Category archives: Actuality

The Pizza In Portugal

The Pizza In Portugal

The Pizza In Portugal. One of the greatest satisfactions that I have been receiving in recent times, It is to see their students attending the professional course of pizza at Our school of Italian pizza, open your own business pizzeria.

E’ the case of Angelo, who came from Portugal to attend the course of professional pizza maker at our school, which put an upward “Studio Pizza” and christened Mascalzone Latino in honor of a famous singer and artist who died prematurely a short time ago.

The Pizza In Portugal
The Pizza In Portugal

The Pizza In Portugal

The pizzeria is located a few kilometers from the capital Lisbon, in the holiday resort Ericeira, world reserve surf. Daily we see tourists arriving from all parts of the world to practice this sport.

The Pizza In Portugal
The Italian Mascalzone Latino Pizzeria located at Ericeira in Portugal

Angelo, owner of Mascalzone latino, prepares delicious slices of takeaway pizza and delicious pizzas to the plate to be eaten sitting comfortably at a table a few steps from the sea, or, to take home for the whole family. It only has a few tables outside, but, the quality of its pizzas in a few weeks has crushed the competition, It knows that abroad many pizzerias try to copy the Italian product, but often they sin of inexperience due to the fact that they have never seen preparing a pizza in a professional way, or because they use ingredients not suitable.

The Pizza In Portugal
The pizzas Mascalzone Latino
The Pizza In Portugal
The pizza slices proposed by Angelo

The high quality of proposals from pizzas “Mascalzone Latino” It is due to the use of quality ingredients, purchased directly from Italy and training that Angelo has received attending our ongoing professional pizzaiolo.

The Pizza In Portugal
Take-away pizza

The Pizza In Portugal

Angelo invited me to the opening of his fabulous local. I spent 2 wonderful weeks in Ericeira. Not practical to surf, but there is plenty to do for people like me who have a certain age and suffering from back pain, it is not easy to ride the ocean waves towering and majestic, for who, come me, He can barely keep afloat. For those young at heart there is the local food that the restaurants cook and serve in a workmanlike manner in accordance with local customs. The cod is one of the most famous specialties of Portuguese cuisine, but in countries like the sea Ericeira are very strong grilled sardines, much larger extent and tasty than we are used to eating in our Mediterranean or Adriatic, or sea bass and sea bream cooked on charcoal grill which can be eaten in all local restaurants.

The Pizza In Portugal
Grilled sardines Atlantic Ocean

From now, our school of Italian pizza, He will lean to the pizzeria by Angelo “Mascalzone Latino” to propose pizza courses in Portugal, so dear Portuguese friends, do not miss this brilliant opportunity to power a course to become professional Pizzaioli, right near your home. Check the calendar of upcoming courses scheduled in Ericeira clicking here.

The Pizza In Portugal
Angelo during the writing of a pizza

If you go on vacation in Portugal, se fate visita a Lisboa, take a ride in the city of Ericeira, It is only a few kilometers from the capital (40 Km), it's worth it just to enjoy one of the delicious pizzas proposals “Mascalzone Latino” managed by the dear Angel, because, as I remember in all my posts, friends are the greatest asset I possess, share this article on your Facebook page and click on G +, by doing so you will help this blog to grow. Thank You.

The Pizza In Portugal
The Pizza In Portugal
The Pizza In Portugal
The beach of Ericeira in Portugal

Pizza All’Oppio

Pizza All’Oppio. It's a few months ago the amazing news of a Chinese restaurateur who to fight the crisis has started serving opium poppies shredded spaghetti with a sauce. It seemed to work well for the brilliant restaurateur who saw his clients out from your local, satisfied we will, and with a smile, until one of his clients was stopped at a place of drug block, and arrested for drug use.

Now, a good pizza from the twisted mind (like mine) he immediately thought of as able to apply the same principle to our beloved pizza!!What you would not do to see your local full of customers every night!

Pizza All'Oppio
Buns with poppy seeds

Pizza All’Oppio

Without risking being arrested, a natural way there would:

According to the EFSA which is the European Food Safety Authority (Link at bottom of page), poppy seeds, widely used in bakery, in bakery and pizzeria, contain opium.

Always the EFSA states that the use of poppy seeds as an ingredient in food preparation (so even pizzas) It can determine an ingestion of significant doses of morphine, in a special way on a segment of the population such as children from 3 a 10 age.

The poppy seeds that are derived from Papaver somniferum L., It is already widely used in cooking in many European countries, including our Italy, with them are preparing lots of desserts and bakery products, on cakes and in many dishes in the kitchen as an ingredient, in addition to being used for the production of edible oil.

Pizza All'Oppio
A cake with poppy seeds

Although the seeds do not contain alkaloids, they may be contaminated when the plants themselves suffer attacks of pests, or during the delicate phase of the collection. The ingestion of these contaminated seeds can cause adverse effects related to morphine content, with the consequent possibility of measuring high levels of this alkaloid in the urine and blood, sufficient to interfere with the modern drug tests.

The European Commission, always through the EFSA it has initiated an audit on the possible risks to human health that can be given from the poppy seed consumption.

The main alkaloid content from contaminated seeds is morphine, followed by codeine, tebaina, noscapina e papaverina. The ingestion of these substances cause adverse effects which affect the central and peripheral nervous system, causing sedation, drowsiness and breathing difficulties. Papaverine instead, It acts as a muscle relaxant.

Anyhow, the content of alkaloids in poppy seeds can be drastically cut down to 90% simply by treating the seeds. Put simply, once cooked, they lose all of their property that stoned.

Pizza All'Oppio
Focaccia with onions and poppy seeds

Pizza All’Oppio

So dear friends pizzaioli, if you want happy customers, They leave your room with a smile, and …they return to find other pizzas with poppy seeds… 🙂 dovete aggiungerli crudi sulla pizza.

The risk of becoming drug addicts eating pizza on pizza in exaggerated quantity is very unlikely, but for sure it will give a positive result for opiates during any drug tests. Similar cases have already occurred, not only in China, Also in Italy.

Source: EFSA – European Food Safety Authority “Scientific Opinion on the risks for public health related to the presence of opium alkaloids in poppy seeds”

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Pizza & Catering

Pizza & Catering

PIZZA AND RESTAURANT Interview with Alfredino Macellari owner of the restaurant “Rosy Food” in via the work Centobuchi Monteprandone, You – Italy.

1)Pizza and restaurant, that the relationship?.

narrow. Often, pizza and catering are the same thing. notoriously, the ingredients to make a good pizza contain all the essential foods.

2)He feels the crisis in recent years in pizzeria?

Even in times of crisis, the consumer can not be deprived of food. folds, it's clear, on more "poor" foods. The pizza is generally associated with the most "poor restaurant". Though, in truth, not at all. And 'certainly more economic, albeit one of the most complete and tasty food.

Pizza & Catering
Mr.. A.Macellari right in the picture during the interview.

Pizza & Catering

3)E’ more productive work with the restaurant or the pizzeria?

There is no difference. The important thing is to have satisfied customers. The restaurant consists of a myriad of variables. A plate "rich", of 20 euri, for example, It may involve a cost of 60/70% of raw material. The pizza shop, instead, although more modest revenues, It has relatively low raw material costs.

4)It proposes new initiatives for its customers?

This is not real initiatives. In the restaurant it must be scrupulous and careful in preparing each food. Lobster cooked badly, for example, worth less than a "daisy" cooked well. A basil leaf withered, used to adorn a simple plate of spaghetti with tomato sauce , can "ruin" the aesthetics of the dish. E, and to, when you eat, using "all" the senses . Also the view. The sense of smell.

5)How many hours he is engaged in the daily management of its business?

I never counted. The rest, the management of a pizzeria or a restaurant constitutes, at the same time, work and play together. Otherwise you can not do.

Pizza & Catering

Pizza & Catering
The bar restaurant Rosy

6)Tell me what has been the greatest satisfaction that he had so far…

The satisfaction is daily. Make sure that your customers are happy with the food and service is priceless. And 'how to make goals for a player ... It' s like having an orgasm ... gourmet, you understand ... (Mr.. Alfredino smiles pleased with his own joke)

7)lei, usually, what you eat?

First of all, I do not eat in the dining room. In living memory no one has seen me eat in the dining room. I do not think properly towards my customers. My favorite food?: spaghetti with tomato sauce perfumed with two leaves of fresh basil. Or a strictly pizza "daisy". accompanied, both, by a white sauvignon cup.

8)What it does not like in the dining?

Excessive handling of simple things. For example, I often speak of "aperitif", also with pizza. I find it contradictory. The pizza, always for example, It is a complete food: It can not be accompanied by a Campari or a prosecco. but, with the wine, or with beer. Anyhow, never with the coke ...

Pizza & Catering
Logo of the pizza restaurant Rosy

9)A nice story to tell happened in his restaurant..

(Mr.. Alfredino reflects long, deep in thought. He lights a cigarette and, very serious, responds). I do not know if it's cute. I think an anecdote certainly uplifting. from us, in our restaurant "Rosy", It comes to dinner, almost every night, Also a comely lady. Always alone, reserved, fragrant and showy. It is the oldest profession in the world. Well, this unknown lady claims to have dinner in a reserved table, the corner of the room. But the thing that struck me is that this lady claims to eat with cutlery, dishes and only plastic cups, tablecloths and napkins, disposable. The other night, apologies of my curiosity, I asked: "Do you forgive me, I ask why not use the cutlery and traditional dishes?”. The lady smiled graciously and responded: "Right. Alfredino, she can not understand what kind of job I do. Well, out of respect to our excellent pizza restaurant, its customers, and above all to his personal kindness, I decided not to create them no discomfort with his customers "Chapeau, my lords!!. I did bring a bottle of sauvignon. series: ..when respect and politeness are mutual ...

Thank you Mr. Alfredino.

Pizza & Catering
Pizza & Catering
Type Pinsa Pizza Romana

Type Pinsa Pizza Romana

Type Pinsa Pizza Romana. Pinsa Romana is a registered trademark of a famous Roman company. In this article, in order to avoid any legal trouble, we restrict ourselves to one type of pizza that we will call “Type Pinsa Romana”

What is the pizza of the Roman type grip? We begin inevitably from some inevitable historical sketch.

Roman pizza type grip is a flat bread prepared with a dough light. A flattened oval shape, of the name comes from the Latin language “pinsere” which means crush, stretch.

Type Pinsa Pizza Romana
Type Pinsa Pizza Romana

The origins of this particular type of pizza, dating back thousands of years ago, when the poorest prepared by mixing cereal product they had available barley, Spelt, oats and millet with water, salt and various herbs, the dough was baked on stone.

Testimonies readily available can be found in the stories of Virgil in his Aeneid, the grip was used as the basis (dish) for food.

This is the grip the ancestor of the pizza that we find in present times.

Type Pinsa Pizza Romana

The grip is a modern reworking adapted to modern techniques, the ingredients that make up this kind of dough are:

The differences from the common pizza that you can see at sight are:

The oval shape “pinsere stretch =”

The fragrance being high and soft

Digestibility due to the long time to rise

water absorption of up to 80%

The rising times of the Roman type grip pizza can be up to 120 hours in the refrigerator.

Type Pinsa Pizza Romana
Type Pinsa Pizza Romana

Type Pinsa Pizza Romana

In our next article we'll reveal how to prepare at home the flour mix to prepare the type grip Roman pizza.

Who is interested in this type of pizza, You can attend one of our practical training as a pizza maker at our school. All our students know pizza flour inside out, They are also able to prepare the delicious dough for churning out the kind Roman grip pizza that produce and consume regularly during our professional courses pizzaiolo.

We feel in a few days to talk in detail dough Roman type grip. You can find it by clicking this link.

Type Pinsa Pizza Romana

More info on Romanian Pinsa.

Pizza recipe Sarda

2 pizzas on 3 They Are Made With Lithuanian Mozzarella and Tomato Chinese

2 pizzas on 3 They Are Made With Lithuanian Mozzarella and Tomato Chinese: Source Coldiretti which has made public the list of contaminated foods that arrive in Italy.

I appeal to colleagues pizzaioli, to pizzerias holders and to all / and those who prepare the pizza at home, but you, that products used to prepare pizza?

Pizza al Salmone

According to authoritative sources “coldiretti” in 2015 imports of tomato paste from China rose 379% which is equal to 10% of national production, and also scares the importation of olive oil from Tunisia increased by 279%.

Also worrying is the increase in the 17% casearei of products for the production of mozzarella from Lithuania.

2 pizzas on 3 They Are Made With Lithuanian Mozzarella and Tomato Chinese

Initial estimates of the 2016 They are even more alarming when you look at the fact that there is an increase of one thousand tons of wheat from other countries, mainly from Canada.

All this happens daily before our eyes without the actual indication of origin of these foods is declared on the label (allowed by current legislation).

The Pizza Sailor
The Pizza Sailor

I'll cringe when I think that if a small operator makes a mistake on the compilation of the table of its ingredients in its pizzeria can incur huge fines or even days of their local closing.

The pizza, only in Italy with a total turnover 10 billion Euros and, listen Listen… every day is turning out 5 million pizzas for a total of 1,8 pizzas billion per year.

The equivalent in terms of ingredients:

200 million pounds of flour

225 million pounds of mozzarella

30 million pounds of olive oil

260 million pounds of tomatoes

All these data make us realize that 2 pizzas on 3 produced in Italy, They are “contaminate” by ingredients from foreign countries. This is unfair competition.

Pizza Sausage and Friarielli
Pizza Sausage and Friarielli

2 pizzas on 3 They Are Made With Lithuanian Mozzarella and Tomato Chinese

Dear friends, be careful what you buy when you prepare the pizza.

During the course of our pizza maker courses at our school, we take great care of the ingredients that we use. If you want more information about our professional courses CLICK HERE


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Oliera in Pizzeria

Oliera in Pizzeria. Once upon a time….many years ago an inseparable tool Pizzaiolo. L'”Oliera in rame”. I remember with great joy this fascinating tool contains extra virgin olive oil.
Every pizzeria owned one different.

Oliera in Pizzeria

Oliera in Pizzeria
Oliera in Pizzeria
Oliera in Pizzeria
Cruet tinned copper
Oliera in Pizzeria
classical cruet
Oliera in Pizzeria
Oliera in Pizzeria

These tools usually tinned copper were itself precious objects of inestimable value.
All, but I do mean all of the pizza makers used it to add to freshly baked pizza touch of extra virgin olive oil to release the scents of the earth and its fruits. The addition of extra virgin olive oil is important, It is as important to the addition of fresh basil leaves.
Wandering the pizzerias in present days, I note with regret that the old copper cruet disappeared, sometimes it replaced by these modern and dark glass bottles with long neck, in other cases, the oil is not added at the end of cooking, for fear of too greasy pizza.

Oliera in Pizzeria

I must admit that I also tried it using the bottle of extra virgin olive oil instead of the usual copper cruet, but with poor results, the amount of oil leaking from the spout of the bottle is irregular and there is a risk of spilling too much on the pizza.
Totally different is the use dell'oliera copper, from long spout and thin, It distributes just a little olive oil evenly over the pizza surface.
If you really do not want to spend on a copper cruet, I recommend one of these modern steel cruets.
Cruet beak 1/2 liter steel

Also they make them work extremely well, does not drain the oil along the edges so you do not dirty your work plan, from very affordable price available on Amazon
Pizza makers around the world…..back to work with the old and classic cruet tinned copper, or the more modern steel cruet of olive oil and add the touch “good” on pizza, customers will thank you.
Would you like to make pizza at home as an expert pizza maker? Subscribe to our online professional course. Clicca who.
ramaio oliera

olive oil on the pizza.

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Ranking of the most sought pizzas

Ranking of the most sought pizzas. We begin 2016 with a rather interesting statistic. Ours is a site that deals exclusively with pizza, so if we want to make a ranking of the most sought pizzas year there is no better place from which to draw in order to obtain valid statistics. One that we will submit actually, It is a ranking of the most read articles on our site, that is, what people have searched on Google more about the pizza throughout the 2015 and they have landed on our site.

First we try to understand what nationality originate these readers who seek information on the pizza:

Our website in the world

54% Italian

15% Brazilian

14% Spanish

10% American

7% Rest of the world

Ranking of the most sought pizzas
Ranking of the most sought pizzas

Ranking of the most sought pizzas during 2015: The most clicked articles on our site.


  1. At what temperature to cook the pizza
  2. The Pizza Capricciosa Original Recipe and preparation
  3. The Pepperoni Pizza Recipe and Preparation
  4. Recipe for Making the Perfect Pizza Slices in House
  5. Course Pizzaiolo online
  6. Dough for homemade pizza
  7. How to Make Croissants Filled with Salted Dough Pizza
  8. Topinambur in Cucina 10 Fantastic Recipes
  9. 10 perfect ways pizza seasoning
  10. La Focaccia Pugliese Recipe Mediterranean
  11. Oil in pizza dough
  12. The Delicious Pizza Carbonara Recipe and Preparation
  13. Which flour to use for pizza, desserts and homemade pasta?
  14. Pizza 4 Cheese Recipe
  15. Yeast or brewer's yeast for pizza dough?
  16. Pizza alla Romana Recipe scrocchiarella
  17. How to Make Oil Spicy House
  18. Electric stove or oven for cooking pizza?
  19. The Pizza Siciliana Traditions and Recipe

Ranking of the most sought pizzas


Examining this ranking, one can easily deduce that all the readers of our site can be classified as absolute “gourmets” in search of perfection.

At the top of the ranking of the most read articles, stands “at what temperature to cook the pizza” a very good article that contains lots of useful information, hints and tips on pizza.

The second place is occupied by the stable and “Classical” pizza capricious. To my surprise, in third place is the Pepperoni Pizza, famous all over the world, more than in Italy, pizza feature that provides for the filling with a thin sliced ​​beef salami, slightly spicy, just called “pepperoni”. This pizza is most needed and figure invariably in all the UK's menu, in the US and Australia.

In fifth place is the course of pizza Online. Are always more people who sign up to our valuable online course, if you know more, click here.

In sixth place, among the items sought, there is the classic recipe of the dough to make pizza. Twelfth figure supercalorica “Carbonara pizza”.

You can check at any time the statistics to date of this ranking, which it is available in all pages of the site on the sidebar “Black” left.

** data source: Google Analytics


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the pizza chef's hat

The hat Pizzaiolo

inseparable companion of all pizza makers, hat is the symbol of pride even if it is mistakenly seen by some as a constraint. What kind of hat you wear at work? The history of the kitchen is very old hat, dating back to 1829.

the pizza chef's hat
the pizza chef's hat

As you know (I hope), the skill of a chef does not measure the height of the kitchen wearing hat, High or low that it is often a simple matter of working comfort. It happened a few times to work in restaurants with a low hood, so it was impossible to work with a top hat. In pizzeria it is not recommended to use a high hat because of the pizza maker distinctive work, often having to bend down to pick up the wood to feed the oven, would fail to balance the tall hat, then, over the years were always more pizza makers who have worn the bag or practice bandana. Personally I use the paper bag, super hygienic disposable, Always stretch to perfection and also absorbs sweat. As an alternative to paper is very widely used non-woven fabric.

the pizza chef's hat
Sachet Pizzaiolo

The thing however that I consider very important is that whatever form you have chosen, and of any material whether made, do not forget that the kitchen is the color WHITE. In the kitchen, apart from the pants that can be blacks or pinstripes, the jacket and hat must be white. I fully understand that there is dirty easily, but….patience, when soiled, you changed.

The hat Pizzaiolo Conclusion

Touch, retina, cap, bandana, paper bag, of cotton or non-woven fabric, but it must be white.

the pizza chef's hat
the pizza chef's hat

If you want to know more about touqe blanche “the chef's hat” you can consult by clicking on wikipedia this link.

the pizza chef's hat
the pizza chef's hat

I hope I did all attracted the ire of those who wear the bandanna to look like a famous singer, with hair sticking out, or those who have bought (even worse) colorful hat matching the lapels of her apron pockets. KITCHEN / PIZZERIA = WHITE!!!!.

If you want to become an expert in making pizza at home for you and your guests, I suggest you subscribe to our professional course of pizza ONLINE. Clicca who.

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Features Olive Oil

Features Olive Oil

Features Olive Oil. From green to pale yellow, the fresh taste reminiscent fruit and vegetables, spicy, sweet or bitter, strong or mild, its taste is pretty much determined by several natural and environmental factors.

This diversity of aromas, It makes olive oil perfect for any type of cuisine. The peoples of southern Europe, early adopters, They held the record of the lower rate of cardiovascular disease by practicing the Mediterranean diet.

Features Olive Oil
Features Olive Oil

The oil is distinguished in 3 main categories according to the degree of acidity and its purity:

Features Olive Oil

  • Extra virgin olive oil

The only vegetable oil obtained at the push, without any manipulation and without chemical additives. EAKD contains vitamins which have antioxidant properties and protective effect on cells. Acidity level below 1%.

  • Virgin Olive Oil

As the Extra Virgin Olive Oil is not refined and has a degree of acidity equal to approximately 2%

  • Olive oil

E’ It composed of refined olive oil to which is added virgin olive oil to improve the taste. It has a degree of acidity of the maximum 1,5%.

  • Sansa oil

E’ Consisting of the pomace(processing residues from which oil is extracted through a chemical process)to which is added extra virgin olive oil in a non-clearly indicated.

Features Olive Oil
Features Olive Oil

Features Olive Oil

E’ Composed primarily of fatty acids momoinsaturi, Polyphenols, vitamina E e betacarotene. The constant use favors a lowering of bad LDL cholesterol and raising the good HDL of helping prevent cardiovascular disease and arteriosclerosis.

For pizza only used Extra virgin olive oil.

Want to know more on the oil? Go on wikipedia


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The Pizza More Long World

That record!!! The world's longest pizza.
The 20 June will be a date to remember for the Italian pizza makers. E’ It was realized the Expo of Milan a long pizza 1595,45 meters and it was therefore torn the previous record held by Spain 1141,5 meters.

The Pizza More Long World
The Pizza More Long World

The Pizza More Long World

Total weight of 5 tons.
The company was brought to an end by 80 Italian pizza with 200 volunteers. For the preparation of the pizza records were needed 5 ovens, a ton and seven hundred kilograms of Italian mozzarella, 1500 pounds of tomatoes, 150 pounds of extra virgin olive oil, 1700 pounds of flour and 30 pounds of yeast.
Cooking times? 3 minutes for each meter of pizza.
The pizza was offered to 30.000 visitors and expo 300 meters of pizza were delivered to the food bank in Milan.
With the completion of this Guinness record, we wanted to celebrate the birthday of pizza margherita that has made its 126 age, In fact it was the year 1889 when he was summoned to court by the pizza maker Raffaele Esposito then she prepares for the royal family of pizzas for her majesty the Queen Margherita of Savoy.

The Pizza More Long World
The Pizza More Long World

The Pizza More Long World

This primacy, It acts as a support for the candidacy international registration of pizza in the unesco list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity.
For those who do not is Acquaintances, the business of pizza has achieved in the Itala 10 billion euro, account 63 thousand pizzerias and employs 150 thousand employees. Furthermore, the 39 percent of Italians believe that the pizza is the culinary symbol of Italy according to the website of coldiretti , after all the pizza is the best known Italian word abroad, followed by cappuccino, spaghetti and espresso.
For more information, read the article RaiNews

If you are interested in preparing your home a perfect pizza margherita, please read our previous article on how to prepare a pizza margherita perfect.

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The Pizza More Long World
The Pizza More Long World