Silvio Cicchi
It all began in 1976, in one of the usual dinner of the staff of a pizza, in which I worked as a dishwasher: the classic dinner before the service, where cooks, pizzaioli, waiters and dishwashers sit down to dinner together and talk, laughing and joking. The local pizza maker, such a "Master" Gennaro, clear of Neapolitan origin, age of almost 70 age, I asked: "Do you want to learn how to make pizzas?.” Instinctively, I said it. Perhaps, who knows, I did not only contradict, saw that he was the owner of the pizzeria.
In all the following days, since I had accepted the assignment, I accosted the "Master" in his work as a pizza chef Gennaro. Mi ordinava ("Counseled", according to him): do this, do what. I began to slowly make some simple focaccia, like bread that was served to the customers of the pizzeria.
He arrived on time the summer season; the city began to fill up with tourists and, suddenly, una sera, at work, they told me a terrifying news: the "master" Gennaro felt too old to work a 'whole season and other…. mi these: “Now you will need to carry forward the work of the pizzeria”.
I remember the first night that I began, alone, in the kitchen of the local: one of the first days of June. I remember the great laughs with much embarrassment that became waiters and customers of the restaurant to see that the pizzas that were sfornavo of many different forms …..but none was round. A fine serata, completely demoralized by how things had gone, I saw appear to the "Master" Gennaro; I expected reproaches (the famous "advice"), that, with a whisper, instead, mia with big surprise, mi these: “Brave, customers have enjoyed your pizzas”. Then, away, mi these: “Do not worry;,……….we'll work on form.
All the rest is history!!!
Even today, when I realize "my" pizzas, I happen even sfornarne someone who is not perfectly round; but it is, this time, of my choice!; I realized that in the kitchen it also takes imagination and creativity. The combinations and combinations of food and pizzas are endless. How infinite are the tastes and preferences of customers. Every now and then, in addition to classic pizzas, I propose my own creations and experiments. It 'a right and duty of pizza; as designers, as painters, i poeti, writers. In fondo, without presumption, I have always felt that my work is part of an art that is constantly developing and that we should refine daily.
I have so many other things and authentic anecdotes to add, and to tell. I plan to do so soon.
I have a feeling, however, to be able to give advice: in life and work are indispensable sacrifices e la will; but they can not ignore the passion.