Foods with no or almost no shelf life. Pandemics wars and nowhere to be found in supermarkets, anything could happen. It is important to know how long we can keep our beloved foods in the pantry and prevent them from losing their properties.
Recommended or not, its duration is indefinite, when stored in a tightly closed glass jar and in a dry, dark place with no humidity.
Long shelf life foods
Two years is the minimum a packet of pasta will last you. Well preserved, in a cool place, dark and without humidity, this period can easily be doubled.
Plain white rice can last five years without a problem. If stored under vacuum, as stated by the United States Department of Agriculture, the deadline is 30 age.
Foods with no or almost no shelf life
This fantastic product can be stored for years and you can consume it without any problems, thanks to the minimum amount of water it contains, which prevents the proliferation of bacteria and microorganisms inside it.
Olive oil
Essential ingredient in our life, its pH which will determine its expiration date. The lower the pH, the longer the olive oil will last. Minimum one year of expiry.
Long-term food to keep in the pantry
Sesame, chia or poppy are just seeds with a very long shelf life that can take years, but they should be kept in a dark place, cool and dry and in an airtight container, so that bacteria cannot access.
Soluble coffee
A package of instant coffee lasts more than a year if it is intact. In my house it lasts until it's finished.
Other great foods
Cocoa is undoubtedly the alternative to coffee and stored in its unopened package can be stored longer than coffee.
Eggplants, olives, pickles or onions are foods that can last much more than a year in the pantry.
The trick to perfect storage is to store it in an airtight container, in a cool and dry place.
They can be stored for years. Effectively, they don't have a true expiration date, but rather a recommended expiration date. Then, lentils, beans or chickpeas should never be missing from our pantry.
Salt never expires. It is a food whose expiration date is indeterminate.
Pickled vegetables
The preservation process that takes place with pickled vegetables can extend their life up to two years.
Milk powder
Powdered milk lasts for five years..
Balsamic vinegar
Four years if the package is not opened. Once opened, when stored in its airtight container, in a cool place, dark and not too hot, its expiry date can be extended by two years.
Fish in tin
Sardine, tuna etc. have expiration dates that can reach several years and are still consumable, thanks to the sterilization process to which they are subjected.
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Silvio Cicchi