose your favorite type of wheat and start experimenting in the kitchen. And don't forget to share your successes with us!

With love,

Silvio Cicchi

the history of yeast in the preparation of pizza

Choosing the Right Wheat for a Rustic Pizza: Farro, Wholemeal or Multigrain?

Choosing the Right Wheat for a Rustic Pizza: Farro, Wholemeal or Multigrain? Dear friends of good pizza,

Have you ever dreamed of preparing a rustic pizza that delights the palate and nourishes the body? Well, today we will talk about exactly this: how to choose the perfect type of wheat for a pizza with an authentic and genuine flavour.

When it comes to pizza flour, we are faced with a vast choice: Spelt, integral, multigrain and so on. But which one to use to get the best result?

Let's start with spelled. This ancient grain is known for its nutritious properties and slightly nutty flavor. Spelled flour is great for those looking for a rustic pizza with a slightly crunchier texture and distinctive flavor. Its processing takes a while’ pay more attention when preparing the dough, but the end result is definitely worth it.

Now let's move on to wholemeal flour. Rich in fiber and nutrients, wholemeal flour is the ideal choice for those who want a healthier and more nutritious pizza. Its slightly denser texture gives the pizza a solid base and robust flavor. Perfect for a rustic pizza that tastes of authenticity.

At Last, we have the multigrain flour. This blend of different types of grains adds depth of flavor and texture to the pizza. With multigrain flour, you can create a rustic pizza with a unique mix of flavors and an interesting texture. It is an excellent option for those who love to experiment and surprise their palate.

But which one to choose? The answer depends on your personal tastes and dietary needs. If you are undecided, why not try all three and find out which one you like best?

And if you want to learn all the techniques to prepare a perfect pizza, we invite you to sign up for our pizza maker courses at our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. During our courses, you will learn everything about preparing dough, cooking pizza and much more. You will become true pizza masters!

Not only will you be able to learn directly from Silvio Cicchi, but you can also subscribe to his YouTube channel, which contains more than 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who have attended our courses.


At that time, what are you waiting for? Choose your favorite type of wheat and start experimenting in the kitchen. And don't forget to share your successes with us!

With love,

Silvio Cicchi


I 10 Commandments for a Perfect Dough The Secrets from Silvio Cicchi's School of Pizza

I 10 Commandments for a Perfect Dough The Secrets from Silvio Cicchi's School of Pizza

I 10 Commandments for a Perfect Dough The Secrets from Silvio Cicchi's Pizza School Hello friends of good pizza!

If there is one thing we all love, It's a deliciously prepared pizza, with a dough that melts in your mouth and an explosion of flavors in every bite. But how to get that perfect dough that makes your pizza unforgettable? Well, get ready to discover the 10 commandments for a perfect dough directly from Silvio Cicchi's Pizza School!

Use high quality flour: The first step for a perfect dough is to use high quality flour. Strong or manitoba flour is ideal for obtaining that elastic and soft consistency that we love in pizza.

Measure ingredients precisely: The preparation of the dough is a matter of precision. Be sure to weigh the ingredients accurately to maintain the desired consistency.

Slow rising: Patience is the key. Let the dough rise slowly in the refrigerator to develop that characteristic flavor and a light, fluffy texture.

Optimal hydration: Find the right balance of water in your dough. Adequate hydration ensures perfect consistency and uniform cooking.

Knead with care and love: Pizza dough requires attention and love. Work it carefully to develop the right structure and elasticity.

Resting the dough: After processing, give your dough a rest period. This allows protein to relax and for the magic to happen.

Spread delicately: When it's time to roll out the dough, treat it delicately. Avoid over-pressing it to maintain the lightness of the crust.

Fresh and high quality condiments: A pizza is only as good as the ingredients you put on it. Be sure to use fresh, high-quality seasonings for great flavor.

Cooked to perfection: Know your oven and adjust the temperature accordingly. Proper cooking is essential for a crispy crust and soft dough.

Love and passion: Last but not least, always put love and passion into what you do. Pizza is much more than a simple dish, it is a culinary experience that must be appreciated at every step.

And now that you've discovered the 10 commandments for a perfect dough, why not deepen your skills by enrolling in our pizza chef courses that we organize in our pizza school by Silvio Cicchi? Here you can learn directly from the best professionals in the industry and take your pizza making art to the next level!

Remember, perfection takes practice, but with the right advice and a little’ of passion, you can create the pizza of your dreams. Have fun and enjoy your meal!

Visit my youtube channel with more 300 Video recipes of pizza



Unmistakable Aromas The Charm of Fragrances and Perfumes in the Creation of

Unmistakable Aromas The Charm of Fragrances and Perfumes in the Creation of a Unique Experience

Dear passionate readers, welcome to our engaging olfactory journey! Today we will delve into the magical world of fragrances and perfumes, exploring how an unmistakable aroma is born. Are you ready to discover the secrets that lie behind the sensations that capture our sense of smell?

Let's start this flavored journey with a reflection on pizza, a dish that not only conquers the palate but also envelops the air around it with an irresistible aroma. The pizzeria becomes the magical place where the preparation of the dough is transformed into a symphony of smells that stimulate the appetite and ignite curiosity.

The preparation of the dough is the first act of this fragrant composition. Fresh ingredients, quality flour and freshly activated yeast blend to create a base that, even before cooking, exudes an enveloping scent. This is where the first layer of the unmistakable aroma of pizza is born, a scent that anticipates the delicious culinary spectacle to come.

The moment of cooking is the culmination of this olfactory symphony. The oven becomes the stage where the dough is made, now transformed into works of art, they release the last vapors of their secrets. The golden and crunchy crust releases fragrances that speak of mastery in cooking and dedication to perfection.

In this context, the word “catering” takes on a broader meaning. It's not just about serving food, but to create a multisensory experience. Each dish becomes a story that involves not only taste but also smell, a journey through aromas that intertwine like notes in a melody.

And so, pizza becomes an aromatic work of art, but the world of fragrances doesn't stop here. Every dish, every kitchen, each place has its own characteristic scent. It is as if the smells were invisible brushes that paint the portrait of a unique culinary experience.

Returning to the world of pizza, we can appreciate how different combinations of ingredients create unique aromas. The freshness of basil, the scent of freshly melted mozzarella and the sweetness of tomato intertwine in a bouquet of fragrances that awaken the senses. Each pizza variant is like a fragrant composition, a story told through smells.

And what to say about authentic pizzerias? In addition to the magic of preparing dough and cooking, there is something in the air of a real pizzeria that cannot be described in words. It is a mix of smells that tells of tradition, passion and authenticity. The scent of freshly baked pizza is an irresistible invitation to sit down and enjoy a piece of happiness.

Speaking of master pizza chefs, we cannot fail to mention the Silvio Cicchi's pizza school. who, the preparation of the dough becomes an art and the cooking a celebration of flavors and fragrances. We invite all enthusiasts to sign up for our pizza chef courses, where you can immerse yourself in the compelling world of pizza and learn the secrets of the aromas that make each slice memorable.

And now, with enthusiasm, we invite you to take a look at our YouTube channel. Silvio Cicchi shared further 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who have enrolled in our courses. A treasure of culinary inspiration that will take you behind the scenes of our pizza school.


Silvio Cicchi greets you warmly and invites you to join him on this exciting journey. May the scent of pizza continue to permeate your days and inspire your cooking. Thank you for accompanying us on this aromatic journey, and we wish you unforgettable culinary experiences!


a great master pizza chef

The Great Master Pizza Chefs and Their Famous Inventions A Tasty Journey into the World of Pizza

Dear friends who are passionate about pizza, welcome to our blog! Today we will dive into the fascinating history of pizza, exploring the most famous inventions of the great pizza masters. Ready for a journey through the delicious world of pizza?

Let's start with the essence of pizza: the preparation of the mixtures. The magic starts here, between flour, water, yeast and a pinch of passion. The preparation of the dough is an art that the great master pizza chefs have perfected over the years. Each dough is a unique work of art, bearer of tradition and innovation.

Speaking of tradition, we cannot ignore the importance of authentic pizzerias. Pizzerias are the beating heart of pizza culture, places where the art of dough preparation and cooking mastery come together in an unforgettable gastronomic experience. Catering is more than a job for these master pizza chefs; it is a passion that is reflected in every crunchy and tasty slice.

One of the most illustrious names in the pizza scene is Silvio Cicchi. His pizza school is a beacon for aspiring pizza chefs. With years of experience in the sector, Silvio Cicchi is a respected master pizza chef, known for its dedication to authenticity and excellence. His school offers pizza making courses that open the doors to a world of opportunities for those who dream of mastering the art of pizza making.

Speaking of master pizza chefs, we cannot forget the inventions that redefined the pizza landscape. Every great master has left their mark, helping to make pizza an international dish loved by millions of people.

One of the most famous examples is the Margherita pizza, attributed to the master pizza chef Raffaele Esposito. In 1889, in honor of Queen Margherita of Savoy, created this pizza with mozzarella, tomato and basil, the colors of the Italian flag. Since, Margherita pizza has become a symbol of authenticity and simplicity.

Other great masters have introduced innovative variations. Four Seasons pizza, with four different sections representing the seasons, it is a masterpiece of gastronomic creativity. In this combination of fresh ingredients and artistic preparation of the dough, Quattro Stagioni pizza tells a story of change through flavors.

Talking about tasty stories, impossible not to mention the pizza ai seafood. A bold innovation that brought the flavor of the sea to the pizza crust, giving you an unforgettable culinary experience. The creativity of the master pizza chefs is also expressed through surprising combinations, like goat's cheese, honey and nuts.

And what to say about pizza by the slice, a brilliant idea that made pizza even more accessible and suitable for any occasion. Cut into generous portions, pizza by the slice has won the hearts of those who love sharing convivial moments around this iconic dish.

Cooking pizza is an art in itself. Master pizza chefs know how to adjust the time and temperature to obtain a perfectly golden and fragrant crust. Each oven becomes a theater where magic takes place, transforming carefully prepared dough into culinary works to be enjoyed with joy.

If you are passionate about pizza and want to learn the secrets of dough and cooking, we invite you to sign up for our pizza chef courses organized in our Silvio Cicchi's pizza school. Here you will have the opportunity to learn directly from the expert hands of one of the most renowned pizza masters.

Our pizza school is not just a place of learning, but also a community of enthusiasts who share the love for pizza. The preparation of the dough becomes a collective experience, a shared journey towards pizza perfection.

At Last, We would like to conclude this tasty journey with greetings from Silvio Cicchi. We invite all our readers to visit and subscribe to his YouTube channel, which contains more 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students trained in our school. An opportunity to explore new culinary inspirations directly from the source of the art of pizza.


Thank you for accompanying us on this journey through the world of pizza and for being part of our community of enthusiasts. Bon appetit and remember, pizza is always a good idea!


Wandering through Street Food and Food Truck Flavours, the Success of Mobile Kitchens

Wandering through Street Food and Food Truck Flavours, the Success of Mobile Kitchens

Wandering through Street Food and Food Truck Flavours, the Success of Mobile Kitchens. Dear greedy readers,

Welcome to our blog, where today we will immerse ourselves in the delicious world of street food and food trucks, exploring the success of these mobile kitchens that are conquering the hearts and palates of people all over the world.

Street food

Street food has always been a point of reference for gastronomy lovers, offering a wide range of authentic flavors and a unique culinary experience. However, in the last few years, the concept of street food has undergone a real revolution thanks to food trucks, vehicles transformed into mobile kitchens that bring the taste of tradition directly to your home.


Let's start with the “pizza”, the undisputed queen of Italian street food. Pizza has always been one of the most loved dishes in the world, and his journey through the streets began with the legendary pizzerias on four wheels. The mobile pizzeria offers the opportunity to taste authentic creations, from preparing the dough to cooking the pizza, all in one on-the-go culinary experience.

The kitchen

If you are passionate about cooking and want to learn the secrets behind a perfect pizza, there is no better way to do it than by enrolling in our pizza chef courses. Organized in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school, these courses offer the opportunity to learn dough preparation techniques and the magic of pizza cooking, directly from the mastery of one of the most renowned Italian pizza chefs.

Food Truck

Food trucks have brought a breath of fresh air to the concept of street food, offering a variety of dishes that go far beyond pizza. From gourmet burgers to artisan tacos, from fusion sushi to vegan delicacies, food trucks have revolutionized the way we think about street food. Their versatility and ability to adapt to different contexts make these vehicles an ideal choice for events, parties, and even weddings.


As well as convenience and variety, food trucks also stand out for their welcoming atmosphere. While you wait for your order, it is possible to interact with the chef and enjoy the spectacle of live preparation. This more intimate and participatory experience adds a special touch to the simple idea of ​​grabbing something to eat on the street.

Another reason for the success of food trucks is their ability to adapt to emerging dietary needs. With more and more people looking for healthier food options and sustainable, the food trucks responded with creative and innovative proposals. Now you can enjoy delicious dishes that meet the needs of specific diets, without compromising the authentic flavour.

In short, Street food and food trucks are much more than a passing fad. They are a culinary revolution that is transforming the way we experience food. Far from standardized fast food, these mobile kitchens bring a breath of freshness and originality to our streets, offering authentic flavors from around the world.

In conclusion, if you want to explore the world of street food and food trucks, Get ready for a unique culinary adventure. Let yourself be conquered by the flavours, enjoy the convivial atmosphere and don't forget to sign up our pizza chef courses at the Silvio Cicchi pizza school. We are ready to take you on an unforgettable gastronomic journey!


Silvio Cicchi

Subscribe to my youtube channel with 300 Video recipes of pizza



The Way to the Perfect Pizza How to Choose the Best Ingredients for Your Unique Creation

The Way to the Perfect Pizza How to Choose the Best Ingredients for Your Unique Creation

The Way to the Perfect Pizza How to Choose the Best Ingredients for Your Unique Creation. Have you ever dreamed of creating the perfect pizza in the comfort of your kitchen? The secret isn't just in preparing the dough or cooking the pizza, but also in choosing the right ingredients. In this article, we will explore together how to select the elements that will make your pizza a gastronomic masterpiece.

The Magic Starts with the Ingredients

Pizza is much more than a simple dish; it is a culinary art that requires care and love in the selection of ingredients. The first step towards creating a delicious pizza is choosing a quality base.

Flour: The Heart of the Dough

Start with flour, the heart of the dough. Choose a flour suited to your favorite style of pizza. Flour 00 it's a classic choice for a thin, crispy pizza, while a wholemeal flour can give a rustic and nutritious flavor. If you want a light and fluffy texture, Manitoba flour could be your best ally.

Advice from an expert pizza chef: Experiment with different flours until you find the perfect one for your unique taste.

The yeast: The Magic Ingredient

Now, let's talk about yeast, the magic ingredient that makes the dough rise. You can opt for fresh brewer's yeast or instant dry yeast, depending on your preference and time available. A slowly leavened dough develops flavor and texture, so take the time necessary for an amazing result.

The Symphony of Flavors: Choose with wisdom

Once prepared the dough, it's time to explore the world of condiments. The variety of cheeses, sauces and ingredients can seem overwhelming, but with a little’ of creativity, you can create a unique combination of flavors.

Tomato Sauce: The Perfect Base

Tomato sauce is the base of many pizzas, so choose it carefully. Opt for high-quality peeled tomatoes, or prepare a fresh salsa with ripe tomatoes, garlic, olive oil and basil. Simplicity is often the key to a delicious sauce.

The cheeses: A Dance of Tastes

No pizza is complete without cheese. Buffalo mozzarella for a creamy consistency, pecorino for a touch of robustness or gorgonzola for a bold flavor. The combination of cheeses is an opportunity to create a symphony of flavors that will make your taste buds dance.

The Extra Ingredients: A Personal Touch

In addition to the classics such as mushrooms and ham, dare with unusual ingredients such as fresh rocket, fichi about the night. The uniqueness of your pizza depends on your creativity. Experiment, play with flavors and surprise the palate.

Cooking: The Final Magic

Once your pizza is made, it's time to cook it. Cooking pizza is an art in itself. If you have a wood-fired oven, take advantage of it to get a crispy crust and a smoky flavor. Otherwise, a traditional oven can work wonders with a baking stone.

Sign up for our Pizza Maker Courses

If you want to take your passion for pizza to the next level, subscribe to our pizza maker courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. Learn the secrets directly from a master pizza chef and transform your kitchen into a gourmet pizzeria.

Conclusion: Your Pizza, Your Work of Art

In conclusion, choosing the ingredients for your pizza is an exciting journey. From flour to topping, each element contributes to creating a culinary work of art. Experiment, have fun and remember that perfection is in personal taste. Your pizza is your one-of-a-kind creation.


Silvio Cicchi

Visit my youtube channel, you will find beyond 300 Video recipes of pizza




The Wine-Pizza Pairings That Will Make You Travel

The Wine-Pizza Pairings That Will Make You Travel

Dear lovers of pizza and good wine, you are ready for a delicious journey through the world of perfect pairings? In our pizzeria, we believe that choosing the right wine can transform a meal into an unforgettable experience. Present Day, together we will explore the magical synergies between fine wines and our delicious pizzas prepared with care and passion.

Let's start from the base, Pizza. The preparation of dough is an art that we know well, and every pizza that comes out of our oven is the result of years of experience and dedication. From the classic margherita to the creative quattro formaggi, our pizzeria is the place where tradition blends with creativity.

Cooking pizza is a crucial moment, and here at our restaurant we attach great importance to every detail. The perfect crunch, the cheese melted evenly and the fresh ingredients that come together harmoniously are our signature. Here because, when it comes to pairing wine, we want to make sure every sip complements the craftsmanship we put into our pizza.

Let's start with the golden rule: light and crunchy pizzas, like the classic Margherita, they pair beautifully with a light, fresh white wine. A Pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc are excellent choices to enhance the delicate flavors of mozzarella and tomato.

If you love them sturdier pizzas, like the Diavola with its spicy touch, we advise you to opt for a medium-bodied red wine. A Chianti or Merlot will perfectly complement the intense flavors of the spicy sausage and chili pepper.

Four Seasons pizza, with its variety of ingredients, requires a versatile wine. In this case, a Chardonnay or Rosé can be excellent choices, able to harmoniously accompany the variety of flavors present in each slice.

And what about the pizza with goat's cheese and rocket? For this slightly bitter and tasty delicacy, we recommend a fruity white wine such as a Verdejo or a Vermentino. The acidity of the wine will perfectly balance the goat cheese, creating a delicious combination.

Now, let's take a look at white pizzas, like the White Pizza with potatoes and rosemary. This requires a structured white wine, like a barrel-aged Chardonnay or a Viognier. The complexity of the wine goes well with the creaminess of the potatoes and the scent of rosemary.

And for adventurous palates who love to experiment with unusual combinations, what to say about a pizza with seafood? In this case, an aromatic white wine like a Riesling or Gewürztraminer adds a fruity, spicy note that complements the fresh seafood beautifully.

Now, We would like to invite you to discover these delicious wine and pizza combinations firsthand. Sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our office Silvio Cicchi's pizza school. You will have the opportunity to learn the secrets of dough preparation, of perfect cooking and winning combinations. We are confident that you will have fun and, above all, that you will fall even more in love with the art of pizza and wine.

Thank you for joining us on this journey through flavors. Until the next steaming and delicious slice! Bon Appetite!


Silvio Cicchi

Visit my youtube channel which contains more than 300 Video recipes of pizza.