All the articles by silviocicchi

SILVIO CICCHI:Male Age:54 A restaurant-trained Executive Pizza Chef, he is the author of upcoming book of pizza recepy: “PIZZA e FANTASIA“, you can download it for free registering on this site. He currently resides in Spinetoli (ITALY) with his cats and dogs. Specialized in Business start up – Pizza dove – Pizza courses – Art of pizza.

Mushrooms and Sausage Pizza Recipe

Updated the 6/2/23

Mushrooms and Sausage Pizza Recipe. Today we will prepare together a really popular pizza in Italy. The pizza mushrooms and sausage.

Many of you will be curious to know what the students do during the professional pizza maker courses. What do the future pizza chefs? The mystery is revealed!!

Juan Diego was filmed while preparing a delicious pizza with mushrooms and sausage for breakfast. A typical day during the course: Arrival in the laboratory in the morning, mixture preparation and exercise on drafting. Seasoning, baking in the oven.

A thank you to Diego who has served for the making of the video.

If desidere subscribe to our course, CLICK HERE.

Mushrooms and Sausage Pizza Recipe

How to prepare it:

After preparing the dough for pizza as described in this article, let it rest for leavening.

the drafting. The drafting of the balls of pizza, is a task to be done very semplicere, for those who are inexperienced and want to explore this topic, We dedicate our course online professional pizzaiolo, for more information click here.

Mushrooms and Sausage Pizza Recipe

The dressing


Mushrooms and Sausage Pizza Recipe
Add the tomato


Mushrooms and Sausage Pizza Recipe
Add the mushrooms


Mushrooms and Sausage Pizza Recipe
Add the crumbled sausage


Mushrooms and Sausage Pizza Recipe
Add the mozzarella

Bake in oven 300 degrees for 3/4 minutes and…ready!!

Mushrooms and Sausage Pizza Recipe
Bake at 300 degrees for a few minutes

Two leaves of fresh basil, cut into wedges and serve it piping hot to your guests.

Mushrooms and Sausage Pizza Recipe
Ready pizza with mushrooms and sausage


Join one of our professional courses for pizza. To know more click here!!

Pizza recipe Sarda

2 pizzas on 3 They Are Made With Lithuanian Mozzarella and Tomato Chinese

2 pizzas on 3 They Are Made With Lithuanian Mozzarella and Tomato Chinese: Source Coldiretti which has made public the list of contaminated foods that arrive in Italy.

I appeal to colleagues pizzaioli, to pizzerias holders and to all / and those who prepare the pizza at home, but you, that products used to prepare pizza?

Pizza al Salmone

According to authoritative sources “coldiretti” in 2015 imports of tomato paste from China rose 379% which is equal to 10% of national production, and also scares the importation of olive oil from Tunisia increased by 279%.

Also worrying is the increase in the 17% casearei of products for the production of mozzarella from Lithuania.

2 pizzas on 3 They Are Made With Lithuanian Mozzarella and Tomato Chinese

Initial estimates of the 2016 They are even more alarming when you look at the fact that there is an increase of one thousand tons of wheat from other countries, mainly from Canada.

All this happens daily before our eyes without the actual indication of origin of these foods is declared on the label (allowed by current legislation).

The Pizza Sailor
The Pizza Sailor

I'll cringe when I think that if a small operator makes a mistake on the compilation of the table of its ingredients in its pizzeria can incur huge fines or even days of their local closing.

The pizza, only in Italy with a total turnover 10 billion Euros and, listen Listen… every day is turning out 5 million pizzas for a total of 1,8 pizzas billion per year.

The equivalent in terms of ingredients:

200 million pounds of flour

225 million pounds of mozzarella

30 million pounds of olive oil

260 million pounds of tomatoes

All these data make us realize that 2 pizzas on 3 produced in Italy, They are “contaminate” by ingredients from foreign countries. This is unfair competition.

Pizza Sausage and Friarielli
Pizza Sausage and Friarielli

2 pizzas on 3 They Are Made With Lithuanian Mozzarella and Tomato Chinese

Dear friends, be careful what you buy when you prepare the pizza.

During the course of our pizza maker courses at our school, we take great care of the ingredients that we use. If you want more information about our professional courses CLICK HERE


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Pizza tomatoes Ricotta and Fresh Basil

Pizza tomatoes Ricotta and Fresh Basil

Pizza tomatoes Ricotta and Fresh Basil. This pizza is the most popular and most requested, suitable for all, great for those like me who are always on a diet.

Pizza tomatoes Ricotta and Fresh Basil
Pizza tomatoes Ricotta and Fresh Basil

Low calorie, good in the cool and refreshing season during the summer season.

This is an easy recipe to prepare, also suitable for those who engages to prepare pizza at home for the first time. The lightness and freshness of the ingredients that make this pizza makes it easy to implement.

To prepare this pizza just use fresh ingredients, a cooked, ripe cherry tomatoes and a few leaves of fresh basil.

Pizza tomatoes Ricotta and Fresh Basil
Pizza tomatoes Ricotta and Fresh Basil

Pizza tomatoes Ricotta and Fresh Basil

Dough preparation:

To 4 pizzas with a simple and fast dough, Carefully follow the suggested tips in our article you will find by clicking on this link.


Place the balls of dough in a container and let rest for leavening. The entire process of proving if proof were the need is clearly described in our dedicated article that you can see by clicking here.

balls drafting

Now for those who regularly follow this blog has become very easy roll out the pizza with your hands. If you are among those who still use the rolling pin, leggetevi this previous post containing many videos describing how to roll out the pizza with your hands.

Pizza tomatoes Ricotta and Fresh Basil
Pizza tomatoes Ricotta and Fresh Basil


Add on the basis of the pizza a generous layer of mozzarella, the cherry tomatoes, fresh ricotta, oil salt pepper and a sprinkling of oregano.

Bake in oven previously heated to a temperature of 300 degrees. After a minute of cooking as soon as the board will be perfectly golden, pizza will be ready.

Before serving it to your lucky guests, add a few leaves of fresh basil.

Pizza tomatoes Ricotta and Fresh Basil
Pizza tomatoes Ricotta and Fresh Basil

Pizza tomatoes Ricotta and Fresh Basil

If you also wish to become a pizza chef tù expert and prepare pizza to your house to your guests, subscribe to our course of pizza online. Learn easy with our method, many videos ready to watch again and again. Sign up, CLICK HERE


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Pizza baked in house on baking stone

Pizza baked in house on baking stone. One of the questions that comes to me more frequently by friends who prepare the pizza at home is as follows: How do I make a good pizza even with the oven in my house?

Pizza baked in house on baking stone
Pizza baked in house on baking stone

The biggest problem for those who prepare the pizza for the family at home lies in the cooking of the same. Many think that the cause of a bad result is due to the mix, the ingredients used, or the rising times not respected. All we know that the baking temperature of the pizza is approximately 300 degrees. Often the oven of our house does not even reach the maximum power of this temperature, and, if we consider that the opening of the large door of the oven, when we insert the pizza to be cooked, a large part of the heat is lost, the temperature drops drastically and we are to bake the pizza with the thermostat which indicates that the heat has subsided considerably, sometimes down to 200 degrees. The result that is obtained by cooking our pizza at such low temperatures is often due to lack of fragrance, rubbery pizza, pale color and cooking times that are up to 30 minutes. A good product cooked in a wood stove takes less than a minute, and in a professional oven is around 3 minutes.

Then, how to rectify this unfortunate incident and improve our pizza?

Pizza baked in house on baking stone
Pizza baked in house on baking stone

Pizza baked in house on baking stone

The baking stone.

The baking stone is a tool in my opinion fundamental and indispensable for all those who prepare the pizza at home in the classic kitchen oven.

The baking stone is inserted in the oven, the oven must be brought to temperature (300 degrees), It must be turned on at least 30 minutes early.

The refractory material will work for us acting as a heat accumulator, already you will notice right away that once inserted the pizza to be cooked and closed the oven door, the temperature will remain high enough. Already from the first time you use it, you will notice a marked improvement in your beloved pizza.

Pizza baked in house on baking stone
Pizza baked in house on baking stone

Pizza baked in house on baking stone

The perfect pizza:

You all know that you can cook the pizza directly on the refractory stone, try this, you shorten a lot of the cooking time and you will get a state of the art product.

Even for those that do not want to change their habits, and they want to continue to bake your own pizza in the classic pan, notice visible improvements in cooking using the aid of refractory stone.


Lovers of DIY, They can buy from stores of material for the building refractory mortar pennies per pound and build a baking stone for your custom and personalized thick oven. Who does not have time and possibilities, may apply to Amazon and get get the baking stone in their own home in a day at very reasonable prices.

Below are some examples of good refractory stones that I have selected for you:

If after all these recommendations and suggestions your homemade pizza is not the best aspect, or is coming disaster, I suggest you subscribe to our online professional course. Easy and suitable for everyone, our online course you will get fantastic results from the first time you prepare the pizza for your guests at your home. To learn more and to get more information, click here.

Pizza baked in house on baking stone
Pizza baked in house on baking stone


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Oil flavored with turmeric

Oil flavored with turmeric

Article updated on 21/10/2022

Oil flavored with turmeric. La Curcuma è una delle spezie più preziose in commercio, not for its price, but for its health properties: antioxidant, antibatteriche, It helps detoxify the liver, valuable help for diabetics as it runs counter cholesterol and blood sugar, painkiller and anti-inflammatory, anti constipation and strengthens the immune system. I stop here not to bore, but the list is still long.

Oil flavored with turmeric
Oil flavored with turmeric

Tutti gli amanti del curry già conoscono sicuramente questa spezia che è l’ingrediente principale delmasala” which it is the eastern name of our Western curry.

La Preparazione dell’olio aromatizzato

Aggiungere un cucchiaino di Curcuma a tutto il cibo che consumiamo giornalmente sarebbe un modo semplice per rimanere in salute.

Se non vi piace usare la curcuma in polvere potete prepararvi a casa vostra un fantastico olio aromatico che potrete usare sulle insalate, potatoes, vegetables, pasta, riso oppure in qualsiasi piatto compresa Pizza.

Oil flavored with turmeric
Oil flavored with turmeric

Oil flavored with turmeric


Mezzo litro di olio extra vergine di oliva

4 cucchiai di curcuma in polvere che troverete facilmente in qualsiasi supermercato nel reparto spices.

After you have thoroughly washed and dried a glass jar, pour in the extra virgin olive oil and turmeric, mix well with a spoon and close the jar with the lid tightly.

Lasciatelo riposare ora

Lasciate a riposo in un luogo buio della vostra casa per una settimana, remembering to shake it once each day.

At the end of the week, decant oil turmeric gently in a bottle without moving turmeric which will be deposited completely on the bottom of the jar.

Olio Aromatizzato alla Curcuma
Oil flavored with turmeric

Olio alla Curcuma

If you want to learn more about this valuable root, you can consult wikipedia

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Pizza al Salmone

Pizza al Salmone

Pizza al Salmone. Today we prepare one of my favorite pizzas, very simple but unique taste.

Pizza al Salmone
Pizza al Salmone

The pizza Salmon can be prepared with a tomato base or to prevent damaging the delicate salmon taste, Only with mozzarella. To prepare this delicious pizza I use smoked salmon, which adds a touch of style more to our pizza. The smoked salmon is available in all supermarkets from an economic quality until you get to quite high prices. Since our salmon cooked on the pizza will, I recommend buying an inexpensive type.

To give accent to the salmon on our pizza're going to add fresh chives,Do not use the dry assignable in jars in the spice department.

Upon returning home, washed thoroughly chives, dry it well with a cloth and chop finely. Open also the vacuum packaging of salmon that upon contact with the air, magically recover a little of its natural pink color.

Pizza al Salmone
Pizza al Salmone

Pizza al Salmone

Preparing the mix

Before preparing the dough for pizza, It would be good for you to read our post entirely devoted to the flour, which one to buy for pizza and how to work it. If you want to deepen this topic, click here.

useful information: When you prepare your pizza dough, always remember to move the flour through a sieve. E’ a very important operation, If you wonder why you read our post dedicated to this operation.

After preparing the dough for pizza as shown in our previous article, tagliamolo into pieces 250/270 grams, this operation which makes the pizza every day is called “staglio”, we form the pizza dough balls and let's put in a container with a lid and let him rise.

After the rising phase, Roll out the pizzas to form discs of a diameter of about 30/33 cm.

Pizza al Salmone
Pizza al Salmone

Pizza al Salmone


Add the pasta discs a generous layer of mozzarella, chop the slices of smoked salmon into smaller pieces and arrange the mozzarella. Add the chopped chives that you had prepared earlier, a touch of freshly ground black pepper, an extra virgin olive oil and the pizza is ready to fire.

When the oven is hot at a temperature of 300 degrees bake your pizza with salmon.

It employs just under 5 minutes to cook, as soon as the board has reached the perfect browning, baked.

Your kitchen will be filled with a pleasant smell of salmon.

Before serving your pizzas, add two fresh basil leaves.

Combine the salmon pizza with a good dry white wine, you can be sure to win over your guests.

Pizza al Salmone
Pizza al Salmone

If you are the true experts in preparing the pizza, could be of assistance the course of professional pizza maker ONLINE that I have prepared for you. Many videos to view and review, Read many articles with helpful information, tricks and secrets. A certificate issued by the school of pizza and a tutor at your disposal that you will follow during the course and will answer all your doubts and questions. To know more CLICK HERE

The smoked salmon: for those who want to explore this topic, here is its link to wikipedia


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Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use. This article contains the '”A B C” a pizzaiolo, a pastry chef or a baker. All those who are about to make pizza or bread in the store or at home should know perfectly the content of this post.

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use
Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

Flour…. because we do not give the right value to the flour that we use? Often we commit our first mistake in the preparation of the pizza from the choice of the flour we buy on the supermarket shelf. I'm tired of listening to complaints juxtaposed to a badly managed product, blaming your oven, leavening, the yeast that was not good or not has been put enough dough. From all this it was necessary to write again for clarification on this product which is the basic ingredient of bread in all the kitchens of the world.

Each flour has special characteristics which make it suitable for one or for another type of preparation.

We see all kinds of wheat flour, their use, the difference between their strength (The) and proteins, so we will be able to make the right choice in buying:

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use
Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use


Flour 00 It is the most common flour, It is obtained from the processing of the inner part of the seed of wheat, to tell the truth when it comes to us, the 00 It does not contain anything more, considering that, in the grinding process are eliminated fibers, minerals and vitamins. It will surely be easy to work, but does not provide any nutrients to our body, Indeed there are many who say that it hurts, rich in sugars and difficult to digest.


Just less refined the 00, flour type 0 and widely used in bread making because it contains much gluten.


The high content of bran and wheat germ make flour 1 full of useful substances for our body. Very used for the production of bread, pizza, pastries and bakery products.


The flour 2 It is an integral seed flour, Highly textured and coarsely minced. Much easier to work with than the whole wheat flour. Precisely because of its degree of grinding the flour 2 leavens much more slowly than a 0 or of a 00. This type of flour is used in baking, a pizzeria and bakery for some types of sweets.


The unrefined grinding, from this type of flour a grainy texture to the touch. It contains the highest number of nutrients seen that the whole is milled grain of wheat. Although its use is very limited as very difficult to work, it is the best. If you decide to buy it, try freshly ground whole wheat flour in stone, the slow grind does not overheat the grain that will keep all its properties.

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use
Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

The strength of the flour

The flour is also classified according to its power (The). the strength of the flour is the absorption capacity of liquids during the dough and the ability to retain carbon dioxide during the leavening (see the gluten network of the pizza) and it is measured according to the contained gluten protein (gliadina+ glutenina).

A strong flour will be used for long fermentation products such as bread, pizza, Christmas panettone and Easter cakes with cheese, A weak flour is suitable for production that do not require long rising, type pastry, brisè pasta etc..

The strength of the flour find it written on the same packaging, the unit of measurement is the W, the strength scale ranges from weak to stronger 130W 500W.

Here's how they are used:

weak flours up to 170W

These flours absorb about 50% of liquids and are ideal for leavened flour like cookies

Farine medie da 180W and 260W

Absorb in phase of liquid mixture that can reach the 65% weight and they are used for products that contain an average quantity of liquid as the rolls.

Farine forti da 270W and 350W

absorb the 65 to the 70% liquid and is ideal for PIZZA. For a good pizza often prepares a mixture containing flour Manitoba. The MANITOBA flour is often used to increase the strength of weak flour, It has its own force of about 350W and comes to even absorb 90% of liquid.

strong flour over 350W

These flours arrive to absorb up to 90% of liquid. They are often used by pastry chefs to prepare delicious Panettone and Pandoro.

In Italy, specialists in Complicating matters is in force the law number 580 which, with its subsequent amendments provides that the bag of flour classification is shown in terms of ashes or the minerals that remain intact after refining: more ashes are low and more the flour is refined.

Soft wheat flour type 00 – 0,55%
Soft wheat flour type 0 – 0,65%
Soft wheat flour type 1 – 0,80%
Soft wheat flour type 2 – 0,95%
Wheat wholemeal flour – 1,30% / 1,70%

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use
Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use

The flour protein.

Even proteins ( Gliadina e glutenina) They must be specified by law on the bag of flour. The minimum values ​​of commerce have these:

Soft wheat flour type 00 – 9,00%
Soft wheat flour type 0 – 11,00%
Soft wheat flour type 1 – 12,00%
Soft wheat flour type 2 – 12,00%
Wheat wholemeal flour – 12,00%

The hard wheat flour

For wheat flour as not to further complicate things we have reserved a separate article that you can consult by clicking here.

I tend to have in my school pizza makers of the students who come from other countries where the flours are classified differently, so I prepared a helpful valid table for you if you decide to make pizza to your guests while on holiday abroad.

Classification of flour abroad:
Soft wheat flour type 00 – Pastry flour
Soft wheat flour type 0 – All pourpose flour
Soft wheat flour type 1 – High gluten flour
Soft wheat flour type 2 – First clear flour
Wholemeal flour – White whole wheat
Durum wheat flour – Durum wheat semolina

Flour!!! In our professional courses of pizza at our school of pizza, the flour is the basic argument that everyone should know. A pizza maker who attended our course will be able to prepare their own perfect blend of flour, depending on the type of leavening that want to do. To learn more about our professional courses CLICK HERE.

If you want to learn more about the flour, consultation wikipedia

Guide Flour for Pizza Which Use


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Pineapple in Kitchen and Pizzeria

Pineapple in Kitchen and Pizzeria

Pineapple in Kitchen and Pizzeria. delicious fruit that can be found throughout the year in the fruit and vegetable stands of large and small supermarkets.

Most of the pineapples we consume comes from Hawaii, from the Caribbean, Mexico and Brazil.

Such as oranges, the pineapple is rich in vitamin C and citric acid, dextrose and fructose that give the fruit its characteristic sweet and sour taste at the same time.

Pineapple in Kitchen and Pizzeria
Pineapple in Kitchen and Pizzeria

Pineapple in Kitchen and Pizzeria

It seems that in Europe the Belgians and the Dutch are the biggest consumers of this delicious fruit. In Italy it became popular only in recent years, that is, since it began to be used for different preparations at the pizzeria and in the kitchen.

Ideal for consumption as fruit after a meal, widely used for salads and sorbets, grilled served with a sprinkling of cinnamon, diced in salads.

Those who work in the kitchen knows very well this fruit, and he knows that also lends in the risotto preparations , and on cold rice salads. With its unmistakable taste fresh pineapple is easily adaptable to be served with the pork meat, chops or fried tidbits.

Pineapple in Kitchen and Pizzeria
Pineapple in Kitchen and Pizzeria

Pineapple in Kitchen and Pizzeria

The pizzeria pineapple arrived bounce through the American culture, they of course to have invented Hawaiian pizza, and, very slowly, over the years it has also been imported into our country. It is now easy to find the Hawaiian pizza almost all of pizzerias of our country menu.

In our country is also popular the canned pineapple (syrup), but you know that when cooked in water and sugar pineapple lose much of its beneficial properties.

rather different speech for the Pina Colada, the famous Puerto Rican cocktail made with rum and pineapple smoothie which is a long time known and famous in the world.

Pineapple in Kitchen and Pizzeria
Pineapple in Kitchen and Pizzeria

Pineapple in Kitchen and Pizzeria

Leafing through the history books, it would seem that Christopher Columbus found this curious result in 1493 the island of Guadeloupe in the West Indies.

They were the first Portuguese colonizers and the Spanish who introduced the cultivation of this plant in their colonies of South Africa and.

The Pineapple is known by all as a result “fat burning” but, We know that there are no foods that make you lose weight. E’ true that contains a high content of bromelain, an enzyme contained in the stem, which speeds up metabolism and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory, but you should consume uncooked, because bromelain disappears with cooking.

Pineapples comes from “ananaz” which is the name the Portuguese gave to this fruit by copying the natives who called him “nana” The Spanish conquistadores called it “pineapple” which had followed the English name “pineapple” for its resemblance to the pine cone.

Pineapple in Kitchen and Pizzeria
Pineapple in Kitchen and Pizzeria

If you are interested in using the pineapple in pizza, follow our recipe “Hawaiian Pizza


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The Pizza Sailor

The Pizza Sailor

The Pizza Sailor. Anyone who has the good fortune to live in one of the fantastic seaside villages of Italy, He knows very well the pizza we want to talk today, it is the “The Pizza Sailor "

The Pizza Sailor
The Pizza Sailor

Be careful not to confuse this with the pizza "Pizza Marinara”, or "The Pizza Ai Frutti Di Mare"Who else, the sailor's pizza is prepared to meet the needs of sailors, This brave people who gets up early in the night, part by any fishing climate with your own boat.

The Pizza Sailor consists of natural ingredients for strong palates, onions, chilli, Garlic, Anchovies and tomato.

Compared to the simple focaccia, pizza Sailor has the tomato between the main ingredients, so it does not dry during long fishing trips to Mariners.

E’ You can find it since early morning in the local bakeries and bakers.

The Pizza Sailor
The Pizza Sailor

The Pizza Sailor


The preparation of this pizza at home is very simple and suitable for all.

Prepare the pizza dough homemade with the suggested recipe in this article that explains step by step how to prepare the perfect dough for pizza at home.

After the mixing phase, storing the mixture in small boxes with lid and let them rest for leavening.

Meantime, pour into a pan a little oil extra virgin olive oil, solltili garlic slices and finely chopped onion, add to your pleasure the crushed red pepper, mix together and left to dry on low heat.

The Pizza Sailor
The Pizza Sailor

The Pizza Sailor

Roll out the pizza dough to form the thin disks of dough the diameter of about 30 cm. You can help in drafting reading this article which it contains some good videos that you can watch.

Add the tomato and onion garlic and chilli preperato previously wilted in a pan. Add the anchovies thoroughly, making sure to drain off the oil.

A little oil and bake in your oven preheated to a temperature of 300 degrees.

After a few minutes of cooking, when the edge of your pizza will be perfectly golden can sfornarle.

A few leaves of fresh basil and your pizza is ready to be wrapped and take with you in your trip by boat, or to be consumed at home with your friends.

If it is almost the pizza lovers and would like to become good / a as an expert pizza maker, It is available on our professional course of pizza online. For more information and to visit the course page, click here.


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Converting American and British units in the kitchen

Converting American and British units in the kitchen. A welcome gift to all those who love to cook. Surely you will often, as it happens to me, in the preparation of some recipes we are faced with having to calculate the strange measures taken by the Anglo-Saxons and the Americans and translate them with the units of measurement “European” with which we are most often used to working.

Converting American and British units in the kitchen
Converting American and British units in the kitchen

If you are among one of these, I suggest you save this page to your sites “Favorites” then find it easily just you need it.

The measuring system of the Anglo-American recipes is completely based on:

= Cup Cups

Tablespoon = Spoons

Teaspoon Teaspoon =

Ounces = Once

which they are used in all recipes for solids than for liquids.

For those who are not very good at math, here is a very useful table that I have prepared for you.

Converting American and British units in the kitchen
Converting American and British units in the kitchen

Converting American and British units in the kitchen

conversion table from ounces to grams:

½ oz = 10 g
¾ oz = 20 g
1 oz = 25 g
1½ oz = 40 g
2 oz = 50 g
2½ oz = 60 g
3 oz = 75 g
4 oz = 110 g
4½ oz = 125 g
5 oz = 150 g
6 oz = 175 g
7 oz = 200 g
8 oz = 225 g
9 oz = 250 g
10 oz = 275 g
12 oz = 350 g
1 lb = 450 g
1 lb 8 oz = 700 g
2 lb = 900 g
3 lb = 1.35 kg

This is instead the table for the conversion of liquid:

1 cup = 240 ml
1/2 cup = 120 ml
1/3 cup = 80 ml
1/4 cup = 60 ml = 4 tablespoons (tbsp)
1 tablespoon (tbsp) = 15 ml = 3 teaspoons (tsp)
1 teaspoon = 5 ml (tsp)
1 fluid ounce = 30 ml
1 US quart = 1 liter

This table represents the devious “cup”

1 cup flour = 150 grams
1 cup granulated sugar = 225 grams
1 cup brown sugar = 175 grams
1 cup raisins = 200 grams
1 cup uncooked basmati rice = 180 grams
1 cup grated cheese = 110 grams
1 cup butter / margarine = 2 stick = 225 grams
1 cup milk = 240 ml
1 cup Yogurt = 250 grams
1 cup chocolate chips = 160 grams
1 cup cacao = 120 grams
1 cup miele = 300 grams
1 cup polenta = 160 grams

Converting American and British units in the kitchen
Converting American and British units in the kitchen

Converting American and British units in the kitchen

Knowing the amount expressed in units of measurement Anglo-American and multiplying for conventional numbers you get the right amount in the European measurement system.

Teaspoons (tsp) x 4.93 = milliliters
Tablespoons (tbsp) x 14.79 = milliliters
Fluid ounces (fl. oz.) x 29.57 = milliliters
Cups x 236.59 = milliliters
Cups x 0.236 = liters
Ounces x 28.35 = grams

Complicated? With the availability of this table, certainly everything will be easier.

It does not end here, Also the measures for the temperatures and for the speeds are different, but more about that in another article.

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