Category archives: Actuality

against pizza sandwich

Pizza against Sandwich

Pizza sandwich against Mc Donald
After transmission Report dedicated to the pizza that has angered millions of Italians, Also giant McDonald has turned against the pizza, but this time Italians have risen by responding with clear messages in the network against the multinational company that has dared to challenge our culinary culture.
It seems endless controversy that revolves around the giant McDonald, They were affected all the charges of Italian pizza makers, in a television commercial the global giant has ridiculed the symbol of Italian cuisine, ie pizza, to promote the Happy meal. In tale video, a child sitting at the table of an Italian pizzeria pizza rejects in favor in favor of the sandwich.
Immediately on youtube appeared response Neapolitan pizza showing a boy……I invite you to see the two videos and leave your comments on this page.
The controversy came up in parliament, where the Movement 5 stars, by Luigi Di Maio presented exposed AGCOM to obscure the advertisement and ask to be excluded as an official sponsor of expo 2015.
link everyday occurrence

Pizzeria Commercial Activity Trend

The term “pizzeria” It is used to indicate several different types of business where the pizza is prepared.
Pizzeria / restaurant, Pizzeria to the cut or takeaway, pizza delivery at home, big fast food chains.
There are other places where it can be consumed pizza: the Rosticcerie, bakeries,. the gastronomy, hypermarkets.
Pizzeria Commercial Activity Trend: The pizzeria / restaurant
The term pizzeria, It is indicated a particular type of restaurant, which serves mainly pizza, trousers, buns and various fried. In the pizzerias you can find other types of food as at any restaurant, guests are served at the table and choose from a menu.
In addition to these local chef is a pizza maker in charge of the oven and the baking of pizzas.
Pizzerias offer the pizza always round up to the plate, so you can decide how much, except in some local, where you can choose between different sizes (small-medium-large). Some pizzerias offer the service of take away, and special containers are used cardboard with which the customer carries the pizza at home.
Some traditional pizzerias, besides the pizza dish, They offer pizza booklet, a small pizza folded in wallet, wrapped with paper food, to be consumed in road.


Pizzeria Commercial Activity Trend: The pizza slices and takeaway

Much like a diner, this type of pizzeria has a counter suitable for sale, where the pizza maker exposes different kinds of pizza whole or in slices, consumable on site or takeaway. In these cases, the customer, It has the possibility to decide both the type of pizza to buy that quantity, the price can vary depending on the weight or size of the piece of pizza.
In these local, It is often associated with the sale of beverages and food packaged. Often you can find tables and benches where you can have products purchased, but always in self-service.


Pizzeria Commercial Activity Trend: Pizzerias home

Widespread in big cities, this type of exercise provides for the sale of pizzas delivered to residence. To advertise these activities spread flyers with their menu and prices in the surrounding areas. On account of the pizzas it is often added some € for the costs of delivery. Deliveries are made by the various portapizza circulating on mopeds which are installed special bins that keep the pizzas warm thermos.


Pizzeria Commercial Activity Trend: Large chains of Fast Food

There are large fast food chains that offer the chance to eat pizza with a lot of speed and ease, which is typical of these local. In Italy the fast food chain most famous pizza is called “Spizzico“, while the United States is one of the largest chains Pizza Hut.

restaurant at home

Restaurant Pizzeria Casa Activities Profitable

Open a restaurant or why not? a pizzeria in their own home is a trend that is taking more and more foot in Italy, in large cities such as Rome, Milan turin or if there are more than 300 and strong growth, even on the period of crisis we are going through.
It is now 4 the 5 years from the first time I heard of this type of activity. Common people who decided to prepare dinners at home for any guests booked, that at the end of dinner regularly paid a fee for the service received. I always wondered: How strange, restaurateurs and owners of pizzerias to open a club must comply with strict rules and pay taxes cream, how is it that an individual might do so freely?

Profitable pizza restaurant Casa Activities

restaurant at home
Restaurant at home

Finally after a few years, It received a law of the Ministry of Economic Development that puts an end to all this confusion and lack of regulation:
“The Restaurant Casa is considered ACTIVITIES’ ECONOMIC fledged!!!
The resolution says the Mise: Open a restaurant in his home is in an economic activity All checked effects. Must be subject to professional requirements, sanitary and a set of rules in matters of security, urban planning and construction. starting with Scia to be presented to the municipality of residence.
The recent resolution of the Ministry of Economic Development also clarifies how can configure activity cook at home from word of mouth that has come to emerge in a real business, that alarmed even the category of Professional caterers that looking at the phenomenon with concern, They asked that the rules.

Restaurant Pizzeria Casa Activities Profitable

restaurant at home
Aorire a restaurant or pizzeria at home

The activity of preparing and serving lunches and dinners at his home , in days dedicated to paying guests, “that can not be classified as an activity of administration of foods and drinks, because even if the products are prepared and served in private premises coincide with the home cook, they are still equipped premises open to customers”, It reads the opinion of the Mise through Gianfrancesco Old, general director of the Directorate General for the Market and competition that responds to a request for a Chamber of Commerce. The provision of these services “It involves the payment of a fee and, therefore also with the innovative mode”, activity “It is expressed as economic activity in the strict sense” consequently it can not be considered, Getting a parere del, “a free activity and therefore not amenable to some provision of law from those applicable to persons who are engaged in the administration of food and beverages”. In motivating the position taken, Gianfrancesco Old refers to a footnote, always your firm, with which it has been classified as an actual administration of the public of foods and drinks that made by the owner of a villa, that “He intended to prepare food and drink in your kitchen providing this service only on specific request and booking by a client and then only for the eventual invited”.
The site Ministry of Economic Development

HACCP certificate

HACCP certificate. Are many professions today have to do with food. Indeed This area contains a series of activities that follow the entire production, from cultivation to the administration. We speak therefore of farmers, workers in the food industry, confectioners, bartenders, cooks. But not only, Also unexpected categories, as pharmacists and drivers.

HACCP certificate

All these workers, in one way or another come into contact with food and must therefore know the basic rules of hygiene and food safety. In this case the European regulations and therefore also the Italian, require knowledge of sistema HACCP. Born to ensure food safety for astronauts NASA has since been adopted in many countries, thanks to its proven effectiveness.
To know and apply the rules of HACCP must study them, that is why the law requires that anyone working in the food industry to take a course and obtain the HACCP certificate which proves passing the final test.

HACCP certificate
HACCP certificate

HACCP certificate

The HACCP certificate is proof that we have the necessary knowledge about the main rules of hygiene and safety, we know the rules and the application of HACCP, that we have the basics of microbiology and food preservation, and we know how to sanitize a facility and equipment. In short, the certificate serves to prove that we can protect the health of those who come into contact with food that we worked or handled.

Of course this knowledge have different degrees, the manager of the food industry must:
identify all critical points (CCP) the various activities and identify, apply and update safety procedures (based on HACCP principles). Its task is thus of responsibility, that requires a deep understanding of the issues. Instead, for example, the chap who does not manipulate foods must have general knowledge, because his contact with food is never direct, so much so that before the law did not provide even the possession of health card for this category.

Currently the law requires the possession of the mandatory HACCP, without which it is allowed to work in the food industry, so that in all cases it is required as a prerequisite when hiring.

pizza esplanade

The Pizza Esplanade Description and Recipes

Pizza Esplanade. Today I will try to clarify one of the more complex concepts of pizzeria. Around the word "plateau" in the greatest confusion reigns pizzeria!! Very often the case that customers order an esplanade for 2 or for 3 people without really knowing or know the meaning of this term.

The pizza esplanade was born many years ago as a unique bakery product, it is a thin focaccia white, without any seasoning, it is crispy and crumbly.

pizza esplanade
As should be the pizza esplanade

With the passage of time, each region has made its own recipe, very often inappropriately using the term esplanade, and unfortunately, always at the expense of crunchiness and crispness of the product.

Pizza Esplanade As It Should Be

The esplanade should be a simple focaccia thin and crisp without any seasoning or stuffing. Once baked, It can be stuffed at will, with mortadella, arugula, cherry tomatoes, tuna, ham and many other ingredients that do not release water, the esplanade, It is inumidita, lose its crunchiness.

Pizza Esplanade How Should Not Be

pizza esplanade
Stuffed pizza

Too often over the counter by pizzerias it reads the indication of pizza esplanade for a product of "open space" has nothing, you know very well that if you add tomato or mozzarella on a thin pizza, the result will not be sure of a product crispy and crumbly, as the tomato mozzarella, It contains a lot of water. It would be appropriate to call this product "pizza dish great for 3 the 4 People "


I am a simple pizza, I'm not a judge, then I would never dare to criticize products that over time have earned a place in the regional culinary traditions, products such as the esplanade of Romagna, the esplanade Roman, the esplanade of Calabria or the esplanade Sardinian, exceptional products, all boast of the title esplanade, but all different.

pizza esplanade
Pizzas stuffed

It is evident that with the passage of time the term esplanade, It is no longer used to distinguish the characteristics of a product, but it is to indicate a type of thin pizza, that can be stuffed in many different ways. Good to know. All this suggests to me a good idea for my next creative recipe .... How about a taste of my calzone "esplanade"??

What is your opinion? How do the esplanade in your region? Let us know, leave your comment on this page.

Want to know more curiosity about the term "open space"? here's a good one for you wikipedia. Clicca who.

pizza esplanade
Pizzas stuffed
Work Tool pizzaiolo:What are

Work Tool pizzaiolo:What are

Work Tool pizzaiolo:What are

The tools a pizza every day brings with it at work, are not very bulky, than many senior jobs, see the plumber, forced to turn with a van, the pizza maker could put them all in a briefcase.

Work Tool pizzaiolo:What are

Work Tool pizzaiolo:What are
The tool case

The most cumbersome that each pizzaiolo brings with it at work, is definitely the technical knowledge concerning the raw materials, the various ingredients that are needed to make a dough quality, the processes of food processing, knowing how to juggle with the different types of oven and manage the right cooking pizza.

In addition to technical knowledge, the cook needs some indispensable tools to prepare, bake and bake the pizza.

Work Tool pizzaiolo:What are
The wood oven

The oven: It 'better to work with a wood stove, but you are able to produce excellent pizzas with a gas or electric oven. The oven should be placed beside and not behind the pizza maker to avoid having to turn constantly to check the degree of cooking of pizzas.

Work Tool pizzaiolo:What are
The stand of the oven

Easel: To work with the wood stove, is essential to the stand. This useful tool, helps to keep the wood raised so that the flame has greater oxygen, burn better, but especially that produces less smoke.

Spiral Mixer: Used in all laboratories pizzerias, bakeries and pastry shops, Questa type of mixer fully meets the requirements of HACCP. Has a cylinder / steel tub which rotates on its axis in which are introduced the ingredients for the dough.

Work Tool pizzaiolo:What are

The workbench also commonly called drying which must be strictly marble, place at a height of about 90 earth cm, on it will be placed the disks of dough that will be then topped and baked.

Refrigerated counter: Required by regulations hygienic, the refrigerated counter composed of stainless steel trays easily washable, where they are stored at a temperature of +3 degrees all the ingredients for the preparation of the pizza.

Shovel pizza to bake: Before the recent health hygiene regulations this tool was made of wood, now has been improved and replaced by aluminum.

Lino: The palino round is the instrument by which the pizza turns the pizza in the oven to give even cooking and with it bakes pizzas. Usually has holes of varying diameter on its surface to allow the eventual flour still attached to the base of the pizza to fall before being impiattata.

Spatula: Stainless steel or plastic, this tool is indispensable to collect the balls already leavened in appropriate containers then to be able to pave.

Drawers for leavening: According to current regulations, drawers for leavening must be plastic food and no more wood.

In addition to these important things that we have listed, There are other small tools that are used by the pizza maker: Stainless steel cruet, the pizza cutter,Breadboard, and the brush for the cleaning of the oven.

Work Tool pizzaiolo:What are
Equipment pizzaiolo

Been acrobatic pizza makers? Have a look at wikipedia

I'll give you a pizza

I'll give you a pizza

Now the pizza became part of Italian food culture and also in the language we use daily, sometimes the word pizza is also used to express different meanings from the real pizza to eat. Doing a quick search on the net I have noticed that for example many pizzerias in Italy who call themselves "I'll give you a pizza". The pizza can be understood as the film of a film, in the case of a car accident: "Made a pizza that destroyed the car", but it is in the Roman dialect that takes on the meaning more fun, is usually used to describe the act of giving a slap to someone: Mo na pizza you do that .....

I'll give you a pizza
I'll give you a pizza

I'll give you a pizza

Surely you too have sometimes used the word pizza giving it another meaning, so I thought it might please you to read a few sentences on "I'll give you a pizza" comes from the dictionary of forced Roman.

From the dictionary of forced:

You do na pizza that when you stop your clothes have gone out of fashion You woodpecker very strong
You do na pizza that if steps ahead of you make n'autovelox er withdrawal goddess license I'll give you a slap strong
You do na pizza t'abbottono the recchie!!! with a slap could provoke serious hearing damage
I give you na pizza t'apro and ty as I close the door na de na hut I give you a pizza that I hurt you
You do na pizza t'attivito for as na tera parker I'll give you a slap Avvito on earth as a life parker
You do na pizza that you make stops eg excess speed de I'll give you a slap very strong
I give you that you do na pizza brown hair I give you a pizza so strong that you change your eye color
I give you that you do oh na pizza twin I give you a pizza you sdoppio
I give you na pizza that you around the foreman, so you can look into your eyes while you pijo to carci ass I think the discussion is going to take a turn for the worse, especially for you, friend
The do’ 'Na pizza that you send' n ride coll'Ape “I buy everything I clean cellars” ! If you woodpecker, reduce you in poverty '.
You do na pizza that you unmount like LEGO You could risk being beaten
The do’ na pizza and I 10 er floor!! With a slap you would do very badly
I give you nà pizza so strong that they have departed from cuanno finish clothes that harbors know annati holes fashion


I'll give you a pizza
How to become a pizza maker

How to become a pizza maker

How to become a pizza maker

Pizzaiolo ... ..The best job in the world. Said to me, a statement might seem a bit 'part, because I do this job for many years now (almost 40), but I can tell you the reasons why I consider this work nice and rewarding.

It gave me the opportunity to travel the world, and despite his age still happen to me opportunities to do so. Thinking about it, for that alone would be worth to learn this craft, but if we add also other important factors such as the working environment, always surrounded by young staff, opportunity to provide entertainment to their creativity, due to continuous new customer demands, or by changes in taste due to different customs and habits in different countries where I worked.

How to become a pizza maker

How to become a pizza maker
Become pizzaiolo

To exercise this job, is not required qualifications, being a practical work. The best way to learn is definitely in pizzeria alongside a more experienced person, and possess qualities of sacrifice, great desire to learn and passion for pizza.

There are many schools of pizza makers who organize theoretical courses and reserve a large part of the course dedicated to the practice, essential to be able to face the world of work.

If you are interested in attending one of these courses, you must not do is contact me by clicking here, and I will send you all the details on the calendar of upcoming courses pizzaiolo scheduled.

The duties of a pizza chef in pizzeria.

The pizza chef must have good knowledge of all the ingredients that make up the pizza, dosages are to obtain a mixture of quality, must know the time to rise and know make corrections, must have a thorough knowledge of cooking techniques, wood stove, electric oven, gas oven, all this without forgetting the most important thing: meet the demands of all customers J

Among the tasks that every pizza place in daily pizzeria would add, compliance with the standards of hygiene and cleanliness of the work environment, daily control of the cargo warehouse, and provide for the proper storage of food.


The working hours of a pizza chef must be very flexible, much of the work is done in the working dinner, but especially on holidays and weekends.

If you look around, you will notice that in every street there is a pizza, then the job opportunities you will not miss.

How to evaluate a course of pizza.

Do not spend time and money for a course in a week that claims to teach this craft, perhaps in a class with other 20 students.

The best solution would be to attend one of our individual courses, that is, you and the teacher, that after the theoretical phase will follow you step by step quickly, until the target.

For information about our individual courses, contact.

How to become a pizza maker
How to become a pizza maker

More on pizza