Category archives: Actuality

Become a professional pizza chef: The complete path in our school

Become a professional pizza chef: The complete path in our school

Become a professional pizza chef: The complete path in our school


Se sogni di lavorare nel mondo della pizza, la nostra school pizza ti offre un percorso completo per diventare un vero professionista. Con i nostri courses for pizza, apprenderai tutte le tecniche fondamentali per la preparazione della pizza e potrai trasformare la tua passione in una carriera di successo.

Perché diventare pizzaiolo professionista?

Il mestiere del pizzaiolo è tra i più richiesti al mondo. Con una formazione adeguata, potrai lavorare in pizzerie, ristoranti o addirittura aprire il tuo locale. Our School Pizza offre corsi pratici e teorici che ti guideranno in ogni fase dell’apprendimento.

Il percorso di formazione nella nostra scuola pizzaioli

1. Le basi della preparazione della pizza

I primi passi per diventare pizzaiolo includono:

  • Conoscenza degli ingredienti di qualità
  • Tecniche di impasto tradizionale e innovativo
  • Lievitazione e maturazione dell’impasto

2. Tecniche avanzate di cottura

Una volta apprese le basi, si passa allo studio delle diverse tipologie di cottura:

  • Wood-fired oven, elettrico e a gas
  • Controllo delle temperature e gestione della cottura
  • Ottimizzazione della resa e consistenza della pizza

3. Creazione di pizze gourmet

In addition to the classic daisy, imparerai a realizzare pizze innovative con ingredienti selezionati, seguendo le ultime tendenze del settore.

I vantaggi di frequentare i nostri corsi per pizzaioli

  • Formazione pratica con istruttori esperti
  • Attestato di partecipazione riconosciuto
  • Opportunità di stage in pizzerie professionali
  • Supporto nella ricerca di lavoro o apertura di un’attività

Testimonianze di successo

Molti dei nostri studenti hanno intrapreso carriere di successo, trovando lavoro in prestigiosi ristoranti o avviando pizzerie di successo. La nostra scuola ha formato centinaia di professionisti nel settore.

Iscriviti ora alla nostra scuola della pizza!

Se vuoi trasformare la tua passione in una carriera, non perdere l’opportunità di frequentare i nostri courses for pizza. Contattaci oggi stesso per maggiori informazioni e per prenotare il tuo posto!

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi

The key to success: Investing in pizza chef formation

Because pizza chef formation is essential for success

The key to success: Investing in pizza chef formation

In the world of catering, la pizza è uno dei piatti più amati a livello globale. However, per diventare un pizzaiolo di successo, non basta la passione: è fondamentale una formazione professionale. Frequentare corsi per pizzaioli in una scuola pizzaioli specializzata offre un vantaggio competitivo che permette di eccellere in un mercato altamente concorrenziale.

I vantaggi di frequentare una scuola pizzaioli

1. Apprendere le tecniche corrette di preparazione della pizza

Una buona scuola della pizza insegna non solo le basi, ma anche tecniche avanzate di impasto, rising, cottura e farcitura. La preparazione della pizza richiede precisione e conoscenze specifiche per ottenere un prodotto finale di alta qualità.

2. Conoscenza approfondita degli ingredienti

Uno dei segreti per una pizza eccellente è la scelta degli ingredienti. Durante i corsi per pizzaioli, gli studenti apprendono come selezionare farine, yeast, tomatoes, formaggi e altri ingredienti essenziali per ottenere un prodotto autentico e gustoso.

3. Opportunità di lavoro e crescita professionale

Chi frequenta una scuola pizzaioli ha maggiori possibilità di trovare lavoro in pizzerie rinomate o addirittura di avviare una propria attività. La certificazione rilasciata da una scuola professionale è un biglietto da visita importante nel settore.

Competenze indispensabili per un pizzaiolo di successo

1. Tecniche di impasto e lievitazione

Un buon pizzaiolo deve conoscere le diverse tipologie di impasto, dalla pizza napoletana alla pizza romana, e le tecniche di lievitazione che influenzano la digeribilità e il gusto.

2. Gestione del forno e tecniche di cottura

L’uso corretto del forno è fondamentale: la cottura perfetta varia a seconda del tipo di forno utilizzato, sia esso a legna, elettrico o a gas.

3. Creatività e innovazione

Un pizzaiolo di successo non si limita a riprodurre ricette tradizionali, ma sperimenta nuove combinazioni di ingredienti e tecniche per offrire ai clienti esperienze uniche.

Perché scegliere la nostra scuola della pizza?

La nostra scuola pizzaioli offre corsi per pizzaioli con docenti esperti, attrezzature professionali e un programma didattico completo. In addition to, garantiamo supporto post-formazione per aiutare gli studenti a trovare lavoro o avviare un’attività in proprio.

Sign up today!

Se sogni di diventare un pizzaiolo professionista, non perdere l’opportunità di iscriverti ai nostri corsi. Acquisirai tutte le competenze necessarie per avere successo in questo settore appassionante e in continua crescita.

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi

School for pizza chefs: Why attend it and what advantages offers

School for pizza chefs: Why attend it and what advantages offers

Diventare un pizzaiolo professionista richiede passione, pratica e una formazione adeguata. Frequentare una scuola per pizzaioli può fare la differenza tra un semplice pizzaiolo e un vero maestro dell’arte bianca. In questa guida scoprirai tutti i vantaggi di iscriversi a un corso professionale.

1. Perché frequentare una scuola per pizzaioli?

Apprendimento strutturato: Seguire un programma ben definito ti permette di imparare in modo efficace, senza lacune. ✅ Formazione pratica: La scuola ti offre l’opportunità di mettere le mani in pasta fin dal primo giorno. ✅ Tecniche avanzate: Imparerai non solo le basi, ma anche segreti e metodi avanzati per realizzare impasti perfetti. ✅ Certificazione riconosciuta: Un attestato rilasciato da una scuola professionale aumenta le opportunità di lavoro. ✅ Inserimento lavorativo: Molte scuole collaborano con pizzerie e ristoranti per offrire stage e opportunità di impiego.

2. Cosa si impara in una scuola per pizzaioli?

I corsi professionali coprono ogni aspetto della preparazione della pizza:

🔹 Impasto e lievitazione: Tecniche per creare un impasto soffice e altamente digeribile. 🔹 Types of flour: Differenze tra farine raffinate, integrali e senza glutine. 🔹 Uso del forno: Tecniche di cottura con forno a legna, elettrico e a gas. 🔹 Gestione degli ingredienti: Qualità delle materie prime, combinazioni e dosaggi perfetti. 🔹 Pizza classica e gourmet: Dalla tradizione napoletana alle nuove tendenze di pizza contemporanea. 🔹 Gestione di una pizzeria: Come organizzare il lavoro, ottimizzare i tempi e gestire le forniture.

3. Quali sono i vantaggi di una certificazione professionale?

🎓 Maggiori opportunità di lavoro: I pizzaioli qualificati sono sempre richiesti in pizzerie e ristoranti. 🎓 Possibilità di lavorare all’estero: Un diploma riconosciuto facilita l’accesso a opportunità internazionali. 🎓 Crescita professionale: Con una buona formazione puoi aspirare a diventare capo pizzaiolo o aprire una tua pizzeria.

📌 Curiosity: Alcuni pizzaioli, dopo la formazione, scelgono di lavorare su food truck o avviare un franchising di successo!

4. Quanto costa frequentare una scuola per pizzaioli?

Il costo di un corso varia in base alla durata e alla qualità della formazione: ✅ Corso base: 500€ – 1.500€ ✅ Corso avanzato: 1.500€ – 3.000€ ✅ Masterclass specializzate: fino a 5.000€

💡 Investire nella formazione significa assicurarsi un futuro professionale più sicuro e redditizio.

5. Come scegliere la migliore scuola per pizzaioli?

Prima di iscriverti, valuta questi aspetti: 📌 Esperienza dei docenti: I migliori corsi sono tenuti da pizzaioli esperti e rinomati. 📌 Attrezzature e forni disponibili: Una scuola ben attrezzata ti prepara meglio al lavoro reale. 📌 Recensioni degli ex studenti: Controlla le opinioni di chi ha già frequentato il corso. 📌 Opportunità di stage: Le migliori scuole offrono tirocini in pizzerie di alto livello.

6. Conclusion

Frequentare una scuola per pizzaioli è un passo fondamentale per chi vuole fare carriera nel settore della ristorazione. Un’ottima formazione ti permette di acquisire competenze avanzate, ottenere una certificazione riconosciuta e accedere a numerose opportunità di lavoro.

🔹 Vuoi diventare un pizzaiolo professionista? Iscriviti al nostro corso e inizia il tuo percorso nella ristorazione!

How much a pizza chef earns

How much a pizza chef earns? Job opportunities and salaries

Diventare pizzaiolo è una scelta professionale sempre più apprezzata. Ma quanto guadagna un pizzaiolo in Italia e all’estero? Scopriamo insieme gli stipendi medi e le opportunità di crescita nel settore.

1. Lo stipendio medio di un pizzaiolo in Italia

Lo stipendio di un pizzaiolo varia in base all’esperienza, alla tipologia di locale e alla città in cui lavora. Ecco una stima degli stipendi medi:

Pizzaiolo apprendista: 1.200€ – 1.500€ al mese ✅ Pizzaiolo con esperienza (2-5 age): 1.500€ – 2.200€ al mese ✅ Pizzaiolo esperto o capo pizzaiolo: 2.200€ – 3.000€ al mese ✅ Pizzaiolo in ristoranti di lusso o hotel: fino a 4.000€ al mese

🔹 Bonus e mance: In molte pizzerie si ricevono mance extra, che possono aumentare il guadagno mensile di 200-500€.

2. Stipendio di un pizzaiolo all’estero

Lavorare come pizzaiolo all’estero può essere molto redditizio. Ecco gli stipendi medi in alcuni paesi:

🌍 USA: 3.000$ – 5.000$ al mese 🇬🇧 Regno Unito: 2.500£ – 3.500£ al mese 🇩🇪 Germania: 2.200€ – 3.500€ al mese 🇦🇺 Australia: 3.000 AUD – 5.500 AUD al mese

Il mercato internazionale offre grandi opportunità ai pizzaioli italiani, molto richiesti per la loro esperienza e qualità nel preparare la pizza autentica.

3. Opportunità di crescita nel settore

Oltre a lavorare come pizzaiolo dipendente, esistono altre possibilità di carriera:

Apertura di una propria pizzeria: Guadagni potenzialmente molto più alti. ✅ Chef pizzaiolo in ristoranti di lusso: Maggiori responsabilità e stipendi più elevati. ✅ Formatore e insegnante in scuole di pizzaioli: Perfetto per chi ama insegnare e trasmettere la propria passione. ✅ Food truck o franchising: Business innovativi con alta richiesta.

4. Come aumentare lo stipendio da pizzaiolo?

💡 Specializzarsi: Apprendere tecniche avanzate come impasti speciali (gluten free, multicereali) aumenta il valore professionale. 💡 Certificazioni: Ottenere un diploma da una scuola di pizzaioli riconosciuta può migliorare le opportunità lavorative. 💡 Esperienza internazionale: Lavorare all’estero per qualche anno può far crescere lo stipendio al rientro in Italia.

5. Conclusion

Il lavoro di pizzaiolo offre ottime prospettive di crescita, both in Italy and abroad. Con la giusta formazione e dedizione, è possibile guadagnare stipendi interessanti e costruire una carriera soddisfacente.

🔹 Vuoi iniziare la tua carriera da pizzaiolo? Iscriviti al nostro corso e diventa un professionista della pizza!

Courses for pizza: How to choose the best for you

Courses for pizza: How to choose the best for you

Se sogni di diventare un pizzaiolo professionista, scegliere il giusto corso di formazione è il primo passo fondamentale. In questa guida scoprirai quali sono gli elementi chiave per selezionare il miglior corso per le tue esigenze.

1. Perché frequentare un corso per pizzaioli?

Un corso di formazione ti permette di: ✅ Acquisire competenze pratiche e teoriche sulla preparazione della pizza. ✅ Imparare tecniche avanzate di impasto, lievitazione e cottura. ✅ Ottenere una certificazione riconosciuta nel settore della ristorazione. ✅ Accedere a migliori opportunità di lavoro in Italia e all’estero.

2. Cosa deve offrire un buon corso per pizzaioli?

📌 2.1 Formazione pratica

La pratica è fondamentale. Un buon corso deve includere ore di lavoro in laboratorio, esercitazioni sulla gestione dell’impasto e l’uso di diversi tipi di forno (the largest, electric, gas).

📌 2.2 Docenti esperti

Assicurati che il corso sia tenuto da professional pizza chefs con esperienza nel settore e che possano trasmettere non solo tecnica, ma anche consigli pratici sul lavoro quotidiano.

📌 2.3 Certificazione riconosciuta

Scegli un corso che rilasci un attestato valido a livello nazionale e internazionale, utile per trovare lavoro in pizzerie e ristoranti.

📌 2.4 Stage e tirocini

L’esperienza diretta sul campo è essenziale. Alcuni corsi offrono tirocini presso pizzerie per mettere subito in pratica le competenze acquisite.

3. Tipologie di corsi per pizzaioli

Esistono diverse tipologie di corsi in base al livello di esperienza e agli obiettivi professionali:

Corsi base: Ideali per principianti che vogliono imparare le basi della pizza. ✅ Corsi avanzati: Per chi ha già esperienza e desidera perfezionare le tecniche. ✅ Masterclass: Corsi di specializzazione su pizza napoletana, impasti alternativi o tecniche innovative. ✅ Corsi online: Soluzioni teoriche con supporti video, meno efficaci per l’esperienza pratica.

4. Quanto costa un corso per pizzaiolo?

Il costo di un corso varia in base alla durata e alla qualità della formazione:

  • Corso base: da 500€ a 1.000€
  • Corso avanzato: da 1.000€ a 2.500€
  • Masterclass specializzate: fino a 5.000€

Un buon corso rappresenta un investimento, ma garantisce un ritorno economico rapido grazie alle possibilità di lavoro nel settore.

5. Dove iscriversi?

La scelta della scuola è cruciale. Prima di iscriverti: 📌 Verifica le recensioni e testimonianze degli ex studenti. 📌 Controlla il programma dettagliato per capire cosa offre realmente. 📌 Chiedi informazioni su attestati e riconoscimenti ufficiali. 📌 Assicurati che la scuola offra supporto per l’inserimento lavorativo.

6. Conclusion

Scegliere il miglior corso per pizzaioli significa investire nel proprio futuro. Un percorso di qualità ti garantirà competenze solide, a attestato riconosciuto e maggiori opportunità di lavoro.

🔹 Vuoi diventare un pizzaiolo professionista? Iscriviti al nostro corso e inizia la tua carriera oggi stesso!

L'arte della presentazione come rendere la tua pizza appetitosa anche agli occhi

The art of presentation: how to make your pizza appetizing even to the eyes

Hello pizza chef friends and cooking enthusiasts! Today I want to talk to you about a fundamental aspect for any self-respecting pizzeria: the art of pizza presentation. Because, let's face it, a delicious pizza is certainly important, but a pizza that is also a feast for the eyes can really make the difference. Prepare to amaze your customers not only with taste, but also with sight, it is one of the keys to success in catering.

Beauty in Simplicity

Before going into the details of preparing dough and cooking pizza, I want to start with a fundamental concept: simplicity. Often, the simplest things are the most beautiful. Think of the classic Margherita: tomato, mozzarella, basil. Three simple ingredients that, if arranged carefully, they create a harmonious and appetizing image.

Dough preparation: The Base of Everything

Every great pizza starts with great dough. The preparation of dough is an art that requires time and patience. Use quality flours and dedicate the right time to leavening. A well-prepared dough not only guarantees a light and digestible pizza, but it also offers a perfect basis for a flawless presentation.

If you are interested in perfecting your dough preparation techniques, sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. Here you can learn from the best and discover all the secrets for a perfect dough.

Colors and Contrasts

One of the most important aspects of pizza presentation is the use of colors. A colorful dish is always more inviting. Think of the bright reds of tomatoes, to the bright greens of basil and the creamy whites of mozzarella. Playing with color contrasts can transform a simple pizza into a work of art.

When you add the ingredients, do it with care. Distribute the peppers evenly, the olive, rocket leaves or any other ingredient, in order to create a visual balance. A little trick is to think of your pizza as a canvas to paint: each ingredient is a color with which you can create your masterpiece.

Attention to Details

Details make the difference. An attentive pizza chef knows that even small details can transform a normal pizza into an extraordinary one. Eg, a drizzle of raw extra virgin olive oil, added just before serving, It can add shine and enrich the flavor. The same goes for a sprinkling of parmesan or fresh herbs.

Pizza cooking: The Moment of Truth

Cooking the pizza is another crucial moment. Perfect cooking not only guarantees exceptional taste, but it also contributes to the aesthetics of the dish. The oven must be very hot and the pizza must cook quickly to obtain a crispy base and a soft edge. Choice of oven (the largest, electric, gas) can affect the final result, but the most important thing is to constantly monitor cooking to prevent the pizza from burning or cooking unevenly.

Placing and Service

Plating also has its importance. A pizza served on a beautiful plate, maybe decorated with a little’ of flour or with a sprig of rosemary, can make a big impression. Remember that the first impression is what counts: a pizza that arrives at the table beautiful to look at is already half the success.

Sharing the Passion

Pizza presentation is a true art form that can only be refined with practice and passion. I invite you to share your creations and continue learning. And what better way to do it than by enrolling in our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school? You will learn not only to prepare delicious pizzas, but also to present them as true professionals.

Final greetings

With this, I greet you and thank you for taking the time to read these tips on pizza presentation. Remember that every detail counts and that the love for what you do is always reflected in the final result. Please feel free to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you will find more of 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. We are waiting for you!

Best regards,

Silvio Cicchi



The Secrets of Yeast: How to Get a Soft and Fragrant Pizza

Hello to all, pizza friends! Today I want to share with you the secrets to obtaining a soft and fragrant pizza, just like the one you find in the best pizzerias. If you are passionate about pizza and want to improve your preparation technique, this post is perfect for you. And if you are really serious about becoming a master pizza chef, I invite you to sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi Pizza School. But let's start immediately to discover all the tricks of the trade!

The Heart of Pizza: The yeast

Yeast is the magic ingredient that transforms a simple dough into a delicious, soft and fragrant pizza. But not all yeasts are the same, and knowing which one to use can make a big difference. There are mainly two types of yeast that we can use: brewer's yeast and sourdough.

Brewer's yeast is the most common in pizza dough preparations. It is easy to use and guarantees fast and uniform leavening. However, the sourdough starter, or natural yeast, it is what gives the pizza a unique flavor and a lighter and more digestible consistency. Even if it requires more time and care, the end result is absolutely worth it.

The Preparation of the Dough: Crucial Phase

Preparing the dough is one of the most important phases in creating a perfect pizza. First of all, it is essential to choose a good flour. Strong flours, with a high protein content, they are ideal for preparing dough because they are able to better retain the gas produced by the yeast, making the dough more elastic and the pizza softer.

Here is a basic recipe for a classic dough:

  • 500g of typical flour “00”
  • 300ml of water
  • 10g of salt
  • 3g of fresh brewer's yeast (or 1g of dry yeast)
  • 1 spoon of extra virgin olive oil

Start by dissolving the yeast in water at room temperature. Gradually add the flour and knead until you obtain a homogeneous mixture. At this point, add the salt and oil, continuing to knead for at least 10-15 minutes, until the dough is smooth and elastic.

Let the dough rise in a bowl covered with a damp cloth or cling film for at least 2 hours, or until it has doubled in volume. If you use sourdough, leavening may take longer, even up to 24 hours.

Cooking Pizza: The Moment of Truth

Cooking the pizza is another crucial step that can greatly influence the final result. Ideally, pizza should be cooked in a wood-fired oven, which can reach very high temperatures, around 400-500 degrees Celsius. However, even a good domestic oven can give excellent results if used correctly.

Preheat the oven to the highest possible temperature, usually around 250 degrees Celsius, and place a refractory stone on the central grill. The baking stone helps maintain an even temperature and cook the pizza more like a wood-fired oven. Once the oven is hot, transfer the rolled out dough onto the stone and cook for 10-15 minutes, until the edge is golden and crispy.

Final Tips for a Perfect Pizza

Now that you know the secrets of yeast, of the dough and cooking, here are some additional tips to further improve your pizza:

  • Use fresh, quality ingredients: San Marzano tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella and fresh basil can make a big difference in the flavor of your pizza.
  • Don't overdo it with the seasonings: A pizza that is too full of ingredients can become soft and difficult to cook. Keep it simple to get the best result.
  • Let the dough rest: After the first leavening, divide the dough into balls and let them rest for at least 30 minutes before rolling them out. This makes the dough easier to work with and improves the texture of the pizza.
  • Sign up for our pizza maker courses: If you really want to master the art of pizza, our courses are the perfect opportunity to learn from the best. Silvio Cicchi's Pizza School offers courses for all levels, from beginners to aspiring professional pizza chefs.

Greetings and Special Invitation

Thanks for reading this far! I hope these tips have been helpful and inspired you to make some amazing pizzas. I invite you to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you will find further 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. I can't wait to see your creations!

Warm greetings from Silvio Cicchi, and good pizza to everyone!



Pizza and travel exploring pizza traditions around the world

Pizza and travel: exploring pizza traditions around the world

Welcome dear readers! Today we dive into a delicious and fascinating adventure: explore pizza traditions around the world. The pizza, this dish loved and known everywhere, it has deep roots and various traditions that make every bite a unique experience. Get ready for a tasty journey across different continents and cultures, discovering together how pizza has become a global phenomenon.

The Origins of Pizza

The history of pizza begins in Naples, where the Margherita pizza was born. This simple tomato combination, mozzarella and basil is not only delicious, but it also symbolizes the colors of the Italian flag. The preparation of dough in this city still follows ancient traditions, with obsessive attention to the quality of the ingredients and the leavening process. The pizzerias of Naples are famous all over the world and represent a must-see for every pizza lover.

Pizza in America

Crossing the Atlantic, pizza has found a second home in the United States. who, pizza has undergone creative transformations that have made it an icon of American catering. La New York-style pizza, with its thin and crunchy crust, it is ideal for folding and eating on the fly. Chicago instead developed deep-dish pizza, a tall cake rich in cheese and tomato sauce. Each city has its own variant, demonstrating how versatile pizza can be.

Asia and Innovation

In Asia, pizza has taken an innovative turn. In Japan, pizzerias offer creative versions with local ingredients like sweet corn, mayonnaise and even raw fish. South Korea developed rice crust pizza, which adds a unique crunchy texture. These variations demonstrate how pizza can be adapted to local tastes while still maintaining its universal appeal.

Pizza in South America

Even in South America, the pizza found a warm welcome. In Brazil, pizza is often topped with a wide range of ingredients, from classics such as tomato and mozzarella, up to more exotic options such as seafood and bananas. Buenos Aires, with its large Italian community, offers pizzerias that keep Neapolitan traditions alive, but with an Argentine touch.

Pizza in Europe

Returning to Europe, each country has its own unique interpretation of pizza. In Germany, for example, si trova la Flammkuchen, a sort of thin pizza topped with sour cream, onions and bacon. In France, the Alsatian Tarte Flambée follows a similar tradition. The Nordic countries have also developed their own versions, often using local ingredients such as smoked salmon.

The Magic of Dough Preparation

Dough preparation is an art that requires patience and precision. Whether it's a traditional Neapolitan pizza or an innovative version, the dough is the basis on which everything else is built. Slow leavening, the choice of flours and manual manipulation are crucial aspects that determine the final quality of the pizza. Our Silvio Cicchi pizza school offers specialized courses where you can learn all the secrets of dough preparation and pizza cooking. Sign up for our pizza chef courses to become a master pizza chef and bring this art into your hands.

Cooking Pizza

Another fundamental element is cooking pizza. Wood-fired ovens are often considered the best for reaching the ideal temperature and imparting that smoky flavor that makes pizza unique. However, Electric and gas ovens can also produce excellent results if used correctly. Our pizza school offers practical sessions to teach the most effective cooking techniques, ensuring that every pizza comes out perfectly cooked and delicious.

Sign up for our courses

If you are passionate about pizza and want to deepen your knowledge, sign up for our pizza maker courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. Our courses are designed for everyone, from beginners to professionals, and offer a complete experience that covers every aspect of pizza preparation and cooking.

My YouTube Channel

Before leaving, I invite you to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you will find further 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. Each video is a source of inspiration and knowledge, perfect for anyone who wants to improve their cooking skills and discover new ways of making pizza.

Thank you for reading this post and for sharing your passion for pizza with me. I'm waiting for you in our courses and on my YouTube channel!

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi



Pizza and holidays creative ideas to celebrate with a special pizza

Pizza and holidays: creative ideas to celebrate with a special pizza

Welcome fellow pizza lovers! Today I want to share with you some creative ideas for celebrating the holidays with a special pizza. Let it be Christmas, Easter, Halloween or any other occasion, a pizza prepared with love and imagination can transform every party into an unforgettable moment.

The magic of pizza during the holidays

Pizza has always been a symbol of conviviality and joy. Preparing it at home or enjoying it in a pizzeria with friends and family is a ritual that makes every occasion special. But how can we make our pizza even more special during the holidays? Here are some ideas to amaze your guests and make every party unique.

Ideas for a Christmas pizza

Christmas is the time of year when everyone gathers around the table to share moments of joy. Why not make your pizza the protagonist of these celebrations? Here are some suggestions:

  1. Spiced dough: Add a touch of cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger to the mixture for an aroma reminiscent of Christmas sweets.
  2. Festive condiments: Use ingredients such as cooked ham, brie cheese and walnuts for a rich and enveloping flavour. Don't forget a sprinkle of fresh rosemary!
  3. Christmas decorations: Create small pizza dough stars to place on top of your creation. You can also use black olives to make eyes and mouths for cute mozzarella snowmen.

A scary pizza for Halloween

Halloween is the perfect holiday to have fun in the kitchen with creative recipes and a little’ scary. Even pizza can become a thrilling dish:

  1. Black dough: Add some’ of charcoal to the dough to obtain a black and mysterious pizza.
  2. Themed decorations: Create spider webs with the stringy mozzarella and use black olives to make little spiders. A little’ of pesto sauce can become green blood’ to be scattered here and there.
  3. Scary shapes: Cut the pizza into pumpkin shapes, bat or ghost for a surprising effect.

Easter with taste

Easter is another perfect occasion to celebrate with a special pizza. Here are some ideas:

  1. Cheese dough: Add grated parmesan or pecorino to the dough for an even richer flavor.
  2. Spring seasonings: Use asparagus, artichokes, hard-boiled eggs and a sprinkling of black pepper for a fresh, spring-like condiment.
  3. Elegant presentation: Decorate the pizza with edible flowers such as violets and marigolds for a refined touch.

Preparation of the dough: the basis of everything

A fundamental element for obtaining a perfect pizza is the preparation of the dough. In this, the choice of ingredients and the processing technique make the difference. Always use high quality flours and let the dough rise for the necessary time. If you want to improve your skills, sign up for our pizza maker courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. who, you will learn all the secrets of preparing the dough, from the choice of ingredients to the perfect leavening.

Pizza cooking: how to get the best result

Cooking the pizza is another crucial aspect. A hot oven and a baking stone can work wonders. Here is some advice:

  1. High temperature: Pizza requires a very high temperature, ideally around 250-300°C.
  2. Short cooking time: Cook the pizza for a short time, dai 5 to 7 minutes, to obtain a dough that is crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside.
  3. Be careful with the mozzarella: Add the mozzarella only in the last minutes of cooking to prevent it from burning.

Catering and pizza: a winning combination

Pizza is a versatile dish that adapts perfectly to different occasions and contexts, from fast food to gourmet restaurants. During the holidays, offering a special pizza can be an excellent strategy to attract customers and make their gastronomic experience unique. Think about thematic menus, unusual combinations and creative presentations to amaze your guests.

Our pizzaiolo courses

If you are passionate about pizza and want to turn this passion into a profession, sign up for our pizza maker courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. You will learn everything about preparing dough, pizza cooking and decoration techniques. Not only, you will have the opportunity to work side by side with industry experts and perfect your skills in a stimulating and professional environment.

Final invitation

Thanks for reading our blog post on how to make pizza the heart of your holidays. We hope these ideas inspire you to experiment and have fun in the kitchen. Don't forget to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you can find further 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses. With a little’ of creativity and passion, every party can become unforgettable with a special pizza.

Happy holidays and good pizza to everyone from Silvio Cicchi!



Pizza Sostenibile Come l'Industria si Sta Adattando alle Nuove Tendenze Eco Friendly

Sustainable Pizza: How the Industry is Adapting to New Eco-Friendly Trends

Hello to all, pizza lovers! Today I want to talk to you about a topic that is particularly close to my heart: sustainable pizza. Yes, you got it right! The pizza industry is also adapting to new eco-friendly trends and today we will discover together how pizzerias are doing their part for our planet.

The Pizzerias' Commitment to a Sustainable Future

Let's start with some good news: more and more pizzerias are adopting sustainable practices in preparing pizza. But what does it mean exactly “sustainable pizza”? This is a series of initiatives aimed at reducing the environmental impact linked to the production and consumption of pizza. Let's see some concrete examples.

Zero kilometer ingredients

One of the fundamental aspects of sustainable pizza is the use of zero kilometer ingredients. This means choosing local and seasonal raw materials, thus reducing emissions related to transport. Think of the goodness of a margherita prepared with fresh tomatoes and basil grown a few kilometers from the pizzeria. Not only does the flavor gain, but the environment is also grateful.

Preparation of the dough: Sustainability and Quality

Sustainability also comes from the preparation of the dough. More and more pizza makers are opting for organic and wholemeal flours, less refined and more nutritious. These flours are not only good for your health, but their production respects the environment, avoiding the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. And then, let's face it, a dough prepared with love and natural ingredients has a completely different flavour!

Clean Energy for Cooking Pizza

Another important aspect is the use of clean energy for cooking pizza. Many pizzerias are investing in latest generation wood-fired ovens, which guarantee more efficient and less polluting combustion. Still others have chosen to switch to electric ovens powered by renewable sources, like solar or wind. In this way, every daisy, four seasons or capricciosa that we bake is a small contribution to the fight against climate change.

Reduction of Waste in Catering

Sustainability is also seen in restaurant management. Reducing food waste is a priority for many pizzerias, who have implemented innovative solutions to prevent perfectly edible food from ending up in the garbage. Some have introduced flexible menus, adapting recipes based on available ingredients, while others collaborate with local associations to donate surplus food to those in need.

Packaging Eco-Friendly

Packaging also has its role in sustainable pizza. Pizzerias are abandoning plastic packaging in favor of more eco-friendly solutions, such as recycled and biodegradable cardboard boxes. Some have even introduced reusable containers for loyal customers, that can bring them back every time they order a pizza.

An Invitation to Become Sustainable Pizza Makers

Now that we have seen how the pizza industry is adapting to new eco-friendly trends, I invite you to do your part. If you are passionate about pizza and want to learn how to prepare it in a sustainable way, sign up for our pizza chef courses that we organize in our Silvio Cicchi pizza school. who, you will learn all the secrets to creating delicious and environmentally friendly pizzas.


The road to a sustainable future is made up of small ones, great gestures. Even a simple pizza can make the difference, if prepared with quality ingredients, efficient cooking methods and an attentive eye to the environment.

I greet you with affection and invite you to visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel, where you will find more of 300 videos of pizza recipes prepared by pizza chef students who enroll in our courses.

Thanks for reading and… Bon Appetite!

Greetings from Silvio Cicchi